Energetic Look At Fibromyalgia
by Rita Louise
My dad, has high blood pressure. He has gotten more refunds, discounts and free stuff than anyone I know. He will haggle about the cost of an item or the quality of services rendered. He is also not put off by taking someone to court if he feels he has been swindled in any way. I kid with him, calling him a professional complainer. To him, however, he sees it as kind of a hobby. What he doesn't see, is the relationship between his actions and his high blood pressure.
When we experience pain or discomfort, our bodies are saying to us, "Excuse me, there is something wrong, I'm imbalanced and I want to move back into balance." Disease on the other hand, is the bodies way of saying, "HEY! I have something I want you to pay attention to. I've been trying to get you to notice me for months. Now you HAVE to take care of me."
Fibromyalgia is also a call for us to take care of our bodies; to make changes in our lives. To support this, let me first describe what Fibromyalgia is not when looked at energetically.
Fibromyalgia is not Multiple Sclerosis (MS). MS is a disease that affects the nervous system of the body. Energetically, the nerves of someone afflicted with MS appear to be broken and flailing around like a hose that has water running through it, but no one holding onto it. Individuals with MS, typically feel as if they have no control over their lives, or they are just flailing around.
Fibromyalgia is not arthritis. Arthritis energetically appears as white particles that flow through the veins of the circulatory system. These particles typically accumulate in the joints of afflicted individuals - just as moss and debris collect and accumulate in the nooks and crannies of a stream. Fibromyalgia is commonly mistaken for arthritis. Arthritis, however, afflicts the bodies skeletal system, while Fibromyalgia afflicts the muscular system. Individuals that suffer from arthritis are typically hanging onto energy that is now manifesting in the physical body.
Fibromyalgia is not Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS). CFS appears like fog in the aura (the electromagnetic field around the body) and is attached to a chakra (an energy center within the body). Individuals with CFS typically want to disassociate with the world around them, or are in denial of some very deep issues. These issues are typically associated with the chakra that is afflicted.
What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a disease that afflicts 7 to 10 million Americans. A person is diagnosed with Fibromyalgia if they suffer from chronic pain in the muscular system for over three consecutive months. Currently, there is no known cause and no proven cure. It appears energetically as toxins in the muscular system of the body.
Each of us normally store some toxins in the body. We have all experienced this whenever we feel tender spots in our necks and shoulders when someone is giving us a massage. These tender spots, kinks or trigger points are places in the body where we hold onto unwanted or repressed emotional energy, with toxins representing the physical manifestation of the issue.
When we injure ourselves or activate one of our trigger points, the nerves in the body respond by releasing a chemical called ATP. ATP is interpreted by the brain as pain. According to Depak Chopra, the brain can trigger the releasing of ATP merely by having a particular kind of thought or feeling.
The bodies in FibroMyalgia sufferers are unable to process the ATP. It is not flushed through the system through the regular metabolic processes. As a result, the surrounding nerves are then triggered, causing them to release ATP. This triggering continues like dominoes, until the entire muscle group or entire body is involved. The body is then left with this backup of toxins that are trapped in the body until flushed through the system, thus restoring "normