Acidez - Âmbar, Brasilianita, Citrino, Crisoberilo, Dolomita, Malaquita, Peridoto, Pirita, Smithsonita, Topázio Imperial.
Acne - Magnetita, Smithsonita, Tanzanita, Turquesa, Zincita.
AIDS - Cuprita, Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Heliotrópio, Hematita, Jaspe Vermelho, Malaquita, Quartzo Vermelho, Realgar, Rubi, Selenita, Sugilita.
Alcoolismo - Ametista, Kunzita, Selenita, Sugilita.
Alergias - Ágata Musgo, Calcita Verde (fumaças tóxicas e produtos químicos), Cornalina, Jaspe Paisagem, Magnetita (pele), Peridoto, Smithsonita (pele), Tanzanita, Turquesa (pele), Zincita (pele).
Amigdalite - Ágata Azul Rendada, Água Marinha, Angelita, Celestita, Indicolita, Malaquita, Quartzo Azul, Shattuckita, Topázio Azul.
Amnésia - Azurita, Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Selenita, Sugilita, Tanzanita.
Anestesia - Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Hematita, Selenita, Tanzanita.
Anemia - Coral, Cornalina, Granada, Heliotrópio, Hematita, Rubi, Turmalinas (todas).
Aneurisma - Ágata Musgo, Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Selenita.
Anorexia Nervosa - Ágata Musgo, Azurita-Malaquita, Cornalina, Diamante, Kunzita, Topázio Imperial, Turquesa.
Apendicite - Citrino, Enxofre, Malaquita, Peridoto.
Arteriosclerose - Esmeralda, Madeira Petrificada, Selenita.
Artrite - Ágata Azul Rendada, Azurita, Calcita Verde, Coral, Crisocola, Enxofre, Fluorita, Howlita, Kunzita, Madeira Petrificada, Rubelita, Turmalina Preta.
Asma - Água Marinha, Albita, Celestita, Crisocola, Quartzo Azul, Topázio Azul, Turquesa.
Assimilação de Cálcio - Calcita (todas), Dolomita, Howlita.
Assimilação de Ferro - Heliotrópio, Hematita.
Assimilação de Flúor - Fluorita.
Assimilação de Oxigênio - Hematita.
Assimilação de Proteínas - Alexandrita, Rubelita.
Assimilação de Vitaminas - Piromorfita.
Assimilação de Zinco - Zincita.
Astigmatismo - Apatita (azul), Azurita, Calcita Ótica, Indicolita, Lápis Lázuli.
Autismo - Ametista, Azurita, Charoíta, Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Malaquita, Opala Branca, Selenita, Sugilita.
Azia - Âmbar, Brasilianita, Citrino, Crisoberilo, Dolomita, Malaquita, Peridoto, Smithsonita, Topázio Imperial. * Batimento Cardíaco* - Charoíta, Esmeralda, Magnesita, Malaquita.
Bronquite - Água Marinha, Albita, Celestita, Crisocola, Indicolita, Lápis Lázuli, Malaquita, Pirita, Quartzo Azul, Topázio Azul, Turquesa.
Bulimia - Ágata Musgo, Azurita-Malaquita, Cornalina, Kunzita, Topázio Imperial, Turquesa.
Bursite - Fluorita, Malaquita.
Cãibras - Hematita, Lepidolita, Magnetita, Malaquita.
Câncer - Azurita-Malaquita, Crisocola, Diamante Herkimer, Fluorita, Hematita, Indicolita, Lápis Lázuli, Malaquita, Pedra da Lua, Pérola, Quartzo Azul, Rubelita.
Candidiase - Cinábrio, Hemimorfita.
Cardiovasculares - Adamita, Dioptásio, Esmeralda, Heliotrópio, Hematita, Kunzita, Malaquita, Rubi.
Catarata - Apatita (azul), Azurita, Calcita Ótica, Indicolita, Lápis Lázuli, Malaquita, Quartzo (cristal), Turquesa.
Cicatrização - Hematita, Malaquita, Rubi, Verdelita.
Circulação - Ágata Musgo, Albita, Bixbita, Coral, Cornalina, Enxofre, Esmeralda, Espinélio, Galena, Granada, Heliotrópio, Hematita, Kunzita, Lápis Lázuli, Malaquita, Pirita, Quartzo Rosa, Rubi, Topázio Imperial, Turmalina Preta, Verdelita.
Cirrose Hepática - Enxofre, Malaquita, Peridoto, Topázio Imperial.
Cirurgia - Esmeralda, Hematita, Malaquita, Peridoto, Verdelita.
Cisto - Cornalina, Crisocola, Magnesita, Malaquita, Shattuckita.
Coagulação - Hematita, Rubi, Shattuckita.
Cólera - Malaquita.
Colesterol - Coral, Esmeralda, Magnesita, Rubi.
Cólica - Crisocola, Granada, Magnesita, Malaquita, Safira.
Coma - Charoíta, Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Hematita, Selenita, Sugilita, Tanzanita.
Conjuntivite - Apatita (azul), Azurita, Indicolita, Lápis Lázuli.
Convulsões - Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Selenita, Sugilita.
Cura Generalizada - Aventurina, Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Dioptásio, Esmeralda, Espinélio (verde), Hiddenita, Jadeíta, Malaquita, Nefrita, Peridoto, Quartzo (Cristal), Serpentina, Turquesa, Variscita, Verdelita.
Daltonismo - Ametista, Apatita (azul), Azurita, Indicolita, Lápis Lázuli.
Dengue - Malaquita.
Depressão - Citrino, Crisocola, Larimar, Topázio Imperial.
Derrames - Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Rubi, Selenita, Sugilita.
Descongestionamento - Água Marinha, Amazonita, Celestita, Crisocola, Quartzo Azul, Smithsonita, Topázio Azul, Turquesa.
Desequilíbrios Hormonais - Granada, Kunzita.
Desmaios - Selenita, Zircão.
Diabetes - Ágata Musgo, Ametista, Ametrino, Bixbita, Citrino, Enxofre, Granada, Hematita, Magnetita, Malaquita, Peridoto, Rodocrosita, Rubi, Topázio Imperial.
Diarréia - Citrino, Enxofre, Halita, Hematita, Magnesita.
Dietas - Hemimorfita, Topázio Imperial.
Disenteria - Citrino, Enxofre, Halita, Hematita, Rubi.
Disfunções Cerebrais - Safira, Selenita, Sugilita.
Dislexia - Ametista, Azurita, Diamante, Hematita, Indicolita, Malaquita, Safira, Sugilita, Turmalina Preta, Vivianita.
Distrofia Muscular - Azurita-Malaquita, Turmalina Preta.
Diurético - Enxofre, Halita, Peridoto.
Diverticulite - Citrino, Enxofre, Malaquita, Peridoto, Topázio Imperial, Vesuvianita.
Doenças Genéticas e Congênitas - Ágata Musgo, Granada, Shattuckita, Turmalinas (todas).
Doenças Venéreas - Cornalina, Crocoíta, Granada, Heliotrópio, Hemimorfita, Opala Negra, Quartzo Rosa, Rubelita, Rubi.
Dor de cabeça - Ágata Azul Rendada, Ametista, Fluorita, Halita, Hematita, Kunzita, Magnetita, Zircão.
Dores em geral - Âmbar, Ametista, Diopsídio, Enxofre, Euclásio, Hemimorfita, Kunzita, Magnetita, Malaquita, Safira.
Eczema - Malaquita, Tanzanita, Turquesa.
Edema - Malaquita, Pedra da Lua.
Endurecimento de Vasos - Esmeralda, Granada, Heliotrópio, Rubi, Variscita.
Enfarte - Adamita, Esmeralda, Malaquita.
Enfizema - Malaquita.
Enxaqueca - Ametista, Charoíta, Malaquita, Zircão.
Epilepsia - Ametista, Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Hematita, Kunzita, Malaquita, Opala Branca, Sugilita.
Equilíbrio (perda) - Azurita, Granada, Hematita, Zircão
Esclerose - Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Selenita, Sugilita.
Esclerose Múltipla - Água Marinha, Charoíta, Cuprita, Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Heliotrópio, Malaquita, Rubi, Selenita, Sugilita, Tanzanita.
Esterilidade - Cornalina, Crocoíta, Wulfenita.
Estomatite - Brasilianita, Citrino, Crisoberilo, Dolomita, Malaquita, Peridoto, Smithsonita, Topázio Imperial.
Fadiga - Crocoíta, Hematita, Selenita, Topázio Imperial, Vanadinita.
Faringite - Água Marinha, Angelita, Celestita, Malaquita, Pirita, Quartzo Azul, Topázio Azul.
Febre - Água Marinha, Brasilianita, Celestita, Coral, Crisoberilo, Crisocola, Diopsídio, Jaspe Vermelho, Lápis Lázuli, Malaquita, Quartzo Azul, Rubi, Topázio Azul, Turquesa.
Ferimentos - Hematita.
Fertilidade - Âmbar, Cinábrio, Coral, Cornalina, Crisocola, Crocoíta, Lingam, Quartzo Enfumaçado, Wulfenita.
Fibroma - Cornalina, Crisocola, Malaquita.
Fome - Apatita (verde, amarela), Cornalina.
Fraqueza - Apatita, Cinábrio, Cornalina, Crocoíta, Cuprita, Heliotrópio, Hematita, Magnesita, Malaquita, Peridoto, Pirita, Rubi, Turmalina Preta, Zircão.
Fraturas - Ágata Azul Rendada, Dolomita, Fluorita, Howlita, Malaquita.
Frigidez - Cornalina, Crocoíta, Uvarovita, Wulfenita.
Gagueira - Vivianita.
Gangrena - Citrino, Cuprita, Heliotrópio, Hematita.
Gases - Brasilianita, Citrino, Crisoberilo, Peridoto.
Gastrite - Brasilianita, Citrino, Crisoberilo, Dolomita, Malaquita, Peridoto, Smithsonita, Topázio Imperial.
Gengivite - Ágata de Botswana, Ágata Musgo, Coral, Cornalina, Malaquita, Piromorfita.
Glaucoma - Apatita (azul), Azurita, Indicolita, Lápis Lázuli.
Gota - Citrino, Crisoprásio, Enxofre, Kunzita, Malaquita, Peridoto, Topázio Imperial.
Gravidez - Amazonita, Crisocola, Smithsonita, Unakita.
Gripe e Resfriados - Água Marinha, Celestita, Crisocola, Enxofre, Fluorita, Malaquita, Quartzo Azul, Topázio Azul.
Halitose (mau hálito) - Citrino, Topázio Imperial.
Hemofilia - Ágata Musgo, Cuprita, Granada, Heliotrópio, Hematita, Rubi, Shattuckita.
Hemorragia - Ágata de Botswana, Ágata Musgo, Coral, Cornalina, Cuprita, Granada, Heliotrópio, Hematita, Malaquita, Rubi, Topázio Imperial.
Hemorróidas - Granada, Heliotrópio, Hematita, Rubi, Turquesa.
Hepatite - Ágata Musgo, Azurita-Malaquita, Bixbita, Citrino, Coral, Enxofre, Fluorita, Granada, Hematita, Magnesita, Malaquita, Peridoto, Rubelita, Rubi, Topázio Imperial.
Hérnia - Malaquita.
Hérnia de Hiato - Citrino, Malaquita, Peridoto, Smithsonita, Topázio Imperial.
Herpes - Granada, Hemimorfita, Magnetita, Turquesa.
Hipertensão - Água Marinha, Celestita, Crisocola, Esmeralda, Quartzo Azul, Rubi, Topázio Azul, Turquesa.
Hipoglicemia - Ágata Musgo, Ametista.
Hipotiroidismo - Água Marinha, Azurita, Celestita, Crisocola, Cuprita, Indicolita, Kunzita, Quartzo Azul, Topázio Azul, Turquesa.
Impotência - Âmbar, Cornalina, Crocoíta, Lingam, Variscita, Wulfenita.
Indigestão - Âmbar, Brasilianita, Citrino, Crisoberilo, Malaquita, Peridoto, Smithsonita, Topázio Imperial.
Infecções - Angelita, Crisocola, Madeira Petrificada, Malaquita, Obsidiana, Peridoto, Rodonita, Rubi, Thulita.
Infecções causadas por fungos - Ágata Musgo.
Infecções Linfáticas - Ágata Azul Rendada, Pedra da Lua, Sodalita, Sugilita.
Inflamações - Ágata Musgo, Água Marinha, Âmbar, Celestita, Crisocola, Euclásio, Fluorita, Galena, Granada, Hematita, Malaquita, Obsidiana, Peridoto, Quartzo Azul, Rodonita, Thulita, Topázio Azul.
Insolação - Brasilianita, Crisoberilo, Crisocola, Turquesa.
Insônia - Ametista, Fluorita, Hematita.
Intoxicações - Ágata Musgo, Calcita, Citrino, Crisocola, Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Espinélio, Granada, Halita, Lápis Lázuli, Magnesita, Magnetita, Malaquita, Nefrita, Pedra da Lua, Peridoto, Quartzo Azul, Rubelita, Safira, Turquesa.
Irritações da Pele - Pérola, Smithsonita, Tanzanita, Turquesa.
Labirintite - Azurita, Hematita, Indicolita, Zircão.
Laringite - Ágata Azul Rendada, Água Marinha, Angelita, Celestita, Crisocola, Lápis Lázuli, Pirita, Quartzo Azul, Topázio Azul.
Lepra - Tanzanita, Turquesa.
Leucemia - Alexandrita, Coral, Cuprita, Diopsídio, Granada, Heliotrópio, Hematita, Malaquita, Opala, Pedra da Lua, Quartzo (cristal), Quartzo Rosa, Realgar, Rubi.
Limpeza Energética - Selenita, Turmalina Preta.
Lumbago - Magnetita.
Lúpus - Água Marinha, Albita, Cuprita, Diamante Herkimer, Heliotrópio, Malaquita, Realgar, Rubi, Selenita, Sugilita, Tanzanita, Turquesa.
Mal de Hodgkin - Ágata Musgo, Enxofre, Lápis Lázuli.
Mal de Meniere - Kunzita.
Mal de Parkinson - Kunzita.
Meningite - Charoíta, Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Selenita.
Menopausa - Cornalina, Crisocola, Crocoíta, Pedra da Lua, Wulfenita.
Menstruação - Coral, Cornalina, Crisocola, Granada, Jadeíta, Magnesita, Pedra da Lua, Rubelita, Rubi, Wulfenita.
Miopia - Apatita (azul), Azurita, Calcita Ótica, Indicolita, Lápis Lázuli.
Mongolismo - Charoíta.
Narcolepsia - Charoíta, Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Quartzo Olho de Tigre, Rodocrosita, Selenita, Sugilita.
Náusea - Citrino, Espinélio, Granada, Kunzita, Malaquita, Peridoto, Topázio Imperial.
Nefrite - Ágata de Botswana, Ágata Musgo, Cornalina, Diopsídio, Enxofre, Esmeralda, Halita, Jadeíta, Kunzita, Magnesita, Malaquita, Nefrita, Peridoto, Quartzo Enfumaçado, Rodocrosita, Safira, Serpentina, Uvarovita.
Obesidade - Apatita (verde, amarela) , Cinábrio, Topázio Imperial.
Odores do Corpo - Magnesita.
Osteoporose - Dolomita, Fluorita, Howlita, Smithsonita.
Otite - Azurita, Indicolita, Zircão.
Pancreatite - Bixbita, Citrino, Enxofre, Magnesita, Magnetita, Malaquita, Peridoto, Quartzo Enfumaçado, Topázio Imperial, Turmalina Preta.
Paralisia - Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Selenita.
Parto - Ágata Musgo, Amazonita, Ametista, Crisocola, Jadeíta, Magnesita, Pedra da Lua, Rubelita, Smithsonita.
Pedras (rins) - Brasilianita, Crisoberilo, Enxofre, Malaquita, Peridoto.
Pedras (vesícula) - Brasilianita, Calcita Dourada, Crisoberilo, Enxofre, Malaquita, Peridoto.
Picadas de Insetos - Angelita, Malaquita, Peridoto, Turquesa.
Poliomielite - Selenita.
Pneumonia - Adamita, Malaquita.
Psoríase - Magnetita, Tanzanita, Zincita.
Prisão de Ventre - Citrino, Coral, Enxofre, Esmeralda, Halita, Jaspe, Magnesita, Peridoto.
Queimaduras - Ágata de Botswana, Cornalina, Crisocola, Enxofre, Hematita, Malaquita, Turquesa.
Quistos - Malaquita.
Recuperação - Apofilita, Heliotrópio, Hemimorfita, Malaquita, Smithsonita, Verdelita.
Regeneração - Ajoíta, Alexandrita, Apofilita, Hemimorfita, Smithsonita, Verdelita, Wulfenita.
Rejuvenescimento - Ajoíta, Apofilita, Hemimorfita, Smithsonita, Turquesa, Wulfenita.
Relaxamento Muscular - Amazonita, Crisocola, Crisoprásio, Diopsídio, Lepidolita, Smithsonita, Verdelita.
Retardamento - Kunzita.
Reumatismo - Calcita Verde, Crisocola, Enxofre, Fluorita, Howlita, Madeira Petrificada, Magnetita, Malaquita, Topázio Imperial.
Revitalização - Calcita Vermelha, Cornalina, Crocoíta, Cuprita, Malaquita, Piromorfita, Realgar, Selenita, Smithsonita, Verdelita, Zincita.
Rinite - Água Marinha, Celestita, Quartzo Azul, Topázio Azul.
Senilidade - Coral, Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Selenita, Smithsonita.
Sífilis - Cornalina, Crocoíta, Cuprita, Diamante, Enxofre, Granada, Hemimorfita, Rubelita, Turmalina Preta.
Síndrome de Downs - Diamante, Diamante Herkimer, Fluorita, Shattuckita, Sugilita.
Síndrome de Pânico - Cornalina, Crisocola, Quartzo (Cristal Ísis), Selenita.
Sinusite - Água Marinha, Celestita, Quartzo Azul, Smithsonita, Topázio Azul, Turquesa.
Sudorese - Malaquita.
Surdez - Azurita, Indicolita, Zircão.
Tabagismo - Ágata de Botswana.
Tendinite - Calcita Verde, Lepidolita, Malaquita.
Tensões Musculares - Ágata Azul Rendada, Crisocola, Diopsídio, Lepidolita, Malaquita, Smithsonita, Turquesa.
Tifo - Cuprita, Malaquita.
Tonteiras - Azurita, Hematita, Kunzita, Malaquita, Zircão.
Toxinas - Ágata de Botswana, Ágata Musgo, Cuprita, Hemimorfita, Malaquita, Uvarovita.
TPM - Crisocola.
Tuberculose - Adamita, Enxofre, Magnesita, Malaquita, Turmalinas (todas).
Tumores - Ágata de Botswana, Diamante Herkimer, Heliotrópio, Magnetita, Malaquita.
Úlceras - Ágata de Botswana, Ágata Musgo, Brasilianita, Citrino, Cornalina, Crisoberilo, Crisocola, Heliotrópio, Jaspe, Madeira Petrificada, Malaquita, Pedra da Lua, Peridoto, Quartzo (cristal), Topázio Imperial.
Varizes - Coral, Cuprita, Granada, Heliotrópio, Hematita, Rubi, Variscita.
Vertigem - Zircão.
Vitiligo - Magnetita, Tanzanita, Turquesa.
Vômito - Brasilianita, Citrino, Crisoberilo, Kunzita, Peridoto, Topázio Imperial.
sexta-feira, outubro 31, 2008
O Reino mineral, além de prover a substância do nosso corpo, que é a expressão física de nós mesmos, mas a comida que comemos contém elementos do reino mineral para nossas necessidades .Pedras e rochas são partes desta terra antes de qualquer outra forma de vida. Elas tem presenciado a evolução deste planeta. A humanidade utiliza do reino mineral como as coisas mais preciosas da terra (ouro, prata, petróleo, jóias, etc ) Cada pedra tem pode receber e transmitir energia . Pode ser usada para curar, para proteção, para trasmutar vibrações, para meditação.
Pedras e cristais vem sendo utilizados, pelas mais diferentes civilizações. Eles possuem vibrações variadas de luz e som. Das pedras quentes na tenda-do-suor, que proporcionam purificação e limpeza, ao significado da Roda da Vida, Roda Medicinal, composta por 36 pedras, que simbolizam o mapa da consciência.
As pedras possuem um espírito, um talento, um poder específico. Amplificam pensamentos, expandem a consciência, auxiliam nos processos de cura, protege de energia negativas. Algumas delas (AD = comentários de Antonio Duncan) :
• Ametista: para meditação, tranquilizar os pensamentos, acalmar e trazer a paz. Ensinar humildade abrindo a mente para vibrações superiores.
• Âmbar : é uma resina fossilizada. Para depressão, dores corporais, melhora o humor, protege crianças. Deve ser sempre limpado após uso.
• Abalone : é uma concha. Utilizo-a na cerimônia de purificação e limpeza, representando o elemento água.
• Água-Marinha : harmoniza ambientes, desbloqueia a comunicação, reduz o stress, estabelece ligação com a natureza, alegria nos relacionamentos.
• Amazonita : reforça qualidades masculinas, acalma o sistema nervoso.
• Cornalina : Conexão com a energia da Terra, traz segurança, abre caminho para o novo, aumenta a motivação, estimula pensamentos.
• Crisocola : é a pedra dos terapeutas holísticos. Alivia os medos, para parturientes, atenua a tristezas e raivas, equilibra emoções.
• Crisoprásio : introspecção. Abre para novas situações, problemas mentais, acalma, torna as pessoas menos egoístas.
• Quartzo: reflete a pureza. É um coringa, usado para cura, para ampliação dos poderes xamânicos, é o mais utilizado nas suas diversas formas.
• Quartzo Azul : aumenta o conhecimento sobre a espiritualidade
• Quartzo Rosa : é a pedra do amor incondicional. Acalma as mágoas, equilibra emoções, atrai o perdão, o amor próprio, auxilia nos traumas de infância.
• Quartzo Fumê : Purifica chacra básico. Aumenta a esperança, trabalha a aceitação, o desapego.
• Quartzo Verde: para a cura física (principalmente para o coração). Traz prosperidade. É conhecido também como aventurina.
• Citrino : (atenção com ametista queimada) Liga-se com o Sol.Criatividade, dissipa emoções negativas, clarifica pensamentos, estimula a consciência cósmica.
• Esmeralda : Para equilíbrio físico, emocional e mental. Para sabedoria, aumenta a capacidade psíquica, reforça e imunidade, traz renascimento. Não se aconselha a usar com outras pedras.
• Granada : Informações de vidas passadas, paciência, amor e compaixão, coragem. Limpa pensamentos impuros
• Lápis-Lázuli : Para clarividência, intuição. Relaciona-se com a mente, paz, espiritualidade, iluminação, amplia o poder pessoal.
• Madeira Petrificada / fóssil : Para trabalhar regressão a vidas passadas, tem conexão com a terra e desperta a consciência ecológica.
• Malaquita : A preferida dos xamãs da Africa. É a pedra de cura. Para proteção, para as crianças dormirem em paz, relaxamento.
• Obsidiana : ajuda a esquecer amores antigos, aguça as visões, ajuda a liberar raiva, ensina o desapego. Deve-se conhecer bem a pedra antes de usá-la.
• Pedra-da-Lua :desperta o lado feminino, sensibilidade, conecta-se com o subconsciente, acalma as emoções, traz paz de espírito.
• Sodalita : Para mudança de atitudes, equilibra o metabolismo, compreensão intelectual, equilíbrio yin e yang, fortalece a comunicação, desperta a terceira visão.
• Turmalina Negra : repele energias negativas.
• Fenacita : trabalha com os chacras superiores. Conecta-se com energias angélicas.
• Moldavita : harmonização com o Eu Superior, ajuda a dar "ground" equilibrando corpo e mente.
O Reino mineral, além de prover a substância do nosso corpo, que é a expressão física de nós mesmos, mas a comida que comemos contém elementos do reino mineral para nossas necessidades .Pedras e rochas são partes desta terra antes de qualquer outra forma de vida. Elas tem presenciado a evolução deste planeta. A humanidade utiliza do reino mineral como as coisas mais preciosas da terra (ouro, prata, petróleo, jóias, etc ) Cada pedra tem pode receber e transmitir energia . Pode ser usada para curar, para proteção, para trasmutar vibrações, para meditação.
Pedras e cristais vem sendo utilizados, pelas mais diferentes civilizações. Eles possuem vibrações variadas de luz e som. Das pedras quentes na tenda-do-suor, que proporcionam purificação e limpeza, ao significado da Roda da Vida, Roda Medicinal, composta por 36 pedras, que simbolizam o mapa da consciência.
As pedras possuem um espírito, um talento, um poder específico. Amplificam pensamentos, expandem a consciência, auxiliam nos processos de cura, protege de energia negativas. Algumas delas (AD = comentários de Antonio Duncan) :
• Ametista: para meditação, tranquilizar os pensamentos, acalmar e trazer a paz. Ensinar humildade abrindo a mente para vibrações superiores.
• Âmbar : é uma resina fossilizada. Para depressão, dores corporais, melhora o humor, protege crianças. Deve ser sempre limpado após uso.
• Abalone : é uma concha. Utilizo-a na cerimônia de purificação e limpeza, representando o elemento água.
• Água-Marinha : harmoniza ambientes, desbloqueia a comunicação, reduz o stress, estabelece ligação com a natureza, alegria nos relacionamentos.
• Amazonita : reforça qualidades masculinas, acalma o sistema nervoso.
• Cornalina : Conexão com a energia da Terra, traz segurança, abre caminho para o novo, aumenta a motivação, estimula pensamentos.
• Crisocola : é a pedra dos terapeutas holísticos. Alivia os medos, para parturientes, atenua a tristezas e raivas, equilibra emoções.
• Crisoprásio : introspecção. Abre para novas situações, problemas mentais, acalma, torna as pessoas menos egoístas.
• Quartzo: reflete a pureza. É um coringa, usado para cura, para ampliação dos poderes xamânicos, é o mais utilizado nas suas diversas formas.
• Quartzo Azul : aumenta o conhecimento sobre a espiritualidade
• Quartzo Rosa : é a pedra do amor incondicional. Acalma as mágoas, equilibra emoções, atrai o perdão, o amor próprio, auxilia nos traumas de infância.
• Quartzo Fumê : Purifica chacra básico. Aumenta a esperança, trabalha a aceitação, o desapego.
• Quartzo Verde: para a cura física (principalmente para o coração). Traz prosperidade. É conhecido também como aventurina.
• Citrino : (atenção com ametista queimada) Liga-se com o Sol.Criatividade, dissipa emoções negativas, clarifica pensamentos, estimula a consciência cósmica.
• Esmeralda : Para equilíbrio físico, emocional e mental. Para sabedoria, aumenta a capacidade psíquica, reforça e imunidade, traz renascimento. Não se aconselha a usar com outras pedras.
• Granada : Informações de vidas passadas, paciência, amor e compaixão, coragem. Limpa pensamentos impuros
• Lápis-Lázuli : Para clarividência, intuição. Relaciona-se com a mente, paz, espiritualidade, iluminação, amplia o poder pessoal.
• Madeira Petrificada / fóssil : Para trabalhar regressão a vidas passadas, tem conexão com a terra e desperta a consciência ecológica.
• Malaquita : A preferida dos xamãs da Africa. É a pedra de cura. Para proteção, para as crianças dormirem em paz, relaxamento.
• Obsidiana : ajuda a esquecer amores antigos, aguça as visões, ajuda a liberar raiva, ensina o desapego. Deve-se conhecer bem a pedra antes de usá-la.
• Pedra-da-Lua :desperta o lado feminino, sensibilidade, conecta-se com o subconsciente, acalma as emoções, traz paz de espírito.
• Sodalita : Para mudança de atitudes, equilibra o metabolismo, compreensão intelectual, equilíbrio yin e yang, fortalece a comunicação, desperta a terceira visão.
• Turmalina Negra : repele energias negativas.
• Fenacita : trabalha com os chacras superiores. Conecta-se com energias angélicas.
• Moldavita : harmonização com o Eu Superior, ajuda a dar "ground" equilibrando corpo e mente.
quinta-feira, outubro 30, 2008
By Alan Cohen One afternoon an official-looking fellow
showed up at my door and flashed an I.D. from the
water department. "I just read your water meter," he
told me, "and I have to inform you that you have an
unusually high usage this month."
"High usage?"
"Yes, sir - about four times the usual amount."
"Four times?"
"That's right. Here are the numbers."
I looked at the numbers. He wasn't kidding.
"It's our policy to let you know about this in case
you have any leaks in your water system."
Hmmm. No leaks I knew of. Maybe my tenant has been
taking a lot of showers, I wondered. But 80,000
gallons of showers? Nope, he doesn't even wash his
dishes. I thanked the waterman and told him I'd try to
conserve this month and hope the bill would come down
next month.
A few days later I was sitting on my back porch when I
noticed a puddle in the corner of the yard. That
puddle had been there for a while, but I figured it
was due to some heavy rain we'd had. But the rest of
the lawn had dried up. The puddle was still there.
I poked my hand into the puddle. There was a pipe
beneath it, and it was leaking. I can tell you exactly
how much it was leaking: 80,000 gallons a month.
If you are losing energy in the form of joy, health,
money, or love, you have a leak in your system. There
is no malevolent parasite that has invaded your world
and is undermining you. Your leak is on your property,
and as such you have access to repair it.
The entire game of life is about making the best use
of your energy. The question is not, "Is there life
after death?" The question is, "Is there life before
death?" To answer this for yourself - and live it -
you must quit doing things that deplete your energy
and start doing things that expand it. Moses delivered
Ten Commandments that point to how to accomplish this,
but (a) Nobody wants to be commanded; (b) Charlton
Heston's bad makeup job undermined Moses' credibility;
and (c) Nobody has enough patience on the Internet to
wait for ten commandments to download. So here is
everything you need to know to relocate from
Do what brings you life.
Do not do what deadens you.
The reason you are not where you want to be is that
you are doing things you do not want to do. If that
sounds simple, it is. (One of the most popular tricks
of power and control freaks is to hide in complexity.
But the best answer to a problem is usually the
simplest.) Sure, there are some things you have to do
that you don't want to do, but not as many as you are
doing. Give yourself a break.
If you took the energy you are wasting on things that
and used it for things you love, what would you be
doing differently?
When you invest your time and energy in stuff that
drags you down, you die a little bit every day. Then
your life force reduces to a dribble and you croak.
Yet the Bible documents people who lived for hundreds
of years, and there are people in remote regions today
who live far past 100. Their lives are simpler and
they do not fritter away their life force watching
people hit each other over the head with chairs on
Jerry Springer. They just live close to nature, eat
yogurt, and develop meaningful relationships with
llamas. So open your heart to a critter who won't dump
you on national television and you will live long
enough to get a birthday card from the President.
While you may be very careful about what you pay for
with your money, you are probably less careful about
what you pay for with your attention. In the long run,
how you spend your attention affects your life far
more profoundly than how you spend your money. Your
attention is the strongest currency at your disposal.
If you squander it, your life will result in one big
overdraft. If you invest it in things you value, you
will collect interest big time - and be interested
along the way.
Everything you do is an investment in more of the
same. The illusion is that if you do something you
don't like long enough, it will go away. But the truth
is that the more you get involved in something, the
more involvement it leads to. (Ever own a boat?) If
you truly enjoy something, dive in. If not, have the
guts to walk away from what doesn't serve you. There
is no redeeming value in misery (unless you do
timeshare presentations) . The hell you worry about
going to is not nearly as bad as the fear of it that
drives you to do things alien to your spirit. If you
live from fear, you already are in hell. If you live
from love, you create the meeting point of heaven and
* * * * * * * *
This article is a sneak preview from Alan Cohen's new
breakthrough book, Why Your Life Sucks and What You
Can Do About It, to be released this June by Jodere
Group, Inc. To order your copy of Why Your Life Sucks,
visit your local bookstore or log on to For a free catalog of Alan's books,
tapes, and seminars, or to receive his free
newsletter, email admin@alancohen. com, phone
1-800-462-3013, or write: P.O. Box 835, Haiku, HI
96708. Visit Alan's web site at www.alancohen. com.
By Alan Cohen One afternoon an official-looking fellow
showed up at my door and flashed an I.D. from the
water department. "I just read your water meter," he
told me, "and I have to inform you that you have an
unusually high usage this month."
"High usage?"
"Yes, sir - about four times the usual amount."
"Four times?"
"That's right. Here are the numbers."
I looked at the numbers. He wasn't kidding.
"It's our policy to let you know about this in case
you have any leaks in your water system."
Hmmm. No leaks I knew of. Maybe my tenant has been
taking a lot of showers, I wondered. But 80,000
gallons of showers? Nope, he doesn't even wash his
dishes. I thanked the waterman and told him I'd try to
conserve this month and hope the bill would come down
next month.
A few days later I was sitting on my back porch when I
noticed a puddle in the corner of the yard. That
puddle had been there for a while, but I figured it
was due to some heavy rain we'd had. But the rest of
the lawn had dried up. The puddle was still there.
I poked my hand into the puddle. There was a pipe
beneath it, and it was leaking. I can tell you exactly
how much it was leaking: 80,000 gallons a month.
If you are losing energy in the form of joy, health,
money, or love, you have a leak in your system. There
is no malevolent parasite that has invaded your world
and is undermining you. Your leak is on your property,
and as such you have access to repair it.
The entire game of life is about making the best use
of your energy. The question is not, "Is there life
after death?" The question is, "Is there life before
death?" To answer this for yourself - and live it -
you must quit doing things that deplete your energy
and start doing things that expand it. Moses delivered
Ten Commandments that point to how to accomplish this,
but (a) Nobody wants to be commanded; (b) Charlton
Heston's bad makeup job undermined Moses' credibility;
and (c) Nobody has enough patience on the Internet to
wait for ten commandments to download. So here is
everything you need to know to relocate from
Do what brings you life.
Do not do what deadens you.
The reason you are not where you want to be is that
you are doing things you do not want to do. If that
sounds simple, it is. (One of the most popular tricks
of power and control freaks is to hide in complexity.
But the best answer to a problem is usually the
simplest.) Sure, there are some things you have to do
that you don't want to do, but not as many as you are
doing. Give yourself a break.
If you took the energy you are wasting on things that
and used it for things you love, what would you be
doing differently?
When you invest your time and energy in stuff that
drags you down, you die a little bit every day. Then
your life force reduces to a dribble and you croak.
Yet the Bible documents people who lived for hundreds
of years, and there are people in remote regions today
who live far past 100. Their lives are simpler and
they do not fritter away their life force watching
people hit each other over the head with chairs on
Jerry Springer. They just live close to nature, eat
yogurt, and develop meaningful relationships with
llamas. So open your heart to a critter who won't dump
you on national television and you will live long
enough to get a birthday card from the President.
While you may be very careful about what you pay for
with your money, you are probably less careful about
what you pay for with your attention. In the long run,
how you spend your attention affects your life far
more profoundly than how you spend your money. Your
attention is the strongest currency at your disposal.
If you squander it, your life will result in one big
overdraft. If you invest it in things you value, you
will collect interest big time - and be interested
along the way.
Everything you do is an investment in more of the
same. The illusion is that if you do something you
don't like long enough, it will go away. But the truth
is that the more you get involved in something, the
more involvement it leads to. (Ever own a boat?) If
you truly enjoy something, dive in. If not, have the
guts to walk away from what doesn't serve you. There
is no redeeming value in misery (unless you do
timeshare presentations) . The hell you worry about
going to is not nearly as bad as the fear of it that
drives you to do things alien to your spirit. If you
live from fear, you already are in hell. If you live
from love, you create the meeting point of heaven and
* * * * * * * *
This article is a sneak preview from Alan Cohen's new
breakthrough book, Why Your Life Sucks and What You
Can Do About It, to be released this June by Jodere
Group, Inc. To order your copy of Why Your Life Sucks,
visit your local bookstore or log on to For a free catalog of Alan's books,
tapes, and seminars, or to receive his free
newsletter, email admin@alancohen. com, phone
1-800-462-3013, or write: P.O. Box 835, Haiku, HI
96708. Visit Alan's web site at www.alancohen. com.
A Course in Crystals
A Course in Crystals:
Preparing to Facilitate
Crystal Healing
By Joysprite - The Crystal Lady
The first time I laid crystals and stones on another
person was in a crystal store where I worked for a
short time before Wisdom Crystals came into physical
being. My coworker, Lorien, was a wonderful and
willing guinea pig, and on slow afternoons she would
lie on the floor in a quiet corner of the store and I
would place crystals and stones on and around body.
Often I would use a healing wand to work the energy
around her body and in her chakras. Her job was to
enjoy the attention and to report what feelings -
physical and emotional - she experienced. Once word
got out what we were doing, there was no shortage of
volunteers. What I gained from those initial
experiences was that crystals really do create
positive physical and emotional responses in
individuals when used in layouts and grids on and
around the body.
I also learned that I got much better results and was
better able to discern energy shifts if I was
energetically clear and grounded before I started
working. Being grounded and having the chakras clear
and flowing with energy is important for optimum
healing facilitation. I equate it energetically to
working in the attic and then the garden and then
coming in all sweaty and grubby and choosing to take a
bath and put on clean clothing before attending the
opera. We clean our bodies and put on clean and
appropriate clothing before we go to important events.
Energetically we should do the same thing before we
attend a healing facilitation. There are several
things I have found to be helpful to this end, for a
healing session as well as for overall everyday
energetic balance.
Grounding the Energy
It is important to always be fully grounded when doing
any spiritual and/or healing work. One simple way to
ground one's self is to imagine a great root, like a
strong tree root, growing from the base of your spine
(or growing from each of your feet) and extending deep
into the Earth all the way to the its core, where it
can be attached to something meaningful. I like
attaching my grounding cord to a beautiful golden
healer crystal at the Earth's core. What this does is
put you totally into your physical body so you can be
attuned to receiving information about the events and
people around you. You can ground yourself as many
times a day as you feel necessary. When you desire to
re-ground, mentally melt, blow up, or disintegrate the
old grounding cord and grow a new one. In this way you
can always remain well grounded no matter where you
are or what you are doing.
Quick Chakra Sweep
A quick and easy way to clear and align chakras is
with an energy chakra sweep. To do this, grow your
grounding cord and start the flow of healing energy by
expressing your intent with a statement such as, "I
desire to receive and move energy now." Once the
energy flow is activated, place your left hand over
your crown chakra at the top of your head, place your
right hand over your brow chakra and allow the energy
to flow there for about two minutes. Then move to the
throat chakra, the heart, solar plexus, belly, and
root chakras, allowing a couple of minutes for each
If you become aware of any discordant energy in any
chakra you can release it easily by growing a tube
next to your grounding cord and flushing the energy
down the tube into the Earth's core for
transformation. After you have completed the root
chakra, leave your hands over the crown and root
chakras and allow the energy to flow up and down
between your hands through your entire chakra system
for a couple of minutes. Sometimes it feels like
little energy spirals are bouncing back and forth
between your hands. When you feel that the process is
complete blow up your grounding cord and grow a new
one. This is an exercise that can easily be done every
A Crystal Healer's Tool Box
Just as a doctor has a medical bag, and an electrician
or plumber has a tool bag, a crystal healing
facilitator has his or her own set of tools that have
special purposes in ceremony and in healing. There are
a number of excellent stones that one can choose for a
healing "tool chest," and many are reasonably
inexpensive. Most people who enjoy and collect
crystals and other minerals already know that the
perfect stones will present themselves if the desire
is put out to the universe. Keep in mind that you may
find very different purposes and healing qualities for
a crystal or mineral that are activated when you
personally create your own stone layouts for yourself
or for others. I suggest you meditate upon your
favorite stones to find what qualities your energy
brings out in them and then take good notes for future
reference. Here are some of my personal favorites:
Amber is a stone of manifestation and good luck. It
combines the purifying effect of the sun and the
transmuting energy of the earth to create a powerful
healing and manifesting tool. Amber clears discordant
energy, and it draws out and transforms physical
diseases. 2nd chakra. Leo and Sagittarius. Mercury.
The Metamorphosis Stone. Amethyst heals at all levels
of body, mind, and spirit, cleansing restructuring and
renewing. It transforms lower energies into higher,
and it protects one against psychic manipulation.
Amethyst also helps heal arthritis, hearing problems,
and bones. It is an excellent stone for those fighting
addictions. 6th chakra. Pisces. Jupiter, Pluto.
Apache Tears
Apache Tears is traditionally a mourning stone of
Native American women. It provides comfort in times of
grief, and helps one to let go and release that which
requires releasing. Apache tears helps one to become
more comfortable and self-forgiving. It also helps one
to remove limiting beliefs in order to move forward.
Apache Tears help alleviate muscle spasms and aid
elimination of toxins and infection from the body. 4th
and 5th chakra. Aries. Pluto.
Aventurine heals the heart and soul, surrounding the
user in love and protection. It balances masculine and
feminine energies, enhances creativity and leadership,
and it assists one in making the best decisions.
Aventurine is useful in healing the heart, lungs, and
adrenals. 4th Chakra. Aries. 1 and 4 vibration. Venus.
Bloodstone is the stone of courage, vitality, and,
strength. Helps user to remain in the NOW, while
removing obstacles, and bringing honesty and integrity
to one's relationships. Bloodstone heals the lungs,
and heart. It helps clear eyesight and eliminates
blood disorders. 1st chakra. Aries. Earth.
The Stone of Ambition. Carnelian inspires a positive
attitude, motivation and confidence, revealing and
stimulating the use of one's personal talents. It
reminds one to remain in the NOW, and it protects one
from negative emotions. Carnelian also helps heal
asthma and blood pressure problems. 2nd chakra. Aries.
Saturn, Earth.
Calcite is an important energy field amplifier. It is
found in a variety of colors and each color can be
used to clear and activate the associated chakra.
Calcite brings forward the body's blueprint of
perfection. When clear or gold calcite is applied to
the crown area, it clears and opens the entire
energetic field and pathways. Calcite balances
assimilation of calcium and helps eliminate disease
states in the pancreas, kidneys and spleen. All
chakras. Cancer.
Calcite is a stone of angelic love, inner peace, hope,
and harmony. It balances yin and yang energies and
attunes the mind to higher frequencies. Celestite
opens one to communication with the mystic and
improves comprehension of information received. It is
also useful in improving eyesight, hearing, and
overall mental health. 5th, 6th, 7th chakras. Gemini.
The Stone of Wealth. Citrine opens and activates the
solar-plexus and navel chakras, bringing personal
power and the ability to manifest into alignment with
one another. It improves endurance, mental focus and
control of emotions. Citrine also helps improve
digestion and circulation. 2nd and 3rd chakras. Aries.
Mercury, Mars.
The Stone of Discernment. Fluorite clears away
illusion, increases concentration and clarity and
brings order from chaos on the physical mental
emotional and spiritual planes. Fluorite cleanses and
harmonizes the systems and promotes excellent health.
It is also helpful in healing viral infections,
tumors, and repairing DNA. 6th chakra. Pisces.
A good luck stone, garnet awakens one's creativity. It
promotes a sense of love and passion for self and
others. Garnet regenerates and balances the body while
it draws discordant energy away from the chakras.
Garnet helps alleviate depression and anemia and aids
in the removal of toxins. 1st chakra. Capricorn, Leo.
Pluto, Mars.
The Mind Mastery Stone. Hematite promotes clarity,
balance, calm, and reason while dissolving discordant
energy and transforming it into love energy. reason.
It helps one to create peaceful and loving
relationships. Hematite improves one's ability to
remember in a photographic way, and enhances all
memory strategies. Hematite is very grounding and is
useful in healing, tumors and anemia. 6th, 7th
chakras. Aries. Saturn.
Herkimer Diamond
Known as the Dream Crystal, Herkimer diamond helps one
to see the truth within the dream. It is a psychic
attunement tool that can help in self-actualization.
It can also be used as a transmitting crystal to
deliver messages of love and healing to another at a
distance. Herkimer diamond also cleanses the chakras,
protects one from radiation and detoxifies the body.
6th and 7th chakra. Sagittarius. Uranus.
Jade is the stone of divine and unconditional love. It
balances the emotions, dispels negativity, and
intensifies dreams. It is believed to increase both
fertility and longevity, while promoting clarity,
modesty, courage, justice and wisdom. Jade strengthens
the heart, kidneys and immune system, and cleanses the
blood. The color of jade can be chosen to match the
chakra color. Venus, Neptune.
Jasper is a very nurturing and grounding stone valued
by shamans for personal use, protection and sacred
practice. It protects one during astral travel and
brings the energy of the sun to rejuvenate and
strengthen the body. Jasper helps in the process of
tissue regeneration. 1st, 2nd chakras. Leo.
Kyanite attunes the user to very high vibrations that
instantly align and clear all chakras energy fields.
It creates a powerful bridge between mind and matter
for the purposes of manifestation. Blue kyanite is
excellent for improving one's ability to communicate
truthfully and effectively. It is an excellent stone
for meditation, and it helps improve glandular
function. 6th chakra. Taurus. Neptune, Pluto.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli was used by ancient Egyptians to access
sacred knowledge and is considered to be a psychic
enhancement tool. It cleanses the mind body and spirit
of toxins and negativity, promotes a state of
perfection, and encourages integrity in relationships.
Lapis Lazuli is also known to strengthen the immune
system. 6th chakra. Sagittarius, Aries. Venus,
Lepidolite is known as the Sedative Stone. It provides
highly nurturing energy to create relaxation and
calmness. Lepidolite also brings up old behaviors for
adjustment, assisting one through the resulting
transitions with an optimistic attitude. It also heals
sore muscles and relieves fatigue. 3rd and 6th
chakras. Libra.
The Stone of Transformation. Malachite is a powerful
healing stone that directly absorbs illnesses. It
strengthens intuition and aids manifestation.
Malachite can also help one to determine the root
cause of a problem and provide clarity regarding
actions to be taken. Malachite protects one from
radiation. 4th chakra. Capricorn. Venus.
Stone of Ascension. Moldavite was created by collision
of Earth matter with off world matter (meteors, etc.).
Plucky and powerful moldavite channels laser beams of
energy for healing attunes the user for vibrational
transformation and interdimensional communication.
5th, 6th, 7th chakras. Scorpio. Pluto.
"Stone of the Goddess." Moonstone balances the
emotions, improves intuition and aids in the
manifestation of wishes. A stone of motherly love,
support, encouragement, it promotes rebirth and
supports new beginnings. Moonstone absorbs pain and
illness, regenerates tissues and organs, heals
reproductive system. 4th chakra. Cancer. Moon.
Obsidian is a protective stone, shielding against
negativity and negative environments. Obsidian is an
excellent grounding stone that stabilizes internal and
external energies to protect the physical and
emotional bodies. It brings up personal issues to be
healed and released and facilitates that process. It
also helps one to see the cause of disease as well as
how to heal it. Obsidian is favored by psychics for
its use in soul retrieval and for its access to many
dimensions. 1st chakra. Sagittarius.
The Universal Amplifier of Vibration, amplifying,
focusing, storing and transforming all types of
energy. It improves psychic perception, clears and
activates the energy centers of the body, and purifies
the mental, spiritual and physical bodies. Quartz is a
stone of manifestation, focused healing and
empowerment. It is also useful in communicating with
plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. All chakras. All
signs. All numbers. Uranus.
Rhodochrosite promotes a state of love and equilibrium
and inspires a healthy love of self and Earth. It is a
powerful Earth healing stone, balancing male and
female energies, and helping one to expand
consciousness and awareness. 1st, 2nd, and 4th
chakras. Scorpio. Mercury.
Rose Quartz
"Stone of Universal Love." Rose Quartz gently heals
emotional pain and opens the heart to the beauty
within and without. Balances Yin and Yang. It attracts
angelic energies, balances Yin and Yang, protects one
from and dissolves negativity. 4th chakra. Taurus and
Libra. Venus
"The Lightworker Stone." Selenite can help one access
past and future lives during meditation. It provides
one with intuitive understanding of dysfunction within
the body as well as the intent to heal it. Selenite is
a stone of universal love and transformation,
disbursing negativity and offering its cleansing
powers to anything it is applied to. It is excellent
for cleansing other stones. Selenite aligns and clears
the spinal column and helps heal terminal illnesses.
7th and 8th chakras. Taurus, Scorpio. Moon.
Sugilite is the stone of self-healing and
manifestation. It opens all chakras and facilitates
the movement of the Kundalini. It also helps one to
recognize spiritual gifts and facilitates the
expression of those gifts, bringing a sense of
freedom, confidence and inspiration. Sugilite is good
for headaches and is helpful in healing cancer. 6th
and 7th chakras. Virgo.
Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye is an excellent grounding stone. It
harmonizes and balances the emotions, bringing order
out of chaos, and promoting clarity and focus of the
mind. Tiger Eye enhances psychic abilities, attracts
beauty and abundance, and fosters practical wisdom. It
helps heal wounds, bruises, eyes and throat. 5th
chakra. Capricorn. Mercury, Earth. Mars.
Tourmaline clears and stimulates the body's energy
centers while bringing healing power to the user. It
balances chakras as well as the left and right
hemispheres of the brain. Tourmaline can help one to
experience the state of being part of universal spirit
and can bring insight during difficult times. It
activates chakras of like color. Libra. Venus
Turquoise is the connection between Father Sky and
Mother Earth. It cleanses and heals the body's energy
centers, aligns the chakras, heals the spirit, and
brings peace of mind. Turquoise is helpful in
developing psychic power, promoting all forms of
communication, and is useful for grounding and
attunement. It is a master healing stone that protects
and blesses its user, and has long been used by
shamans for healing and to bring rain. 5th chakra.
Sagittarius. Venus, Moon.
Hopefully this preliminary list of stones will
stimulate your mind and intuition and motivate you to
get out there and find the perfect stones for your own
crystal healing "tool chest." You may find many other
stones not listed here that you resonate with and can
utilize in your personal style of crystal healing
facilitation. Gather together your stones and crystals
and get them cleansed, cleared and ready for work,
because next month's article will be all about
facilitating a healing session.
* * * * * * * *
Joysprite - otherwise known as The Crystal Lady - is a
Reiki Master, Crystal Healing Facilitator, NLP
Practitioner and Mom of three beautiful children. Her
own personal crystal path began in West Texas and is
continuing in Ocean Beach, California, where she is
the owner of Wisdom Crystals.
Preparing to Facilitate
Crystal Healing
By Joysprite - The Crystal Lady
The first time I laid crystals and stones on another
person was in a crystal store where I worked for a
short time before Wisdom Crystals came into physical
being. My coworker, Lorien, was a wonderful and
willing guinea pig, and on slow afternoons she would
lie on the floor in a quiet corner of the store and I
would place crystals and stones on and around body.
Often I would use a healing wand to work the energy
around her body and in her chakras. Her job was to
enjoy the attention and to report what feelings -
physical and emotional - she experienced. Once word
got out what we were doing, there was no shortage of
volunteers. What I gained from those initial
experiences was that crystals really do create
positive physical and emotional responses in
individuals when used in layouts and grids on and
around the body.
I also learned that I got much better results and was
better able to discern energy shifts if I was
energetically clear and grounded before I started
working. Being grounded and having the chakras clear
and flowing with energy is important for optimum
healing facilitation. I equate it energetically to
working in the attic and then the garden and then
coming in all sweaty and grubby and choosing to take a
bath and put on clean clothing before attending the
opera. We clean our bodies and put on clean and
appropriate clothing before we go to important events.
Energetically we should do the same thing before we
attend a healing facilitation. There are several
things I have found to be helpful to this end, for a
healing session as well as for overall everyday
energetic balance.
Grounding the Energy
It is important to always be fully grounded when doing
any spiritual and/or healing work. One simple way to
ground one's self is to imagine a great root, like a
strong tree root, growing from the base of your spine
(or growing from each of your feet) and extending deep
into the Earth all the way to the its core, where it
can be attached to something meaningful. I like
attaching my grounding cord to a beautiful golden
healer crystal at the Earth's core. What this does is
put you totally into your physical body so you can be
attuned to receiving information about the events and
people around you. You can ground yourself as many
times a day as you feel necessary. When you desire to
re-ground, mentally melt, blow up, or disintegrate the
old grounding cord and grow a new one. In this way you
can always remain well grounded no matter where you
are or what you are doing.
Quick Chakra Sweep
A quick and easy way to clear and align chakras is
with an energy chakra sweep. To do this, grow your
grounding cord and start the flow of healing energy by
expressing your intent with a statement such as, "I
desire to receive and move energy now." Once the
energy flow is activated, place your left hand over
your crown chakra at the top of your head, place your
right hand over your brow chakra and allow the energy
to flow there for about two minutes. Then move to the
throat chakra, the heart, solar plexus, belly, and
root chakras, allowing a couple of minutes for each
If you become aware of any discordant energy in any
chakra you can release it easily by growing a tube
next to your grounding cord and flushing the energy
down the tube into the Earth's core for
transformation. After you have completed the root
chakra, leave your hands over the crown and root
chakras and allow the energy to flow up and down
between your hands through your entire chakra system
for a couple of minutes. Sometimes it feels like
little energy spirals are bouncing back and forth
between your hands. When you feel that the process is
complete blow up your grounding cord and grow a new
one. This is an exercise that can easily be done every
A Crystal Healer's Tool Box
Just as a doctor has a medical bag, and an electrician
or plumber has a tool bag, a crystal healing
facilitator has his or her own set of tools that have
special purposes in ceremony and in healing. There are
a number of excellent stones that one can choose for a
healing "tool chest," and many are reasonably
inexpensive. Most people who enjoy and collect
crystals and other minerals already know that the
perfect stones will present themselves if the desire
is put out to the universe. Keep in mind that you may
find very different purposes and healing qualities for
a crystal or mineral that are activated when you
personally create your own stone layouts for yourself
or for others. I suggest you meditate upon your
favorite stones to find what qualities your energy
brings out in them and then take good notes for future
reference. Here are some of my personal favorites:
Amber is a stone of manifestation and good luck. It
combines the purifying effect of the sun and the
transmuting energy of the earth to create a powerful
healing and manifesting tool. Amber clears discordant
energy, and it draws out and transforms physical
diseases. 2nd chakra. Leo and Sagittarius. Mercury.
The Metamorphosis Stone. Amethyst heals at all levels
of body, mind, and spirit, cleansing restructuring and
renewing. It transforms lower energies into higher,
and it protects one against psychic manipulation.
Amethyst also helps heal arthritis, hearing problems,
and bones. It is an excellent stone for those fighting
addictions. 6th chakra. Pisces. Jupiter, Pluto.
Apache Tears
Apache Tears is traditionally a mourning stone of
Native American women. It provides comfort in times of
grief, and helps one to let go and release that which
requires releasing. Apache tears helps one to become
more comfortable and self-forgiving. It also helps one
to remove limiting beliefs in order to move forward.
Apache Tears help alleviate muscle spasms and aid
elimination of toxins and infection from the body. 4th
and 5th chakra. Aries. Pluto.
Aventurine heals the heart and soul, surrounding the
user in love and protection. It balances masculine and
feminine energies, enhances creativity and leadership,
and it assists one in making the best decisions.
Aventurine is useful in healing the heart, lungs, and
adrenals. 4th Chakra. Aries. 1 and 4 vibration. Venus.
Bloodstone is the stone of courage, vitality, and,
strength. Helps user to remain in the NOW, while
removing obstacles, and bringing honesty and integrity
to one's relationships. Bloodstone heals the lungs,
and heart. It helps clear eyesight and eliminates
blood disorders. 1st chakra. Aries. Earth.
The Stone of Ambition. Carnelian inspires a positive
attitude, motivation and confidence, revealing and
stimulating the use of one's personal talents. It
reminds one to remain in the NOW, and it protects one
from negative emotions. Carnelian also helps heal
asthma and blood pressure problems. 2nd chakra. Aries.
Saturn, Earth.
Calcite is an important energy field amplifier. It is
found in a variety of colors and each color can be
used to clear and activate the associated chakra.
Calcite brings forward the body's blueprint of
perfection. When clear or gold calcite is applied to
the crown area, it clears and opens the entire
energetic field and pathways. Calcite balances
assimilation of calcium and helps eliminate disease
states in the pancreas, kidneys and spleen. All
chakras. Cancer.
Calcite is a stone of angelic love, inner peace, hope,
and harmony. It balances yin and yang energies and
attunes the mind to higher frequencies. Celestite
opens one to communication with the mystic and
improves comprehension of information received. It is
also useful in improving eyesight, hearing, and
overall mental health. 5th, 6th, 7th chakras. Gemini.
The Stone of Wealth. Citrine opens and activates the
solar-plexus and navel chakras, bringing personal
power and the ability to manifest into alignment with
one another. It improves endurance, mental focus and
control of emotions. Citrine also helps improve
digestion and circulation. 2nd and 3rd chakras. Aries.
Mercury, Mars.
The Stone of Discernment. Fluorite clears away
illusion, increases concentration and clarity and
brings order from chaos on the physical mental
emotional and spiritual planes. Fluorite cleanses and
harmonizes the systems and promotes excellent health.
It is also helpful in healing viral infections,
tumors, and repairing DNA. 6th chakra. Pisces.
A good luck stone, garnet awakens one's creativity. It
promotes a sense of love and passion for self and
others. Garnet regenerates and balances the body while
it draws discordant energy away from the chakras.
Garnet helps alleviate depression and anemia and aids
in the removal of toxins. 1st chakra. Capricorn, Leo.
Pluto, Mars.
The Mind Mastery Stone. Hematite promotes clarity,
balance, calm, and reason while dissolving discordant
energy and transforming it into love energy. reason.
It helps one to create peaceful and loving
relationships. Hematite improves one's ability to
remember in a photographic way, and enhances all
memory strategies. Hematite is very grounding and is
useful in healing, tumors and anemia. 6th, 7th
chakras. Aries. Saturn.
Herkimer Diamond
Known as the Dream Crystal, Herkimer diamond helps one
to see the truth within the dream. It is a psychic
attunement tool that can help in self-actualization.
It can also be used as a transmitting crystal to
deliver messages of love and healing to another at a
distance. Herkimer diamond also cleanses the chakras,
protects one from radiation and detoxifies the body.
6th and 7th chakra. Sagittarius. Uranus.
Jade is the stone of divine and unconditional love. It
balances the emotions, dispels negativity, and
intensifies dreams. It is believed to increase both
fertility and longevity, while promoting clarity,
modesty, courage, justice and wisdom. Jade strengthens
the heart, kidneys and immune system, and cleanses the
blood. The color of jade can be chosen to match the
chakra color. Venus, Neptune.
Jasper is a very nurturing and grounding stone valued
by shamans for personal use, protection and sacred
practice. It protects one during astral travel and
brings the energy of the sun to rejuvenate and
strengthen the body. Jasper helps in the process of
tissue regeneration. 1st, 2nd chakras. Leo.
Kyanite attunes the user to very high vibrations that
instantly align and clear all chakras energy fields.
It creates a powerful bridge between mind and matter
for the purposes of manifestation. Blue kyanite is
excellent for improving one's ability to communicate
truthfully and effectively. It is an excellent stone
for meditation, and it helps improve glandular
function. 6th chakra. Taurus. Neptune, Pluto.
Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli was used by ancient Egyptians to access
sacred knowledge and is considered to be a psychic
enhancement tool. It cleanses the mind body and spirit
of toxins and negativity, promotes a state of
perfection, and encourages integrity in relationships.
Lapis Lazuli is also known to strengthen the immune
system. 6th chakra. Sagittarius, Aries. Venus,
Lepidolite is known as the Sedative Stone. It provides
highly nurturing energy to create relaxation and
calmness. Lepidolite also brings up old behaviors for
adjustment, assisting one through the resulting
transitions with an optimistic attitude. It also heals
sore muscles and relieves fatigue. 3rd and 6th
chakras. Libra.
The Stone of Transformation. Malachite is a powerful
healing stone that directly absorbs illnesses. It
strengthens intuition and aids manifestation.
Malachite can also help one to determine the root
cause of a problem and provide clarity regarding
actions to be taken. Malachite protects one from
radiation. 4th chakra. Capricorn. Venus.
Stone of Ascension. Moldavite was created by collision
of Earth matter with off world matter (meteors, etc.).
Plucky and powerful moldavite channels laser beams of
energy for healing attunes the user for vibrational
transformation and interdimensional communication.
5th, 6th, 7th chakras. Scorpio. Pluto.
"Stone of the Goddess." Moonstone balances the
emotions, improves intuition and aids in the
manifestation of wishes. A stone of motherly love,
support, encouragement, it promotes rebirth and
supports new beginnings. Moonstone absorbs pain and
illness, regenerates tissues and organs, heals
reproductive system. 4th chakra. Cancer. Moon.
Obsidian is a protective stone, shielding against
negativity and negative environments. Obsidian is an
excellent grounding stone that stabilizes internal and
external energies to protect the physical and
emotional bodies. It brings up personal issues to be
healed and released and facilitates that process. It
also helps one to see the cause of disease as well as
how to heal it. Obsidian is favored by psychics for
its use in soul retrieval and for its access to many
dimensions. 1st chakra. Sagittarius.
The Universal Amplifier of Vibration, amplifying,
focusing, storing and transforming all types of
energy. It improves psychic perception, clears and
activates the energy centers of the body, and purifies
the mental, spiritual and physical bodies. Quartz is a
stone of manifestation, focused healing and
empowerment. It is also useful in communicating with
plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. All chakras. All
signs. All numbers. Uranus.
Rhodochrosite promotes a state of love and equilibrium
and inspires a healthy love of self and Earth. It is a
powerful Earth healing stone, balancing male and
female energies, and helping one to expand
consciousness and awareness. 1st, 2nd, and 4th
chakras. Scorpio. Mercury.
Rose Quartz
"Stone of Universal Love." Rose Quartz gently heals
emotional pain and opens the heart to the beauty
within and without. Balances Yin and Yang. It attracts
angelic energies, balances Yin and Yang, protects one
from and dissolves negativity. 4th chakra. Taurus and
Libra. Venus
"The Lightworker Stone." Selenite can help one access
past and future lives during meditation. It provides
one with intuitive understanding of dysfunction within
the body as well as the intent to heal it. Selenite is
a stone of universal love and transformation,
disbursing negativity and offering its cleansing
powers to anything it is applied to. It is excellent
for cleansing other stones. Selenite aligns and clears
the spinal column and helps heal terminal illnesses.
7th and 8th chakras. Taurus, Scorpio. Moon.
Sugilite is the stone of self-healing and
manifestation. It opens all chakras and facilitates
the movement of the Kundalini. It also helps one to
recognize spiritual gifts and facilitates the
expression of those gifts, bringing a sense of
freedom, confidence and inspiration. Sugilite is good
for headaches and is helpful in healing cancer. 6th
and 7th chakras. Virgo.
Tiger Eye
Tiger Eye is an excellent grounding stone. It
harmonizes and balances the emotions, bringing order
out of chaos, and promoting clarity and focus of the
mind. Tiger Eye enhances psychic abilities, attracts
beauty and abundance, and fosters practical wisdom. It
helps heal wounds, bruises, eyes and throat. 5th
chakra. Capricorn. Mercury, Earth. Mars.
Tourmaline clears and stimulates the body's energy
centers while bringing healing power to the user. It
balances chakras as well as the left and right
hemispheres of the brain. Tourmaline can help one to
experience the state of being part of universal spirit
and can bring insight during difficult times. It
activates chakras of like color. Libra. Venus
Turquoise is the connection between Father Sky and
Mother Earth. It cleanses and heals the body's energy
centers, aligns the chakras, heals the spirit, and
brings peace of mind. Turquoise is helpful in
developing psychic power, promoting all forms of
communication, and is useful for grounding and
attunement. It is a master healing stone that protects
and blesses its user, and has long been used by
shamans for healing and to bring rain. 5th chakra.
Sagittarius. Venus, Moon.
Hopefully this preliminary list of stones will
stimulate your mind and intuition and motivate you to
get out there and find the perfect stones for your own
crystal healing "tool chest." You may find many other
stones not listed here that you resonate with and can
utilize in your personal style of crystal healing
facilitation. Gather together your stones and crystals
and get them cleansed, cleared and ready for work,
because next month's article will be all about
facilitating a healing session.
* * * * * * * *
Joysprite - otherwise known as The Crystal Lady - is a
Reiki Master, Crystal Healing Facilitator, NLP
Practitioner and Mom of three beautiful children. Her
own personal crystal path began in West Texas and is
continuing in Ocean Beach, California, where she is
the owner of Wisdom Crystals.
quarta-feira, outubro 29, 2008
The act of self-forgiveness changes the energy and
structures of your cells, and of your DNA. Guilt is a
very powerful
and deadening emotion. Guilt in itself can, as it
were, close down
the energy systems of your body, and thereby lessen,
and in extreme
cases, cut off the flow of Divine Energy and Love to
the body
entirely. Because each and every one of your cells has
they too can carry the essence and energy of guilt
within them that
makes their energy denser.
With this denser energy that flows throughout the body
and in the
nuclei of the cells themselves, the illnesses that you
have worked
upon in your striving towards spiritual growth and
leave a residue. Although to you, they have been
cured. This residue
that is held in the body through lack of
self-forgiveness, acts like
a blueprint for the creation of the same or similar
illnesses. It is,
however, possible that this blueprint of denser energy
can migrate
from one part of the body to another.
This is how it works. You follow a spiritual
discipline and you
choose to work consciously upon one are of growth or
another, or even
on a particular illness, or on forgiving a particular
person. You do
the energy work, and what you see as the forgiveness
work, but in
doing so, you concentrate more on releasing the other
and forgiving
the other without really working on the real issue of
yourself. Many of you are doing this half heartedly
because the part
of you that is now spiritually aware, condemns the
other parts for
having been so wrong and for having wasted so much
time. I cannot
express the importance of self- forgiveness enough,
for self
forgiveness and self acceptance are the keys to
surviving the
upheavals of a turbulent world. Forgiveness of the
self and
acceptance of the self have a direct positive
influence upon the
functioning of the immune system.
Many assume that the act of self-forgiveness to
improve your health
causes a conflict of motives. They assume that they
will only forgive
for the reason of improving their own health. However,
I say to you,
that the act of forgiveness itself, and I speak
especially of self-
forgiveness, will bring you more in contact with the
light of your
soul, where there is no conflict of motives. The very
fabric of the
Universe is love and light, and in order that love and
light may flow
to the places where love and light cannot, the flow
must be opened to
even more flow. Forgiveness is one of the universal
qualities of
grace that helps to unblock and allow love and light
to flow. The act
of self forgiveness and the process that you go
through on physical,
emotional and mental levels will teach you much about
the workings of
the human psyche. Therefore, it will enable and
empower you to
embrace others with compassion and true forgiveness.
True forgiveness
can only come from a guiltless heart, from a soul that
has truly
forgiven itself and is in the full light of self
acceptance. So what
is forgiveness? How can we learn to forgive and what
is the process
behind forgiveness? Many of you are afraid to begin
the process of
forgiveness because your motives seem unclear, and
then you feel that
you are not really forgiving. Forgiveness is choosing
to change a
thought, belief and an emotion with respect to other
people and
situations. As everything in the Universe is energy,
forgiveness is
also a process of transforming energy. Forgiveness is
a choice as is
not forgiving. When there is someone in your life that
you think you
cannot forgive, then the energy of that person and
situation remains
within your aura. This means quite simply, that
forgiveness is like
any other process of self-healing. For forgiveness in
itself is a
process of untangling those parts of the mental and
the emotional
bodies that are tangled up in the denser energies that
the situation
with the other person carries. In addition to this,
there are lines
of energy that exists between you and every other
person you have
ever had an exchange with, no matter how trivial these
exchanges may
have seemed. In essence, your aura carries with it
energetic memory
and this is what triggers intuition, déjà vu and
sometimes warning
So when you find it impossible to forgive another, you
energetically connected to that person. Therefore, you
are allowing
the pain, the abuse and the trauma to remain with you.
This, my
dears, is a choice. Forgiveness is not something that
you can or
cannot do. It is simply a matter of choosing to change
your thoughts,
beliefs and ideas about a given situation or person in
your life.
Forgiveness is the most important aspect of your
spiritual growth,
and it is the forgiveness of the self that hands you
the key to the
light of your soul. When you go to see a healer, or
doctor you are in
essence taking part in the practice of self-
forgiveness. This is so,
because the active healing releases energies that had
been solidified
within your aura and the healing takes place based
upon either a
conscious or subconscious decision to forgive yourself
or another.
All is energy in the Universe, so free yourself from
the question of
motivation when it comes to forgiveness. Many of you
who have been on
a path of spiritual growth for some time, see the
benefits of
bringing more light into your aura and don't question
your motives
for working consciously on your aura as energy. So why
working on yet another aspect of the Universe that is
also energy? It
is your intention to live in more light that counts.
The Guides and
Spiritual Masters do not look at all the
misconceptions of the
personality; we experience the intent of the soul.
In essence beloved ones, by not forgiving another, or
by not allowing
their energy to leave you, you are allowing the pain
and the abuse to
continue. It is as simple as that. So the only
decision that you have
to make regarding forgiveness is this: Am I willing to
let go of the
pain and abuse, or will I allow this person or
situation to persecute
me for the rest of this life?
Additionally, the act of forgiveness also allows the
other person to
move on, be they still in your environment, another
city or town, or
even in another dimension. When you change the energy
pattern that
this person or event has stimulated you to create in
your aura, then
you also let go of this person on an energetic level.
Until the
moment you are able to forgive and release a person
from guilt, or
from the responsibility for your pain, this person
energetically aligned with you at one or more levels.
creates harmony in the Universe because you are
handing the other
person a passport to more freedom and joy. In doing so
you are buying
for yourself a first class ticket on a journey to
In essence, if you have been raped, physically or
sexually abused, or
verbally denigrated by a parent, teacher or other
authority figure,
you are still living as the raped, the abused and the
denigrated by
not forgiving and letting go of these people and
situations. You can
choose to live your life with another identity if you
so wish. This
is a choice.
Many of you believe that you have to in some way greet
the person or
meet them on a physical level in order to truly
forgive them. This is
not so. Their higher self also allows them to be in
the situation
where they become the abuser for the purpose of their
own spiritual
growth. Although it may be difficult for you to
accept, your abuser
truly does have a Higher Self and a Soul that loves
you. This Higher
Self is aware of your non-forgiveness and of your
forgiveness. It
will assist the personality to grow as a response to
the energetic
changes you will make in the process of forgiveness.
So, although you
may never see someone again, they will know on a
deeper level that
you have released them to grow and to move on. It is
also true of
those people in your life who you are yet to truly
forgive, and who
are no longer focused within physical reality. These
souls who have
passed on to other worlds and dimensions can often
become more
sensitive on a conscious level of your lack of
forgiveness towards
them. One of the greatest gifts that you can give
someone who abused
you whilst physically present on Earth is to release
them with joy
and with forgiveness. This allows them to move further
in their
Realize, beloved ones, that the world is a stage and
that YOU chose
all the actors, and the scenes, also of your childhood
before you
arrived. You, together with the Souls of your abusers
and tormentors
wrote the script together. It is up to you whether you
allow the soap
opera to be repeated time and time and time again.
For many people forgiveness is one of the hardest
steps of all in our
progress toward freedom of spirit. Yet it is
essential. For as long
as we are unable to forgive, we keep ourselves chained
to the
unforgiven. We give them rent-free space in our minds,
shackles on our hearts, and the right to torment us in
the small
hours of the night. When it is time to move on, but
still too hard,
try some or all of these steps. (Note that these steps
appropriate for events resulting from an ongoing adult
with anyone. They may not all be appropriate for the
random act of
violence from a stranger, nor for someone who was
abused as a child
or while in some other position of true helplessness.
1. Understand that forgiving does not mean giving
permission for the
behavior to be repeated. It does not mean saying that
what was done
was acceptable. Forgiveness is needed for behaviors
that were not
acceptable and that you should not allow to be
2. Recognize who is being hurt by your
non-forgiveness. Does the
other person burn with your anger, feel the knot in
your stomach,
experience the cycling and recycling of your thoughts
as you re-
experience the events in your mind? Do they stay awake
as you
rehearse in your mind what you would like to say or do
to 'punish'
them? No, the pain is all yours.
3. Do not require to know 'why' as a prerequisite to
Knowing why the behavior happened is unlikely to
lessen the pain,
because the pain came at a time when you did not know
Occasionally there are times when knowing why makes
unncessary, but they are rare. Don't count on it and
don't count on
even the perpetrator knowing why.
4. Make a list of what you need to forgive. What was
actually done
that caused your pain? Not what you felt, what was
5. Acknowledge your part. Were you honest about your
hurt or did you
hide the fact that the behavior hurt you? Did you seek
peace by
reassuring the perpetrator that it was all right? Did
you stay when
you could or should have left? If so, then you, too,
have some
responsibility. (Here you start to move away from
being a victim.)
6. Make a list of what you gained from the
relationship, whatever
form of relationship it was. Looking back you may be
focusing on the
negatives, the hurts. Yet if they were repeated, you
must have stayed
to allow the repetition. You did not remove yourself.
Why? There must
have been some positives if you chose to stay around.
What were they?
7. Write a letter to the person (no need to mail it).
what you gained from the relationship, and express
forgiveness for
the hurts. Allow yourself to express all your feelings
fully. Do not
focus only on the hurts.
8. Create a ceremony in which you get rid of your
lists and the
letter, so symbolizing the ending of the link between
you. You may
choose to visualize placing them on a raft and
watching it drift
gently away down a river. You may prefer to burn them
and scatter the
ashes. You may invent some other form of ritualized
9. Visualize the person you are forgiving being
blessed by your
forgiveness and, as a result, being freed from
continuing the
behavior that hurt you.
10. Now that you have freed yourself from the painful
links and
released the pain, feel yourself growing lighter and
more joyous. Now
you are free to move on with your life without that
burden of
bitterness. Do not look back in anger.
Exercise in forgiveness
Take a deep breath into the lower belly and breathe
out again as if
you are letting go of all your daily cares and
worries. Do this
several times. Begin also to breathe into the upper
chest and imagine
for yourself that the back of your neck is opening,
creating a tunnel
through which energies can flow up through your body
into the cosmos
and from the cosmos down through your spine into your
legs and feet.
This visualization will assist you in flowing with the
energies of
divine and creative essence.
Next visualize a light in the centre of your chest,
your Heart
Centre. See this light becoming brighter and brighter
as you continue
to breathe into the upper chest. Start opening your
heart even
further and allow more and more light to flow in and
out of this
centre of divine love. Imagine the most beautiful
light that you
possibly can visualize, be it white, gold or any other
combination of
colors that you feel express the love within your
heart. Continue
with this visualization until you feel that you are
centered within
yourself and are at peace with yourself and the world.
Now imagine that you are standing or sitting in the
middle of a
triangle that is composed of rods of golden light. See
how bright,
shimmering, and radiant that these rods of golden
light are. Notice
that these rods are of a higher vibration than you
experience, and feel the energy that they are
transmitting to you as
you sit or stand in the middle of this triangle.
Now visualize for yourself that rods of golden energy
are coming out
of your heart, and are attaching themselves to each of
the points of
the triangle. You are now one with the triangle. Place
at one of the
points of the triangle the image of someone that you
love very
dearly, and send them your wishes of love and peace,
and feel how
this love reverberates around the triangle, and feel
how every
particle of light within the triangle and yourself
begins to resonate
with this love. In another point of the triangle place
the image of
someone or something that you hold very dear to
yourself. This can be
a favorite pet, your guide, the image of an angel, or
your favorite
landscape. Use your imagination. And allow the same
resonance of love
to emanate from your heart towards this corner, and
feel how the
intensity of the entire triangle is stepped up in
Finally, place the image of someone that you have not
yet forgiven
into the remaining corner of the triangle and feel how
the resonance
of love flows automatically towards this person from
around the
triangle and from your heart. Concentrate once more on
the first two
corners of the triangle and allow the resonance of
love to flow
automatically around the triangle, and become this
triangle of love.
You may do this exercise as often as you feel is
appropriate. The
purpose of this exercise is to raise the vibration of
any energy you
are holding in your aura from other people and
situations in your
life that you are yet to let go of. This exercise is
the beginning of
discovering Mastership, for true Masters transform all
energies into
light. Welcome on the path of the Masters.
Forgiving The Self
Forgiveness of self is the most fundamental aspect of
growth. It cannot be overlooked whilst on the path of
ascension out
of the denser energies of fear and guilt that have
enveloped this
planet for many millennia. Humanity carries deep
within its cells the
vibration and frequency of guilt and shame that is
acting as a wall
of doubt between the personality self and the soul
This shame originated at the point at which humanity
began to
question its own validity and place within the
Universe. It
originated at the point in which the intuitive mind
asked itself ?
Who Am I ? as illustrated in the Genesis parable. The
shame that you
have all felt over millennia has now reached a point
transformation. It is coming free from the cellular
structure and the
aura of humanity. This shame originated from the time
that an amnesia
set in, so that the experiment of exercising free will
to create love
as co-creating gods could begin
I have said that there are only two true emotions
present within your
world, they are love and fear. Love is the only true
emotion, and it
forms the building block with which Light and all
matter is created.
Fear came into existence when you began to experience
separation from
the Light and therefore felt the illusory separation
from the source
of Love. As this fear gradually built up over the
millennia, and from
incarnation to incarnation, humanity began to back
itself into a
corner of fear from where many lashed out in violent
acts, as if to
defend themselves from imagined enemies. The true fear
has always
been: God doesn't love me, I am alone, abandoned, and
I am not worthy.
With these two fears firmly in place, mankind began
external gods to which he had to measure up to,
please, or get the
approval of, in order to be counted worthy. This has
lead to wars,
violence, a belief in limitation and scarcity, poverty
hopelessness on the planet. As a result of these
beliefs, humanity
has also set about defending itself from the imaginary
enemies that
lie within these beliefs. This in turn has lead to
acts of great
cruelty, torture and torment that have been wrought
against all life
forms, against fellow humans and against Earth
herself. The illusion
of separation from the Godhead has created an
atmosphere of fear that
is indeed visible to us from the Higher Realms, and
has caused
humanity to being lost within a mist, or a veil, of
illusion for a
very long period of time.
Now is the time to begin removing these layers of
denser energies
that are self generating the fear. You can do this by
moving into a
space of self forgiveness. Many of you are carrying
layers of shame
and fear within your aura and cells and much of this
shame is not
even rationally explicable, even to yourselves,
because it has lain
energetically within you with no apparent cause.
The first step in forgiving the self is being willing
to let go of
shame. It is being willing to move beyond limitation
and fear, and
accepting that, just maybe, God does love and approve
of you as a
child of the light. It means being willing to accept
your divinity,
and being willing to exercise compassion towards
yourself. Once you
have stated your willingness to do these things, and
have set your
intention to release all pain, guilt and shame from
your being, and
then your soul, supported by the higher forces of
light in the
Universe, can go to work assisting you to release all
your pain to
the light. However, it is not until you state your
intention and your
willingness to release yourself, that the Universe can
do anything to
help you. This is a Universe of free will and if it is
your choice to
remain in fear, then there is nothing that can be done
to alleviate
that. The Universe always empowers those that express
From the perspective of the Higher Realms of Light,
there is not one
thing that you could have done in this life, or in
another, that
would hold the heavenly hosts and your soul back in
giving you their
love and light, or that would cause them to judge or
condemn you in
any way. You are the only one that is capable of
judging yourself, or
of punishing yourself. Un- conditional love begins
with the self, as
does forgiveness.
We cannot emphasize enough, how important it will be
over the coming
years, to release all guilt and shame from your body,
because the
Earth changes that are taking place activate and
intensify any
energies that are present. Therefore, if you
concentrate on beauty,
peace, abundance and health, then these things will
Likewise, if you concentrate on fear, poverty, danger,
and disease,
then these things will increase. The very nature of
matter, and the
energies present, upon this planet are changing. With
these changes,
the power of your thoughts is also increasing. The
energies present
are becoming more fluid and supple, reacting more
swiftly to your
thoughts and desires, therefore, your thoughts and
feelings are able
to have a greater effect than previously possible. You
can choose to
use this power for the greater good of all by focusing
on the
goodness in your life.
Exercise in self forgiveness
For the process of self forgiveness, a daily practice
of meditation
is recommended, where you can become quiet and will
not be disturbed
for at least twenty minutes. Make this time special
for yourself,
play your favorite soft and relaxing music, maybe
light some candles
or burn some incense. Do whatever it is that helps you
to feel
peaceful and centered. As you begin this meditation,
state your
intention that you are willing to release all pain,
guilt and shame
from your body and energy systems and that you call
upon the Forces
of Light in the Universe to assist you in this release
work. Close
your eyes, quiet your breathing, and imagine a bright
white and
golden light entering your body through the crown of
your head.
Gradually bring this light with your breath to every
part and cell of
your body and visualize that any dense, grey energies
are released
and cleansed by the light.
Finally thank yourself and the light for the
transformation that has
taken place.
structures of your cells, and of your DNA. Guilt is a
very powerful
and deadening emotion. Guilt in itself can, as it
were, close down
the energy systems of your body, and thereby lessen,
and in extreme
cases, cut off the flow of Divine Energy and Love to
the body
entirely. Because each and every one of your cells has
they too can carry the essence and energy of guilt
within them that
makes their energy denser.
With this denser energy that flows throughout the body
and in the
nuclei of the cells themselves, the illnesses that you
have worked
upon in your striving towards spiritual growth and
leave a residue. Although to you, they have been
cured. This residue
that is held in the body through lack of
self-forgiveness, acts like
a blueprint for the creation of the same or similar
illnesses. It is,
however, possible that this blueprint of denser energy
can migrate
from one part of the body to another.
This is how it works. You follow a spiritual
discipline and you
choose to work consciously upon one are of growth or
another, or even
on a particular illness, or on forgiving a particular
person. You do
the energy work, and what you see as the forgiveness
work, but in
doing so, you concentrate more on releasing the other
and forgiving
the other without really working on the real issue of
yourself. Many of you are doing this half heartedly
because the part
of you that is now spiritually aware, condemns the
other parts for
having been so wrong and for having wasted so much
time. I cannot
express the importance of self- forgiveness enough,
for self
forgiveness and self acceptance are the keys to
surviving the
upheavals of a turbulent world. Forgiveness of the
self and
acceptance of the self have a direct positive
influence upon the
functioning of the immune system.
Many assume that the act of self-forgiveness to
improve your health
causes a conflict of motives. They assume that they
will only forgive
for the reason of improving their own health. However,
I say to you,
that the act of forgiveness itself, and I speak
especially of self-
forgiveness, will bring you more in contact with the
light of your
soul, where there is no conflict of motives. The very
fabric of the
Universe is love and light, and in order that love and
light may flow
to the places where love and light cannot, the flow
must be opened to
even more flow. Forgiveness is one of the universal
qualities of
grace that helps to unblock and allow love and light
to flow. The act
of self forgiveness and the process that you go
through on physical,
emotional and mental levels will teach you much about
the workings of
the human psyche. Therefore, it will enable and
empower you to
embrace others with compassion and true forgiveness.
True forgiveness
can only come from a guiltless heart, from a soul that
has truly
forgiven itself and is in the full light of self
acceptance. So what
is forgiveness? How can we learn to forgive and what
is the process
behind forgiveness? Many of you are afraid to begin
the process of
forgiveness because your motives seem unclear, and
then you feel that
you are not really forgiving. Forgiveness is choosing
to change a
thought, belief and an emotion with respect to other
people and
situations. As everything in the Universe is energy,
forgiveness is
also a process of transforming energy. Forgiveness is
a choice as is
not forgiving. When there is someone in your life that
you think you
cannot forgive, then the energy of that person and
situation remains
within your aura. This means quite simply, that
forgiveness is like
any other process of self-healing. For forgiveness in
itself is a
process of untangling those parts of the mental and
the emotional
bodies that are tangled up in the denser energies that
the situation
with the other person carries. In addition to this,
there are lines
of energy that exists between you and every other
person you have
ever had an exchange with, no matter how trivial these
exchanges may
have seemed. In essence, your aura carries with it
energetic memory
and this is what triggers intuition, déjà vu and
sometimes warning
So when you find it impossible to forgive another, you
energetically connected to that person. Therefore, you
are allowing
the pain, the abuse and the trauma to remain with you.
This, my
dears, is a choice. Forgiveness is not something that
you can or
cannot do. It is simply a matter of choosing to change
your thoughts,
beliefs and ideas about a given situation or person in
your life.
Forgiveness is the most important aspect of your
spiritual growth,
and it is the forgiveness of the self that hands you
the key to the
light of your soul. When you go to see a healer, or
doctor you are in
essence taking part in the practice of self-
forgiveness. This is so,
because the active healing releases energies that had
been solidified
within your aura and the healing takes place based
upon either a
conscious or subconscious decision to forgive yourself
or another.
All is energy in the Universe, so free yourself from
the question of
motivation when it comes to forgiveness. Many of you
who have been on
a path of spiritual growth for some time, see the
benefits of
bringing more light into your aura and don't question
your motives
for working consciously on your aura as energy. So why
working on yet another aspect of the Universe that is
also energy? It
is your intention to live in more light that counts.
The Guides and
Spiritual Masters do not look at all the
misconceptions of the
personality; we experience the intent of the soul.
In essence beloved ones, by not forgiving another, or
by not allowing
their energy to leave you, you are allowing the pain
and the abuse to
continue. It is as simple as that. So the only
decision that you have
to make regarding forgiveness is this: Am I willing to
let go of the
pain and abuse, or will I allow this person or
situation to persecute
me for the rest of this life?
Additionally, the act of forgiveness also allows the
other person to
move on, be they still in your environment, another
city or town, or
even in another dimension. When you change the energy
pattern that
this person or event has stimulated you to create in
your aura, then
you also let go of this person on an energetic level.
Until the
moment you are able to forgive and release a person
from guilt, or
from the responsibility for your pain, this person
energetically aligned with you at one or more levels.
creates harmony in the Universe because you are
handing the other
person a passport to more freedom and joy. In doing so
you are buying
for yourself a first class ticket on a journey to
In essence, if you have been raped, physically or
sexually abused, or
verbally denigrated by a parent, teacher or other
authority figure,
you are still living as the raped, the abused and the
denigrated by
not forgiving and letting go of these people and
situations. You can
choose to live your life with another identity if you
so wish. This
is a choice.
Many of you believe that you have to in some way greet
the person or
meet them on a physical level in order to truly
forgive them. This is
not so. Their higher self also allows them to be in
the situation
where they become the abuser for the purpose of their
own spiritual
growth. Although it may be difficult for you to
accept, your abuser
truly does have a Higher Self and a Soul that loves
you. This Higher
Self is aware of your non-forgiveness and of your
forgiveness. It
will assist the personality to grow as a response to
the energetic
changes you will make in the process of forgiveness.
So, although you
may never see someone again, they will know on a
deeper level that
you have released them to grow and to move on. It is
also true of
those people in your life who you are yet to truly
forgive, and who
are no longer focused within physical reality. These
souls who have
passed on to other worlds and dimensions can often
become more
sensitive on a conscious level of your lack of
forgiveness towards
them. One of the greatest gifts that you can give
someone who abused
you whilst physically present on Earth is to release
them with joy
and with forgiveness. This allows them to move further
in their
Realize, beloved ones, that the world is a stage and
that YOU chose
all the actors, and the scenes, also of your childhood
before you
arrived. You, together with the Souls of your abusers
and tormentors
wrote the script together. It is up to you whether you
allow the soap
opera to be repeated time and time and time again.
For many people forgiveness is one of the hardest
steps of all in our
progress toward freedom of spirit. Yet it is
essential. For as long
as we are unable to forgive, we keep ourselves chained
to the
unforgiven. We give them rent-free space in our minds,
shackles on our hearts, and the right to torment us in
the small
hours of the night. When it is time to move on, but
still too hard,
try some or all of these steps. (Note that these steps
appropriate for events resulting from an ongoing adult
with anyone. They may not all be appropriate for the
random act of
violence from a stranger, nor for someone who was
abused as a child
or while in some other position of true helplessness.
1. Understand that forgiving does not mean giving
permission for the
behavior to be repeated. It does not mean saying that
what was done
was acceptable. Forgiveness is needed for behaviors
that were not
acceptable and that you should not allow to be
2. Recognize who is being hurt by your
non-forgiveness. Does the
other person burn with your anger, feel the knot in
your stomach,
experience the cycling and recycling of your thoughts
as you re-
experience the events in your mind? Do they stay awake
as you
rehearse in your mind what you would like to say or do
to 'punish'
them? No, the pain is all yours.
3. Do not require to know 'why' as a prerequisite to
Knowing why the behavior happened is unlikely to
lessen the pain,
because the pain came at a time when you did not know
Occasionally there are times when knowing why makes
unncessary, but they are rare. Don't count on it and
don't count on
even the perpetrator knowing why.
4. Make a list of what you need to forgive. What was
actually done
that caused your pain? Not what you felt, what was
5. Acknowledge your part. Were you honest about your
hurt or did you
hide the fact that the behavior hurt you? Did you seek
peace by
reassuring the perpetrator that it was all right? Did
you stay when
you could or should have left? If so, then you, too,
have some
responsibility. (Here you start to move away from
being a victim.)
6. Make a list of what you gained from the
relationship, whatever
form of relationship it was. Looking back you may be
focusing on the
negatives, the hurts. Yet if they were repeated, you
must have stayed
to allow the repetition. You did not remove yourself.
Why? There must
have been some positives if you chose to stay around.
What were they?
7. Write a letter to the person (no need to mail it).
what you gained from the relationship, and express
forgiveness for
the hurts. Allow yourself to express all your feelings
fully. Do not
focus only on the hurts.
8. Create a ceremony in which you get rid of your
lists and the
letter, so symbolizing the ending of the link between
you. You may
choose to visualize placing them on a raft and
watching it drift
gently away down a river. You may prefer to burn them
and scatter the
ashes. You may invent some other form of ritualized
9. Visualize the person you are forgiving being
blessed by your
forgiveness and, as a result, being freed from
continuing the
behavior that hurt you.
10. Now that you have freed yourself from the painful
links and
released the pain, feel yourself growing lighter and
more joyous. Now
you are free to move on with your life without that
burden of
bitterness. Do not look back in anger.
Exercise in forgiveness
Take a deep breath into the lower belly and breathe
out again as if
you are letting go of all your daily cares and
worries. Do this
several times. Begin also to breathe into the upper
chest and imagine
for yourself that the back of your neck is opening,
creating a tunnel
through which energies can flow up through your body
into the cosmos
and from the cosmos down through your spine into your
legs and feet.
This visualization will assist you in flowing with the
energies of
divine and creative essence.
Next visualize a light in the centre of your chest,
your Heart
Centre. See this light becoming brighter and brighter
as you continue
to breathe into the upper chest. Start opening your
heart even
further and allow more and more light to flow in and
out of this
centre of divine love. Imagine the most beautiful
light that you
possibly can visualize, be it white, gold or any other
combination of
colors that you feel express the love within your
heart. Continue
with this visualization until you feel that you are
centered within
yourself and are at peace with yourself and the world.
Now imagine that you are standing or sitting in the
middle of a
triangle that is composed of rods of golden light. See
how bright,
shimmering, and radiant that these rods of golden
light are. Notice
that these rods are of a higher vibration than you
experience, and feel the energy that they are
transmitting to you as
you sit or stand in the middle of this triangle.
Now visualize for yourself that rods of golden energy
are coming out
of your heart, and are attaching themselves to each of
the points of
the triangle. You are now one with the triangle. Place
at one of the
points of the triangle the image of someone that you
love very
dearly, and send them your wishes of love and peace,
and feel how
this love reverberates around the triangle, and feel
how every
particle of light within the triangle and yourself
begins to resonate
with this love. In another point of the triangle place
the image of
someone or something that you hold very dear to
yourself. This can be
a favorite pet, your guide, the image of an angel, or
your favorite
landscape. Use your imagination. And allow the same
resonance of love
to emanate from your heart towards this corner, and
feel how the
intensity of the entire triangle is stepped up in
Finally, place the image of someone that you have not
yet forgiven
into the remaining corner of the triangle and feel how
the resonance
of love flows automatically towards this person from
around the
triangle and from your heart. Concentrate once more on
the first two
corners of the triangle and allow the resonance of
love to flow
automatically around the triangle, and become this
triangle of love.
You may do this exercise as often as you feel is
appropriate. The
purpose of this exercise is to raise the vibration of
any energy you
are holding in your aura from other people and
situations in your
life that you are yet to let go of. This exercise is
the beginning of
discovering Mastership, for true Masters transform all
energies into
light. Welcome on the path of the Masters.
Forgiving The Self
Forgiveness of self is the most fundamental aspect of
growth. It cannot be overlooked whilst on the path of
ascension out
of the denser energies of fear and guilt that have
enveloped this
planet for many millennia. Humanity carries deep
within its cells the
vibration and frequency of guilt and shame that is
acting as a wall
of doubt between the personality self and the soul
This shame originated at the point at which humanity
began to
question its own validity and place within the
Universe. It
originated at the point in which the intuitive mind
asked itself ?
Who Am I ? as illustrated in the Genesis parable. The
shame that you
have all felt over millennia has now reached a point
transformation. It is coming free from the cellular
structure and the
aura of humanity. This shame originated from the time
that an amnesia
set in, so that the experiment of exercising free will
to create love
as co-creating gods could begin
I have said that there are only two true emotions
present within your
world, they are love and fear. Love is the only true
emotion, and it
forms the building block with which Light and all
matter is created.
Fear came into existence when you began to experience
separation from
the Light and therefore felt the illusory separation
from the source
of Love. As this fear gradually built up over the
millennia, and from
incarnation to incarnation, humanity began to back
itself into a
corner of fear from where many lashed out in violent
acts, as if to
defend themselves from imagined enemies. The true fear
has always
been: God doesn't love me, I am alone, abandoned, and
I am not worthy.
With these two fears firmly in place, mankind began
external gods to which he had to measure up to,
please, or get the
approval of, in order to be counted worthy. This has
lead to wars,
violence, a belief in limitation and scarcity, poverty
hopelessness on the planet. As a result of these
beliefs, humanity
has also set about defending itself from the imaginary
enemies that
lie within these beliefs. This in turn has lead to
acts of great
cruelty, torture and torment that have been wrought
against all life
forms, against fellow humans and against Earth
herself. The illusion
of separation from the Godhead has created an
atmosphere of fear that
is indeed visible to us from the Higher Realms, and
has caused
humanity to being lost within a mist, or a veil, of
illusion for a
very long period of time.
Now is the time to begin removing these layers of
denser energies
that are self generating the fear. You can do this by
moving into a
space of self forgiveness. Many of you are carrying
layers of shame
and fear within your aura and cells and much of this
shame is not
even rationally explicable, even to yourselves,
because it has lain
energetically within you with no apparent cause.
The first step in forgiving the self is being willing
to let go of
shame. It is being willing to move beyond limitation
and fear, and
accepting that, just maybe, God does love and approve
of you as a
child of the light. It means being willing to accept
your divinity,
and being willing to exercise compassion towards
yourself. Once you
have stated your willingness to do these things, and
have set your
intention to release all pain, guilt and shame from
your being, and
then your soul, supported by the higher forces of
light in the
Universe, can go to work assisting you to release all
your pain to
the light. However, it is not until you state your
intention and your
willingness to release yourself, that the Universe can
do anything to
help you. This is a Universe of free will and if it is
your choice to
remain in fear, then there is nothing that can be done
to alleviate
that. The Universe always empowers those that express
From the perspective of the Higher Realms of Light,
there is not one
thing that you could have done in this life, or in
another, that
would hold the heavenly hosts and your soul back in
giving you their
love and light, or that would cause them to judge or
condemn you in
any way. You are the only one that is capable of
judging yourself, or
of punishing yourself. Un- conditional love begins
with the self, as
does forgiveness.
We cannot emphasize enough, how important it will be
over the coming
years, to release all guilt and shame from your body,
because the
Earth changes that are taking place activate and
intensify any
energies that are present. Therefore, if you
concentrate on beauty,
peace, abundance and health, then these things will
Likewise, if you concentrate on fear, poverty, danger,
and disease,
then these things will increase. The very nature of
matter, and the
energies present, upon this planet are changing. With
these changes,
the power of your thoughts is also increasing. The
energies present
are becoming more fluid and supple, reacting more
swiftly to your
thoughts and desires, therefore, your thoughts and
feelings are able
to have a greater effect than previously possible. You
can choose to
use this power for the greater good of all by focusing
on the
goodness in your life.
Exercise in self forgiveness
For the process of self forgiveness, a daily practice
of meditation
is recommended, where you can become quiet and will
not be disturbed
for at least twenty minutes. Make this time special
for yourself,
play your favorite soft and relaxing music, maybe
light some candles
or burn some incense. Do whatever it is that helps you
to feel
peaceful and centered. As you begin this meditation,
state your
intention that you are willing to release all pain,
guilt and shame
from your body and energy systems and that you call
upon the Forces
of Light in the Universe to assist you in this release
work. Close
your eyes, quiet your breathing, and imagine a bright
white and
golden light entering your body through the crown of
your head.
Gradually bring this light with your breath to every
part and cell of
your body and visualize that any dense, grey energies
are released
and cleansed by the light.
Finally thank yourself and the light for the
transformation that has
taken place.
sábado, outubro 25, 2008
The Winds of Change
The winds of change blow across your life. Sometimes change is like a gentle breeze that kisses your cheek on a spring day. Sometimes change is like a tornado that uproots your life.
But no matter what the change is and how it comes to you, know that you are always changing nonetheless. Know that it is not possible or desirable for life to remain static. Everything changes.
Let life be. People will enter your life and they will leave. Some will stay for years and some for only a short time. Let it be. Life is change.
Learn to welcome change. Learn to see newness as an exciting event. Learn to appreciate how the wind opens new doors and windows even as it closes others. Learn to appreciate the fresh smell of change, the way newness can clear out the cobwebs as it blows through your life.
Do not chase after the past. Do not run after what the breeze has blown away. Let it go.
It does not matter if you judge an event as good or bad. Your judgment of it does not alter it. And if you can learn not to judge it, then it is simply another event in your life, an event like all of the events, moving and changing, flowing and blowing across your life.
And even when a strong wind blows, there is one thing that remains: you. In all of the blowing change, there is one thing that is steadfast and stands: you. Deep within you, in your core, in your center, is the one thing that is unchangeable: your essential nature, the truth of you, who you are. This is the one constant and the one thing you can count on to be there, unchanging, ever true: your heart full of love and your center full of peace and truth. It holds.
Go there. Go there when the storm blows and you feel you need to run for cover. Go there for shelter. Go there, knowing that this is the shelter you have sought, the safety you have yearned for. Your own core, firm and steady, full of peace and love and yes, even joy, weathers each storm through this life and even beyond.
You are. You stand. You are.
But no matter what the change is and how it comes to you, know that you are always changing nonetheless. Know that it is not possible or desirable for life to remain static. Everything changes.
Let life be. People will enter your life and they will leave. Some will stay for years and some for only a short time. Let it be. Life is change.
Learn to welcome change. Learn to see newness as an exciting event. Learn to appreciate how the wind opens new doors and windows even as it closes others. Learn to appreciate the fresh smell of change, the way newness can clear out the cobwebs as it blows through your life.
Do not chase after the past. Do not run after what the breeze has blown away. Let it go.
It does not matter if you judge an event as good or bad. Your judgment of it does not alter it. And if you can learn not to judge it, then it is simply another event in your life, an event like all of the events, moving and changing, flowing and blowing across your life.
And even when a strong wind blows, there is one thing that remains: you. In all of the blowing change, there is one thing that is steadfast and stands: you. Deep within you, in your core, in your center, is the one thing that is unchangeable: your essential nature, the truth of you, who you are. This is the one constant and the one thing you can count on to be there, unchanging, ever true: your heart full of love and your center full of peace and truth. It holds.
Go there. Go there when the storm blows and you feel you need to run for cover. Go there for shelter. Go there, knowing that this is the shelter you have sought, the safety you have yearned for. Your own core, firm and steady, full of peace and love and yes, even joy, weathers each storm through this life and even beyond.
You are. You stand. You are.
sexta-feira, outubro 24, 2008
A verdadeira auto-estima
por Instituto KVT
Há algum tempo, a auto-estima tem sido um conteúdo considerado fundamental para a auto-imagem positiva, para o equilíbrio emocional, mental, sentimental e também essencial para a autocura em seu amplo aspecto.
Para isto é necessário, contudo, compreender-se o que significa verdadeiramente “auto-estima” e como conseguimos praticá-la em nosso dia-a-dia, principalmente quando estamos envolvidos em situações profundamente conflitantes, tanto em relação a nós mesmos quanto em relação a outras pessoas ou situações externas.
A “estima” deriva do amor, do carinho, do bem-querer e, naturalmente, impulsiona ao cuidado, à nutrição, ao guardar, ao proteger esta estima, este amor, este bem-querer; “auto” nos dá o entendimento do referencial ao “si mesmo”, necessitando, portanto, acontecer de dentro para fora. Desta forma, auto-estima é o amor que manifestamos a nós mesmos e que necessita ser guardado, nutrido, protegido, amado por “nós mesmos” em relação a “nós mesmos”.
Nossa educação, isto de uma forma geral, não nos desenvolve para esta postura de amor perante nós mesmos. Somos ensinados a amar o outro, cuidar do outro, proteger o outro, nos colocando sempre à parte deste processo amoroso, como se nosso interno, não fosse um “ser” que necessita desta estima tão especial. Embora hoje esteja muito divulgada a auto-estima ainda é comum a um grande número de pessoas reagir de forma espantosa ao tomar a ciência de que necessário amar a si mesmo, se querer bem, se elogiar, se prestigiar, se proteger, se impulsionar, se dar forças, se perdoar. Há uma espécie de susto ao tomar esta ciência e reconhecer que tudo o que é feito de bom para os outros é também necessário fazer a si mesmo, pois afinal, quem ama, doa, quer bem, nutre, sustenta guarda, protege é porque tem tudo isto dentro de si. Por que não direcionar esta grande capacidade amorosa e nutridora para dentro e para fora de si?
Penso que a dificuldade se encontra na falta de intimidade conosco mesmo, principalmente no sentido de reconhecer que a pessoa mais próxima a nós é: “nós mesmos”! Acostumados a olhar somente para fora, é necessário que se construa o caminho para que também possamos olhar para dentro de nós e, nos preparar para encontrarmos um ser carente e muito saudoso de nós mesmos.
“Como é difícil cuidar de nós mesmos! Como é difícil orientar a nós mesmos! Como é difícil guardar a nós mesmos! Como é difícil aceitar a nós mesmos como realmente somos sem as máscaras que encobrem nossa verdadeira essência!” Estes desabafos, que são também afirmações foi o que eu mais escutei e ainda escuto nesses vários anos de relacionamento com pessoas como terapeuta comportamental consciencial.
Para que isto não seja uma triste realidade imutável é fundamental construir esta intimidade conosco mesmo, desenvolvendo a percepção interna e um amadurecimento sobre nossa auto-imagem, pois a auto-estima se encontra diretamente ligada à auto-imagem. Se nos achamos fisicamente bonitos, temos uma auto-imagem desta forma; se nos achamos inteligentes, temos uma auto-imagem desta forma; se nos achamos incompetentes, temos uma auto-imagem correspondente e, assim, vamos gestando uma auto-imagem afim com o que pensamos ou achamos que somos. Desta forma, nossa auto-estima é extensão de nossa auto-imagem, porém, ocorrendo também o inverso. Vemos então, que auto-estima e auto-imagem andam juntas, sendo uma extensão da outra e desta forma, ambas necessitam ser em unicidade para que realmente possamos construir uma verdadeira auto-estima e auto-imagem.
Um ponto muito importante que nos causa grandes transtornos e sofrimentos em relação a auto-estima é a não aceitação de nós mesmos, chegando a processos de auto-rejeição. Isto acontece mediante nossa forma de tratarmos a nós mesmos, pois muitas vezes somos pacientes, tolerantes e relevantes para com as dificuldades dos outros, porém nos manifestamos completamente ao contrário quando nos percebemos nesta situação. Se nós somos capazes de tolerarmos o outro, por que não manifestamos esta mesma tolerância para conosco? Se aceitamos os erros dos outros e chegamos a perdoá-los, por que não perdoamos a nós mesmos?
Algumas pessoas dizem que já se perdoaram de escolhas difíceis, porém, quando em contato consigo mesmas manifestam uma atitude de profunda rigidez, não aceitando que erraram; que fizeram uma má escolha; que não conseguiram o desempenho que esperavam e que não são o que imaginavam que fossem. A não aceitação de si mesmo leva ao não acolhimento, ao não perdão de si mesmo, conseqüentemente, a uma auto-estima muito superficial e dual. PERDOAR NÃO É DIZER: “EU ME PERDÔO!” Perdoar é aceitar a si mesmo em todos os momentos, mesmo que tenhamos cometido o maior erro de nossa vida, onde, a partir desta auto-aceitação, nos é possível chegar ao auto-acolhimento que é a verdadeira auto-estima.
Assim, a verdadeira auto-estima é construída passo a passo no dia-a-dia, não sendo, portanto, pronta nem perfeita. Acolher a si mesmo nos momentos de alegria é sempre mais fácil, porém, quando somos conscientes que devemos sempre nos acolher, sejam quais forem as situações que nos envolvam, construímos nossa verdadeira auto-estima, pois o acolhimento nos traz para o amor, para o cuidar, para o nutrir, para o guardar.
Dicas para a construção diária da verdadeira auto-estima
- Sustente todos os dias a prática da auto-aceitação para o reconhecimento de si mesmo.
- Ame-se como você é.
- Seja lúcido de suas limitações e as aceite como sendo partes de seu crescimento e amadurecimento interno.
- Construa uma existência fundamentada no reconhecimento de si mesmo e no ser verdadeiro consigo mesmo, com o outro e com o todo.
- Manifeste diariamente a verdadeira auto-estima para que haja sua continuidade.
- Lembre-se de que a verdadeira auto-estima começa na transformação interna de suas dificuldades consigo mesmo e que, portanto, somente você pode desenvolvê-la.
- A verdadeira auto-estima necessita do trabalho interno de sua construção que deve ser continua, pois do contrário irá fragmentar-se e não terá força de ancoragem, onde sua tendência é desaparecer e abrir o espaço para o desamor consigo mesmo.
- A verdadeira auto-estima é um trabalho de construção, não sendo, portanto, pronta e perfeita.
Texto escrito por Ramy Arany, assistente social, terapeuta comportamental consciencial, escritora, palestrante, especializada em pesquisas e trabalhos pioneiros voltados ao feminino. É co-fundadora do instituto KVT e Instituto KVT Desenvolvimento da Consciência Empresarial. Autora dos livros “Eternamente Ísis – O retorno do feminino ao Sagrado” e “Visão Gestadora – A visão em Teia”, ambos da Ed. KVT. Ministra cursos, Workshops e terapias voltados ao desenvolvimento da consciência gestadora e ao resgate do feminino.
Há algum tempo, a auto-estima tem sido um conteúdo considerado fundamental para a auto-imagem positiva, para o equilíbrio emocional, mental, sentimental e também essencial para a autocura em seu amplo aspecto.
Para isto é necessário, contudo, compreender-se o que significa verdadeiramente “auto-estima” e como conseguimos praticá-la em nosso dia-a-dia, principalmente quando estamos envolvidos em situações profundamente conflitantes, tanto em relação a nós mesmos quanto em relação a outras pessoas ou situações externas.
A “estima” deriva do amor, do carinho, do bem-querer e, naturalmente, impulsiona ao cuidado, à nutrição, ao guardar, ao proteger esta estima, este amor, este bem-querer; “auto” nos dá o entendimento do referencial ao “si mesmo”, necessitando, portanto, acontecer de dentro para fora. Desta forma, auto-estima é o amor que manifestamos a nós mesmos e que necessita ser guardado, nutrido, protegido, amado por “nós mesmos” em relação a “nós mesmos”.
Nossa educação, isto de uma forma geral, não nos desenvolve para esta postura de amor perante nós mesmos. Somos ensinados a amar o outro, cuidar do outro, proteger o outro, nos colocando sempre à parte deste processo amoroso, como se nosso interno, não fosse um “ser” que necessita desta estima tão especial. Embora hoje esteja muito divulgada a auto-estima ainda é comum a um grande número de pessoas reagir de forma espantosa ao tomar a ciência de que necessário amar a si mesmo, se querer bem, se elogiar, se prestigiar, se proteger, se impulsionar, se dar forças, se perdoar. Há uma espécie de susto ao tomar esta ciência e reconhecer que tudo o que é feito de bom para os outros é também necessário fazer a si mesmo, pois afinal, quem ama, doa, quer bem, nutre, sustenta guarda, protege é porque tem tudo isto dentro de si. Por que não direcionar esta grande capacidade amorosa e nutridora para dentro e para fora de si?
Penso que a dificuldade se encontra na falta de intimidade conosco mesmo, principalmente no sentido de reconhecer que a pessoa mais próxima a nós é: “nós mesmos”! Acostumados a olhar somente para fora, é necessário que se construa o caminho para que também possamos olhar para dentro de nós e, nos preparar para encontrarmos um ser carente e muito saudoso de nós mesmos.
“Como é difícil cuidar de nós mesmos! Como é difícil orientar a nós mesmos! Como é difícil guardar a nós mesmos! Como é difícil aceitar a nós mesmos como realmente somos sem as máscaras que encobrem nossa verdadeira essência!” Estes desabafos, que são também afirmações foi o que eu mais escutei e ainda escuto nesses vários anos de relacionamento com pessoas como terapeuta comportamental consciencial.
Para que isto não seja uma triste realidade imutável é fundamental construir esta intimidade conosco mesmo, desenvolvendo a percepção interna e um amadurecimento sobre nossa auto-imagem, pois a auto-estima se encontra diretamente ligada à auto-imagem. Se nos achamos fisicamente bonitos, temos uma auto-imagem desta forma; se nos achamos inteligentes, temos uma auto-imagem desta forma; se nos achamos incompetentes, temos uma auto-imagem correspondente e, assim, vamos gestando uma auto-imagem afim com o que pensamos ou achamos que somos. Desta forma, nossa auto-estima é extensão de nossa auto-imagem, porém, ocorrendo também o inverso. Vemos então, que auto-estima e auto-imagem andam juntas, sendo uma extensão da outra e desta forma, ambas necessitam ser em unicidade para que realmente possamos construir uma verdadeira auto-estima e auto-imagem.
Um ponto muito importante que nos causa grandes transtornos e sofrimentos em relação a auto-estima é a não aceitação de nós mesmos, chegando a processos de auto-rejeição. Isto acontece mediante nossa forma de tratarmos a nós mesmos, pois muitas vezes somos pacientes, tolerantes e relevantes para com as dificuldades dos outros, porém nos manifestamos completamente ao contrário quando nos percebemos nesta situação. Se nós somos capazes de tolerarmos o outro, por que não manifestamos esta mesma tolerância para conosco? Se aceitamos os erros dos outros e chegamos a perdoá-los, por que não perdoamos a nós mesmos?
Algumas pessoas dizem que já se perdoaram de escolhas difíceis, porém, quando em contato consigo mesmas manifestam uma atitude de profunda rigidez, não aceitando que erraram; que fizeram uma má escolha; que não conseguiram o desempenho que esperavam e que não são o que imaginavam que fossem. A não aceitação de si mesmo leva ao não acolhimento, ao não perdão de si mesmo, conseqüentemente, a uma auto-estima muito superficial e dual. PERDOAR NÃO É DIZER: “EU ME PERDÔO!” Perdoar é aceitar a si mesmo em todos os momentos, mesmo que tenhamos cometido o maior erro de nossa vida, onde, a partir desta auto-aceitação, nos é possível chegar ao auto-acolhimento que é a verdadeira auto-estima.
Assim, a verdadeira auto-estima é construída passo a passo no dia-a-dia, não sendo, portanto, pronta nem perfeita. Acolher a si mesmo nos momentos de alegria é sempre mais fácil, porém, quando somos conscientes que devemos sempre nos acolher, sejam quais forem as situações que nos envolvam, construímos nossa verdadeira auto-estima, pois o acolhimento nos traz para o amor, para o cuidar, para o nutrir, para o guardar.
Dicas para a construção diária da verdadeira auto-estima
- Sustente todos os dias a prática da auto-aceitação para o reconhecimento de si mesmo.
- Ame-se como você é.
- Seja lúcido de suas limitações e as aceite como sendo partes de seu crescimento e amadurecimento interno.
- Construa uma existência fundamentada no reconhecimento de si mesmo e no ser verdadeiro consigo mesmo, com o outro e com o todo.
- Manifeste diariamente a verdadeira auto-estima para que haja sua continuidade.
- Lembre-se de que a verdadeira auto-estima começa na transformação interna de suas dificuldades consigo mesmo e que, portanto, somente você pode desenvolvê-la.
- A verdadeira auto-estima necessita do trabalho interno de sua construção que deve ser continua, pois do contrário irá fragmentar-se e não terá força de ancoragem, onde sua tendência é desaparecer e abrir o espaço para o desamor consigo mesmo.
- A verdadeira auto-estima é um trabalho de construção, não sendo, portanto, pronta e perfeita.
Texto escrito por Ramy Arany, assistente social, terapeuta comportamental consciencial, escritora, palestrante, especializada em pesquisas e trabalhos pioneiros voltados ao feminino. É co-fundadora do instituto KVT e Instituto KVT Desenvolvimento da Consciência Empresarial. Autora dos livros “Eternamente Ísis – O retorno do feminino ao Sagrado” e “Visão Gestadora – A visão em Teia”, ambos da Ed. KVT. Ministra cursos, Workshops e terapias voltados ao desenvolvimento da consciência gestadora e ao resgate do feminino.
quinta-feira, outubro 23, 2008
Energetic Look At Fibromyalgia
Energetic Look At Fibromyalgia
by Rita Louise
My dad, has high blood pressure. He has gotten more refunds, discounts and free stuff than anyone I know. He will haggle about the cost of an item or the quality of services rendered. He is also not put off by taking someone to court if he feels he has been swindled in any way. I kid with him, calling him a professional complainer. To him, however, he sees it as kind of a hobby. What he doesn't see, is the relationship between his actions and his high blood pressure.
When we experience pain or discomfort, our bodies are saying to us, "Excuse me, there is something wrong, I'm imbalanced and I want to move back into balance." Disease on the other hand, is the bodies way of saying, "HEY! I have something I want you to pay attention to. I've been trying to get you to notice me for months. Now you HAVE to take care of me."
Fibromyalgia is also a call for us to take care of our bodies; to make changes in our lives. To support this, let me first describe what Fibromyalgia is not when looked at energetically.
Fibromyalgia is not Multiple Sclerosis (MS). MS is a disease that affects the nervous system of the body. Energetically, the nerves of someone afflicted with MS appear to be broken and flailing around like a hose that has water running through it, but no one holding onto it. Individuals with MS, typically feel as if they have no control over their lives, or they are just flailing around.
Fibromyalgia is not arthritis. Arthritis energetically appears as white particles that flow through the veins of the circulatory system. These particles typically accumulate in the joints of afflicted individuals - just as moss and debris collect and accumulate in the nooks and crannies of a stream. Fibromyalgia is commonly mistaken for arthritis. Arthritis, however, afflicts the bodies skeletal system, while Fibromyalgia afflicts the muscular system. Individuals that suffer from arthritis are typically hanging onto energy that is now manifesting in the physical body.
Fibromyalgia is not Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). CFS appears like fog in the aura (the electromagnetic field around the body) and is attached to a chakra (an energy center within the body). Individuals with CFS typically want to disassociate with the world around them, or are in denial of some very deep issues. These issues are typically associated with the chakra that is afflicted.
What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a disease that afflicts 7 to 10 million Americans. A person is diagnosed with Fibromyalgia if they suffer from chronic pain in the muscular system for over three consecutive months. Currently, there is no known cause and no proven cure. It appears energetically as toxins in the muscular system of the body.
Each of us normally store some toxins in the body. We have all experienced this whenever we feel tender spots in our necks and shoulders when someone is giving us a massage. These tender spots, kinks or trigger points are places in the body where we hold onto unwanted or repressed emotional energy, with toxins representing the physical manifestation of the issue.
When we injure ourselves or activate one of our trigger points, the nerves in the body respond by releasing a chemical called ATP. ATP is interpreted by the brain as pain. According to Depak Chopra, the brain can trigger the releasing of ATP merely by having a particular kind of thought or feeling.
The bodies in FibroMyalgia sufferers are unable to process the ATP. It is not flushed through the system through the regular metabolic processes. As a result, the surrounding nerves are then triggered, causing them to release ATP. This triggering continues like dominoes, until the entire muscle group or entire body is involved. The body is then left with this backup of toxins that are trapped in the body until flushed through the system, thus restoring "normal health."
When looked at, clairvoyantly, the underlying issue I see surrounding this disease, is that the sufferer has been the giver or healer, so to speak, throughout their lives. They are the ones to give away the last slice of bread at dinner even though they are still hungry; the one to care for a sick friend or relative even if they are running a fever; the one who will work on a project, even though they do not support it emotionally, doing so only because they were asked. Now while being a giver is a wonderful thing, these individuals are being sent the message in no uncertain terms; "You need to take care of yourself!"
There are a number of things one can do to help curtail the pain associated with Fibromyalgia by reducing the level of toxins in the body.
First is Exercise. Now while adding exercise is not something many of us look forward to, there is one key benefit it can provide. Exercise, no matter what kind, including walking, stretching, or riding a stationary bike causes the muscles to increase the level of oxygen and blood that flow through the muscles. This increase in circulation helps the body to flush the toxins that are trapped within them. One minute of exercise a day is far better than no exercise at all.
Massage, while not as effective as exercise, is another great way to increase the circulation within the muscle groups. Massage is especially good at assisting you to work on the trigger points in the body.
Relaxation, mediation, and energetic healing such as Reiki, are a great way in which you can release unwanted energy from the body by breaking up some of the underlying emotional issues that keep the toxins and trigger points in the body.
Baths. As our society speeds up, and everything needs to be done fast, taking a nice long hot bath is quickly becoming a thing of the past.
Baths, however, are a great way of assisting the body to release energy. Try adding Epsom salt, sea salt or even baking soda to your bath water. When looked at it energetically, the water, especially when combined with the salt or baking soda, assists the body with releasing toxins from the skin, it relaxes the muscles, and helps to draw the "energy," which doesn't belong to you, out of the body. It not only feels good, it's good for you.
Take a look at what you're putting into your bodies. Are you eating a lot of processed foods? Do you drink coffee, tea or soda? Does your diet consist of canned and frozen foods, McDonalds and Taco Bell? Do you smoke? What we want to do is decrease the amount of toxins in the body, not support them.
Drink lots of water to assist in the flushing of the toxins out of the body.
Try writing or journaling what you were eating, feeling, or doing prior to an attack. Look for a pattern in your thoughts, feelings and actions. Try it, I think you will be truly surprised by what you find.
If you suffer from Fibromyalgia, imagine for a moment that your husband, wife, child or close friend were afflicted. What would you do or say to assist them in making these kinds of changes in their lives? Now is your opportunity to turn all of that nurturing inward and take care of yourself. So take care of yourself! Give yourself permission!
by Rita Louise
My dad, has high blood pressure. He has gotten more refunds, discounts and free stuff than anyone I know. He will haggle about the cost of an item or the quality of services rendered. He is also not put off by taking someone to court if he feels he has been swindled in any way. I kid with him, calling him a professional complainer. To him, however, he sees it as kind of a hobby. What he doesn't see, is the relationship between his actions and his high blood pressure.
When we experience pain or discomfort, our bodies are saying to us, "Excuse me, there is something wrong, I'm imbalanced and I want to move back into balance." Disease on the other hand, is the bodies way of saying, "HEY! I have something I want you to pay attention to. I've been trying to get you to notice me for months. Now you HAVE to take care of me."
Fibromyalgia is also a call for us to take care of our bodies; to make changes in our lives. To support this, let me first describe what Fibromyalgia is not when looked at energetically.
Fibromyalgia is not Multiple Sclerosis (MS). MS is a disease that affects the nervous system of the body. Energetically, the nerves of someone afflicted with MS appear to be broken and flailing around like a hose that has water running through it, but no one holding onto it. Individuals with MS, typically feel as if they have no control over their lives, or they are just flailing around.
Fibromyalgia is not arthritis. Arthritis energetically appears as white particles that flow through the veins of the circulatory system. These particles typically accumulate in the joints of afflicted individuals - just as moss and debris collect and accumulate in the nooks and crannies of a stream. Fibromyalgia is commonly mistaken for arthritis. Arthritis, however, afflicts the bodies skeletal system, while Fibromyalgia afflicts the muscular system. Individuals that suffer from arthritis are typically hanging onto energy that is now manifesting in the physical body.
Fibromyalgia is not Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). CFS appears like fog in the aura (the electromagnetic field around the body) and is attached to a chakra (an energy center within the body). Individuals with CFS typically want to disassociate with the world around them, or are in denial of some very deep issues. These issues are typically associated with the chakra that is afflicted.
What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a disease that afflicts 7 to 10 million Americans. A person is diagnosed with Fibromyalgia if they suffer from chronic pain in the muscular system for over three consecutive months. Currently, there is no known cause and no proven cure. It appears energetically as toxins in the muscular system of the body.
Each of us normally store some toxins in the body. We have all experienced this whenever we feel tender spots in our necks and shoulders when someone is giving us a massage. These tender spots, kinks or trigger points are places in the body where we hold onto unwanted or repressed emotional energy, with toxins representing the physical manifestation of the issue.
When we injure ourselves or activate one of our trigger points, the nerves in the body respond by releasing a chemical called ATP. ATP is interpreted by the brain as pain. According to Depak Chopra, the brain can trigger the releasing of ATP merely by having a particular kind of thought or feeling.
The bodies in FibroMyalgia sufferers are unable to process the ATP. It is not flushed through the system through the regular metabolic processes. As a result, the surrounding nerves are then triggered, causing them to release ATP. This triggering continues like dominoes, until the entire muscle group or entire body is involved. The body is then left with this backup of toxins that are trapped in the body until flushed through the system, thus restoring "normal health."
When looked at, clairvoyantly, the underlying issue I see surrounding this disease, is that the sufferer has been the giver or healer, so to speak, throughout their lives. They are the ones to give away the last slice of bread at dinner even though they are still hungry; the one to care for a sick friend or relative even if they are running a fever; the one who will work on a project, even though they do not support it emotionally, doing so only because they were asked. Now while being a giver is a wonderful thing, these individuals are being sent the message in no uncertain terms; "You need to take care of yourself!"
There are a number of things one can do to help curtail the pain associated with Fibromyalgia by reducing the level of toxins in the body.
First is Exercise. Now while adding exercise is not something many of us look forward to, there is one key benefit it can provide. Exercise, no matter what kind, including walking, stretching, or riding a stationary bike causes the muscles to increase the level of oxygen and blood that flow through the muscles. This increase in circulation helps the body to flush the toxins that are trapped within them. One minute of exercise a day is far better than no exercise at all.
Massage, while not as effective as exercise, is another great way to increase the circulation within the muscle groups. Massage is especially good at assisting you to work on the trigger points in the body.
Relaxation, mediation, and energetic healing such as Reiki, are a great way in which you can release unwanted energy from the body by breaking up some of the underlying emotional issues that keep the toxins and trigger points in the body.
Baths. As our society speeds up, and everything needs to be done fast, taking a nice long hot bath is quickly becoming a thing of the past.
Baths, however, are a great way of assisting the body to release energy. Try adding Epsom salt, sea salt or even baking soda to your bath water. When looked at it energetically, the water, especially when combined with the salt or baking soda, assists the body with releasing toxins from the skin, it relaxes the muscles, and helps to draw the "energy," which doesn't belong to you, out of the body. It not only feels good, it's good for you.
Take a look at what you're putting into your bodies. Are you eating a lot of processed foods? Do you drink coffee, tea or soda? Does your diet consist of canned and frozen foods, McDonalds and Taco Bell? Do you smoke? What we want to do is decrease the amount of toxins in the body, not support them.
Drink lots of water to assist in the flushing of the toxins out of the body.
Try writing or journaling what you were eating, feeling, or doing prior to an attack. Look for a pattern in your thoughts, feelings and actions. Try it, I think you will be truly surprised by what you find.
If you suffer from Fibromyalgia, imagine for a moment that your husband, wife, child or close friend were afflicted. What would you do or say to assist them in making these kinds of changes in their lives? Now is your opportunity to turn all of that nurturing inward and take care of yourself. So take care of yourself! Give yourself permission!
domingo, outubro 19, 2008
*Banhos Ritualísticos*
A Umbanda, religião ligada aos Orixás e a natureza, tem como
fundamentos a utilização de elementos da natureza, que são "regidos"
pelos Orixás. Os elementos são : AR ,TERRA ,FOGO ,ÁGUA
Estes elementos podem estar reunidos ou não em diversos rituais
umbandistas, no intuito de manipulação de energias. Em todo Universo, temos
o Prana ou Éter Vital, que é energia essencial para a manutenção da vida em
vários níveis energéticos. O Prana é absorvido pelos elementos da natureza e
por nós direta ou indiretamente.
A respiração, o "banho" de sol, a alimentação adequada, são alguns dos meios
desta absorção energética.
Nos rituais da Umbanda, podemos manipular, então os elementos da
natureza e o Prana, através de vários rituais. Alguns exemplos:
A vela - Temos os elementos Fogo, Ar, Água e Terra. O Fogo consome o Ar e a
resina da vela (Terra) e transforma a Água, contida na resina da vela, em
vapor. Isto apenas falando materialmente deste ritual, sem contar o aspecto
religioso e mágico.
A defumação - Temos o Fogo, Ar, a Terra e a Água envolvidos. A Água a Terra,
estão contidos nas ervas defumadas.
Como podemos constatar, estes elementos estão sempre presentes nos rituais,
sendo essenciais para o bom êxito de cada ação ritualística.
A magia, contida em muitos rituais umbandistas, tem a necessidade de
elementos materiais de ligação entre a matéria e o plano espiritual.
Os ciclos da natureza e os astros influenciam a vida de todos os seres
vivos, aqui na Terra, pois regulam toda a vida, trazendo o equilíbrio.
Devemos entender o máximo possível sobre estas influências, pois é de grande
importância, obter o melhor resultado na extração e manipulação energética.
Os banhos ritualísticos de uma maneira geral, são rituais, onde
utilizamos determinados elementos da natureza, de maneira ordenada e com
conhecimento de causa, com o intuito de troca energética entre o indivíduo e
a natureza, afim de fornecer-lhe equilíbrio energético e mental.
Estes banhos prestam-se para limpar as energias negativas, livrar as
pessoas de influências negativas, reequilibrar a pessoa, aumentar a
capacidade receptiva do aparelho mediúnico, já que os chacras serão
desobstruídos, enfim, tem grande importância na manutenção dos corpos.
Embora o banho utiliza-se de elementos materiais, que serão jogados
sobre o corpo físico, a contraparte etérica será depositada sobre os
chacras, corpo astral e aura que receberão diretamente o prana ou éter
vital, bem como a parte astral dos elementos densos.
Não somente os médiuns ativos na Umbanda devem tomar determinados banhos,
mas todos nós, em geral, podemos usá-los.
Temos algumas categorias de banhos :
a)* Banhos de Descarrego*
Esta categoria de banho, conhecido também como banho de descarga ou
desimpregnação energética é o mais comum e mais conhecido.
Estes banhos servem para livrar o indivíduo de cargas energéticas
negativas. Conforme vivemos, vamos passando por vários ambientes,
trocamos impressões com todo o tipo de indivíduo e como estamos num
planeta atrasado em evolução espiritual, a predominância do mal e de
energias negativas são abundantes. Todo este egrégora formado por
pensamentos, ações, vão criando larvas astrais, miasmas e todo a sorte
de vírus espirituais que vão se aderindo ao aura das pessoas. Por mais
que nos vigiemos, ora ou outra caímos com o nosso nível vibratório e
imediatamente estamos entrando neste egrégora. Se não nos cuidarmos,
vamos adquirindo doenças, distúrbios e podemos até sermos obsediados.
Há dois tipos de banhos de descarrego :
a1) Banho de Sal Grosso
Este é o banho mais comumente utilizado, devido à sua simplicidade e
eficiência. O elemento principal que é o sal grosso, é excelente
condutor elétrico e "absorve" muito bem os átomos eletricamente
carregados de carga negativa, que chamamos de íons. Como, em tudo há a
sua contraparte etérica, a função do sal é também tirar energias
negativas aderidas no aura de uma pessoa. Então este banho é eficiente
neste aspecto, já que a água em união como o sal, "lava" todo o aura,
desmagnetizando- o negativamente.
O preparo deste banho é bem simples, basta, após um banho normal,
banhar-se de uma mistura de um punhado de sal grosso, em água morna ou
fria. Este banho é feito do pescoço para baixo, não lavando os dois
chacras superiores (coronal e frontal).
O porquê de não poder lavar os chacras superiores, está ligado ao fato
de serem estes chacras ligados à coroa da pessoa, tendo que ser muito
bem cuidada, já que é o elo de ligação, através da mediunidade, entre
a pessoa e o plano astral superior.
Após o banho, manter-se molhado por alguns minutos (uns 3 minutos) e
enxugar-se sem esfregar a toalha sobre o corpo, apenas secando o
excesso de umidade.
Algumas pessoas, neste banho, pisam sobre carvão vegetal ou mineral,
já que eles absorverão a carga negativa.
Este banho é apenas o banho introdutório para outros banhos
ritualísticos, isto é, depois do banho de descarrego, faz-se
necessário tomar um outro banho ritualístico, já que além das energias
negativas, também descarregou- se as energias positivas, ficando a
pessoa desenergizada, que só é conseguido com outro tipo de banho.
Este banho, não deve ser realizado de maneira intensiva (do tipo todos
os dias ou uma vez por semana), pois ele realmente tira a energia do
aura, deixando-o muito vulnerável.
Existem pessoas que usam a água do mar, no lugar da água e sal grosso.
a2) Banho de Descarrego com Ervas
Este banho é mais complexo e menos conhecido do que o de sal grosso. A
função deste banho é a mesma que a do sal grosso, só que tem efeito
mais duradouro e conseqüências maiores. Quando uma pessoa está ligada
à uma obsessão e larvas astrais estão ligadas a ela, faz-se necessário
um tratamento mais eficaz. Determinadas ervas, são naturalmente
descarregadoras e sacodem energeticamente o aura de uma pessoa,
eliminando grande parte das larvas astrais e miasmas.
b) *Banho de Defesa*
Este banho serve de manutenção energética dos chacras, impedindo que
eles se impregnem de energias nocivas em determinados rituais.
Quando vamos num sítio energético para determinados rituais com ou sem
incorporação, enfim, "fechamos" os nossos chacras.
As ervas para estes banhos, podem ser aquelas relacionadas ao próprio
Orixá regente da pessoa, ou aquelas que uma entidade receitar.
c) *Banho de Energização*
Após tomarmos um banho de descarrego, é importante que restabelecemos
o equilíbrio energético, através de um banho de energização. Este
banho reativa os centros energéticos e refaz o teor positivo do aura.
É um banho que devemos usar quando vamos trabalhar normalmente em
giras de direita, ou mesmo, após uma gira em que o ambiente ficou
Também, podemos usá-lo regularmente, independente se somos ou não médiuns.
Um bom e simples banho : pétalas de rosas brancas ou amarelas,
alfazema e alecrim.
d) *Banho de Fixação*
Este banho é usado para trabalhos ritualísticos e fechados ao público,
onde se prestará a trabalhos de magia, iniciação ou consagração. Este
banho é realizado apenas por quem é médium e irá realizar um trabalho
aprofundado, onde tomará contato mais direto com as entidades
elevadas. Este banho "abre" todos os chacras e a percepção mediúnica
fica aguçadíssima.
As ervas utilizadas para este tipo de banho estão diretamente
relacionadas ao Orixá regente do médium e à entidade atuante. São
assim receitados apenas por um verdadeiro chefe de terreiro ou
médium-magista ou pela própria entidade.
*Em todos os banhos, onde se usam as ervas, devemos nos preocupar com
alguns detalhes :
A colheita deve ser feita em fases lunares positivas, devido a
abundância de prana.
o Antes de colhermos as ervas, toquemos levemente a terra, para que
descarreguemos nossas mãos de qualquer carga negativa, que é levada
para o solo.
• Não utilizar ferramentas metálicas para colher, dê preferência em
usar as próprias mãos, já que o metal faz com que diminua o poder
energético das ervas.
• Normalmente usamos folhas, flores, frutos, pequenos caules, cascas,
sementes e raízes para os banhos, embora dificilmente usamos as raízes
de uma planta, pois estaríamos matando-a
• Colocar as ervas colhidas em sacos plásticos, já que são elementos
isolantes, pois até chegarmos em casa, estaremos passando por vários
• Lavar as ervas em água limpa e corrente
• Os banhos ritualísticos, devem ser feitos com ervas frescas, isto é,
não se demorar muito para usá-las, pois o prana contido nelas, vai se
dispersando e perde-se o efeito do banho
• A quantidade de ervas, que irão compor o banho , são 1 ou 3 ou 5 ou
7 ervas diferentes e afins com o tipo de banho. Por exemplo, num banho
de defesa, usamos três tipo de de ervas (guiné, arruda e alecrim).
• Não usar aqueles banhos preparados e vendidos em casas de artigos
religiosos, já que normalmente as ervas já estão secas, não se sabe a
procedência nem a qualidade das ervas, nem se sabe em que lua foi
colhida, além de não ter serventia alguma, é apenas sugestivo o efeito.
• Alguns banhos, são feitos com água fria e as plantas são maceradas
com as próprias mãos e só depois, se for o caso, adicionar um pouco de
água quente, para suportar a temperatura da água.
• Banhos feitos com água quente, devem ser feitos por meio da abafação
e não fervimento da água e ervas, isto é, esquenta-se a água, até
quase ferver, apague o fogo, deposite as ervas e abafe com uma tampa,
mantenha esta imersão por uns 10 minutos antes de usar. Alguns dizem
que a água quente não é eficiente para um banho, mas esquecem que o
elemento Fogo, também faz parte dos rituais de Umbanda. A água
aquecida "agita" a mistura, liberando o prana das ervas.
• Não se enxugar, esfregando a toalha no corpo, apenas, retire o
excesso de umidade, já que o esfregar cria cargas elétricas (estática)
que podem anular parte ou todo o banho.
• Embora todo o corpo será banhado, a parte da frente do corpo é que
devemos dar maior atenção, já que estão as "portas" dos chacras, além
da parte frontal possuir uma maior polaridade positiva, que tem
propriedades elétricas de atrair as energias negativas e que são
eliminadas com o banho, recebendo carga positiva e aceleradora.
• Após o banho, é importante saber desfazer-se dos restos das ervas.
Aquilo que ficou sobre o nosso corpo, nós retiramos e juntamos com o
que ficou no chão. Colocamos tudo num saco plástico e despachamos
aquilo que é biodegradável, em água corrente.
*Banhos Naturais*
São banhos que realizamos em sítios energéticos, onde as energias
estão em abundância. Neste caso, não precisamos em nos preocupar em
não molhar os chacras superiores (coronal e frontal), localizados na
cabeça, é uma ótima chance de naturalmente tratar da "coroa", claro
que se efetuarmos em locais livres da poluição.
Dentre eles podemos destacar :
*Banhos de Mar* (ótimos para descarrego e para energização,
principalmente sob a vibração de Yemanja)
Podemos ir molhando os chacras à medida que vamos adentrando no mar,
pedindo licença para o povo do mar e para Mamãe Yemanjá. No final,
podemos dar um bom mergulho de cabeça, imaginando que estamos deixando
todas as impurezas espirituais e recarregando os corpos de sutis
energias. Ideal se realizado em mar com ondas e sob o sol.
*Banhos de Cachoeira
*Com a mesma função do banho de mar, só que executado em águas doces. A
queda d´água provoca um excelente "choque" em nosso corpo, restituindo
as energias, ao mesmo tempo que limpamos toda a nossa alma. Saudemos,
pois Mamãe Oxum e todo povo d´água. Ideal se tomado em cachoeiras
localizadas próximas de matas e sob o sol.
*Banhos de rio e lagoas
Tem também grandes propriedades, desde que não estejam poluídos.
Saudemos Nanã Buruquê.
Apesar do que tudo que aqui foi escrito, vale lembrar que o assunto
pode ser aprofundado em vários aspectos. Não me preocupei em receitar
banhos com determinadas ervas, pois, isto deve ser feito por pais e
mães de santo e entidades, já que eles tem larga experiência em cada
tipo de banho e sabem recomendar a melhor ervas, o melhor método. A
intenção foi apenas demonstrar a importância que os banhos tem sobre
todos nós, principalmente para aqueles que são umbandistas e praticam
estes rituais. Além de criar nas mentes daqueles que sejam adeptos da
Umbanda, a consciência de que não cultuamos uma religião fetichista,
mas uma religião que sabe integrar o espírito com a própria natureza e
indiretamente com Deus, com os Orixás e todo o plano astral, porque é
isto que eles querem de nós, que sejamos libertos das amarras da
matéria e nos voltemos a Eles de maneira mais natural possível.
Escrito por: Eduardo Gomes
*- Esta pequena dissertação pode ser utilizada, reproduzida, desde que
não se altere o conteúdo e informem a fonte.
fundamentos a utilização de elementos da natureza, que são "regidos"
pelos Orixás. Os elementos são : AR ,TERRA ,FOGO ,ÁGUA
Estes elementos podem estar reunidos ou não em diversos rituais
umbandistas, no intuito de manipulação de energias. Em todo Universo, temos
o Prana ou Éter Vital, que é energia essencial para a manutenção da vida em
vários níveis energéticos. O Prana é absorvido pelos elementos da natureza e
por nós direta ou indiretamente.
A respiração, o "banho" de sol, a alimentação adequada, são alguns dos meios
desta absorção energética.
Nos rituais da Umbanda, podemos manipular, então os elementos da
natureza e o Prana, através de vários rituais. Alguns exemplos:
A vela - Temos os elementos Fogo, Ar, Água e Terra. O Fogo consome o Ar e a
resina da vela (Terra) e transforma a Água, contida na resina da vela, em
vapor. Isto apenas falando materialmente deste ritual, sem contar o aspecto
religioso e mágico.
A defumação - Temos o Fogo, Ar, a Terra e a Água envolvidos. A Água a Terra,
estão contidos nas ervas defumadas.
Como podemos constatar, estes elementos estão sempre presentes nos rituais,
sendo essenciais para o bom êxito de cada ação ritualística.
A magia, contida em muitos rituais umbandistas, tem a necessidade de
elementos materiais de ligação entre a matéria e o plano espiritual.
Os ciclos da natureza e os astros influenciam a vida de todos os seres
vivos, aqui na Terra, pois regulam toda a vida, trazendo o equilíbrio.
Devemos entender o máximo possível sobre estas influências, pois é de grande
importância, obter o melhor resultado na extração e manipulação energética.
Os banhos ritualísticos de uma maneira geral, são rituais, onde
utilizamos determinados elementos da natureza, de maneira ordenada e com
conhecimento de causa, com o intuito de troca energética entre o indivíduo e
a natureza, afim de fornecer-lhe equilíbrio energético e mental.
Estes banhos prestam-se para limpar as energias negativas, livrar as
pessoas de influências negativas, reequilibrar a pessoa, aumentar a
capacidade receptiva do aparelho mediúnico, já que os chacras serão
desobstruídos, enfim, tem grande importância na manutenção dos corpos.
Embora o banho utiliza-se de elementos materiais, que serão jogados
sobre o corpo físico, a contraparte etérica será depositada sobre os
chacras, corpo astral e aura que receberão diretamente o prana ou éter
vital, bem como a parte astral dos elementos densos.
Não somente os médiuns ativos na Umbanda devem tomar determinados banhos,
mas todos nós, em geral, podemos usá-los.
Temos algumas categorias de banhos :
a)* Banhos de Descarrego*
Esta categoria de banho, conhecido também como banho de descarga ou
desimpregnação energética é o mais comum e mais conhecido.
Estes banhos servem para livrar o indivíduo de cargas energéticas
negativas. Conforme vivemos, vamos passando por vários ambientes,
trocamos impressões com todo o tipo de indivíduo e como estamos num
planeta atrasado em evolução espiritual, a predominância do mal e de
energias negativas são abundantes. Todo este egrégora formado por
pensamentos, ações, vão criando larvas astrais, miasmas e todo a sorte
de vírus espirituais que vão se aderindo ao aura das pessoas. Por mais
que nos vigiemos, ora ou outra caímos com o nosso nível vibratório e
imediatamente estamos entrando neste egrégora. Se não nos cuidarmos,
vamos adquirindo doenças, distúrbios e podemos até sermos obsediados.
Há dois tipos de banhos de descarrego :
a1) Banho de Sal Grosso
Este é o banho mais comumente utilizado, devido à sua simplicidade e
eficiência. O elemento principal que é o sal grosso, é excelente
condutor elétrico e "absorve" muito bem os átomos eletricamente
carregados de carga negativa, que chamamos de íons. Como, em tudo há a
sua contraparte etérica, a função do sal é também tirar energias
negativas aderidas no aura de uma pessoa. Então este banho é eficiente
neste aspecto, já que a água em união como o sal, "lava" todo o aura,
desmagnetizando- o negativamente.
O preparo deste banho é bem simples, basta, após um banho normal,
banhar-se de uma mistura de um punhado de sal grosso, em água morna ou
fria. Este banho é feito do pescoço para baixo, não lavando os dois
chacras superiores (coronal e frontal).
O porquê de não poder lavar os chacras superiores, está ligado ao fato
de serem estes chacras ligados à coroa da pessoa, tendo que ser muito
bem cuidada, já que é o elo de ligação, através da mediunidade, entre
a pessoa e o plano astral superior.
Após o banho, manter-se molhado por alguns minutos (uns 3 minutos) e
enxugar-se sem esfregar a toalha sobre o corpo, apenas secando o
excesso de umidade.
Algumas pessoas, neste banho, pisam sobre carvão vegetal ou mineral,
já que eles absorverão a carga negativa.
Este banho é apenas o banho introdutório para outros banhos
ritualísticos, isto é, depois do banho de descarrego, faz-se
necessário tomar um outro banho ritualístico, já que além das energias
negativas, também descarregou- se as energias positivas, ficando a
pessoa desenergizada, que só é conseguido com outro tipo de banho.
Este banho, não deve ser realizado de maneira intensiva (do tipo todos
os dias ou uma vez por semana), pois ele realmente tira a energia do
aura, deixando-o muito vulnerável.
Existem pessoas que usam a água do mar, no lugar da água e sal grosso.
a2) Banho de Descarrego com Ervas
Este banho é mais complexo e menos conhecido do que o de sal grosso. A
função deste banho é a mesma que a do sal grosso, só que tem efeito
mais duradouro e conseqüências maiores. Quando uma pessoa está ligada
à uma obsessão e larvas astrais estão ligadas a ela, faz-se necessário
um tratamento mais eficaz. Determinadas ervas, são naturalmente
descarregadoras e sacodem energeticamente o aura de uma pessoa,
eliminando grande parte das larvas astrais e miasmas.
b) *Banho de Defesa*
Este banho serve de manutenção energética dos chacras, impedindo que
eles se impregnem de energias nocivas em determinados rituais.
Quando vamos num sítio energético para determinados rituais com ou sem
incorporação, enfim, "fechamos" os nossos chacras.
As ervas para estes banhos, podem ser aquelas relacionadas ao próprio
Orixá regente da pessoa, ou aquelas que uma entidade receitar.
c) *Banho de Energização*
Após tomarmos um banho de descarrego, é importante que restabelecemos
o equilíbrio energético, através de um banho de energização. Este
banho reativa os centros energéticos e refaz o teor positivo do aura.
É um banho que devemos usar quando vamos trabalhar normalmente em
giras de direita, ou mesmo, após uma gira em que o ambiente ficou
Também, podemos usá-lo regularmente, independente se somos ou não médiuns.
Um bom e simples banho : pétalas de rosas brancas ou amarelas,
alfazema e alecrim.
d) *Banho de Fixação*
Este banho é usado para trabalhos ritualísticos e fechados ao público,
onde se prestará a trabalhos de magia, iniciação ou consagração. Este
banho é realizado apenas por quem é médium e irá realizar um trabalho
aprofundado, onde tomará contato mais direto com as entidades
elevadas. Este banho "abre" todos os chacras e a percepção mediúnica
fica aguçadíssima.
As ervas utilizadas para este tipo de banho estão diretamente
relacionadas ao Orixá regente do médium e à entidade atuante. São
assim receitados apenas por um verdadeiro chefe de terreiro ou
médium-magista ou pela própria entidade.
*Em todos os banhos, onde se usam as ervas, devemos nos preocupar com
alguns detalhes :
A colheita deve ser feita em fases lunares positivas, devido a
abundância de prana.
o Antes de colhermos as ervas, toquemos levemente a terra, para que
descarreguemos nossas mãos de qualquer carga negativa, que é levada
para o solo.
• Não utilizar ferramentas metálicas para colher, dê preferência em
usar as próprias mãos, já que o metal faz com que diminua o poder
energético das ervas.
• Normalmente usamos folhas, flores, frutos, pequenos caules, cascas,
sementes e raízes para os banhos, embora dificilmente usamos as raízes
de uma planta, pois estaríamos matando-a
• Colocar as ervas colhidas em sacos plásticos, já que são elementos
isolantes, pois até chegarmos em casa, estaremos passando por vários
• Lavar as ervas em água limpa e corrente
• Os banhos ritualísticos, devem ser feitos com ervas frescas, isto é,
não se demorar muito para usá-las, pois o prana contido nelas, vai se
dispersando e perde-se o efeito do banho
• A quantidade de ervas, que irão compor o banho , são 1 ou 3 ou 5 ou
7 ervas diferentes e afins com o tipo de banho. Por exemplo, num banho
de defesa, usamos três tipo de de ervas (guiné, arruda e alecrim).
• Não usar aqueles banhos preparados e vendidos em casas de artigos
religiosos, já que normalmente as ervas já estão secas, não se sabe a
procedência nem a qualidade das ervas, nem se sabe em que lua foi
colhida, além de não ter serventia alguma, é apenas sugestivo o efeito.
• Alguns banhos, são feitos com água fria e as plantas são maceradas
com as próprias mãos e só depois, se for o caso, adicionar um pouco de
água quente, para suportar a temperatura da água.
• Banhos feitos com água quente, devem ser feitos por meio da abafação
e não fervimento da água e ervas, isto é, esquenta-se a água, até
quase ferver, apague o fogo, deposite as ervas e abafe com uma tampa,
mantenha esta imersão por uns 10 minutos antes de usar. Alguns dizem
que a água quente não é eficiente para um banho, mas esquecem que o
elemento Fogo, também faz parte dos rituais de Umbanda. A água
aquecida "agita" a mistura, liberando o prana das ervas.
• Não se enxugar, esfregando a toalha no corpo, apenas, retire o
excesso de umidade, já que o esfregar cria cargas elétricas (estática)
que podem anular parte ou todo o banho.
• Embora todo o corpo será banhado, a parte da frente do corpo é que
devemos dar maior atenção, já que estão as "portas" dos chacras, além
da parte frontal possuir uma maior polaridade positiva, que tem
propriedades elétricas de atrair as energias negativas e que são
eliminadas com o banho, recebendo carga positiva e aceleradora.
• Após o banho, é importante saber desfazer-se dos restos das ervas.
Aquilo que ficou sobre o nosso corpo, nós retiramos e juntamos com o
que ficou no chão. Colocamos tudo num saco plástico e despachamos
aquilo que é biodegradável, em água corrente.
*Banhos Naturais*
São banhos que realizamos em sítios energéticos, onde as energias
estão em abundância. Neste caso, não precisamos em nos preocupar em
não molhar os chacras superiores (coronal e frontal), localizados na
cabeça, é uma ótima chance de naturalmente tratar da "coroa", claro
que se efetuarmos em locais livres da poluição.
Dentre eles podemos destacar :
*Banhos de Mar* (ótimos para descarrego e para energização,
principalmente sob a vibração de Yemanja)
Podemos ir molhando os chacras à medida que vamos adentrando no mar,
pedindo licença para o povo do mar e para Mamãe Yemanjá. No final,
podemos dar um bom mergulho de cabeça, imaginando que estamos deixando
todas as impurezas espirituais e recarregando os corpos de sutis
energias. Ideal se realizado em mar com ondas e sob o sol.
*Banhos de Cachoeira
*Com a mesma função do banho de mar, só que executado em águas doces. A
queda d´água provoca um excelente "choque" em nosso corpo, restituindo
as energias, ao mesmo tempo que limpamos toda a nossa alma. Saudemos,
pois Mamãe Oxum e todo povo d´água. Ideal se tomado em cachoeiras
localizadas próximas de matas e sob o sol.
*Banhos de rio e lagoas
Tem também grandes propriedades, desde que não estejam poluídos.
Saudemos Nanã Buruquê.
Apesar do que tudo que aqui foi escrito, vale lembrar que o assunto
pode ser aprofundado em vários aspectos. Não me preocupei em receitar
banhos com determinadas ervas, pois, isto deve ser feito por pais e
mães de santo e entidades, já que eles tem larga experiência em cada
tipo de banho e sabem recomendar a melhor ervas, o melhor método. A
intenção foi apenas demonstrar a importância que os banhos tem sobre
todos nós, principalmente para aqueles que são umbandistas e praticam
estes rituais. Além de criar nas mentes daqueles que sejam adeptos da
Umbanda, a consciência de que não cultuamos uma religião fetichista,
mas uma religião que sabe integrar o espírito com a própria natureza e
indiretamente com Deus, com os Orixás e todo o plano astral, porque é
isto que eles querem de nós, que sejamos libertos das amarras da
matéria e nos voltemos a Eles de maneira mais natural possível.
Escrito por: Eduardo Gomes
*- Esta pequena dissertação pode ser utilizada, reproduzida, desde que
não se altere o conteúdo e informem a fonte.
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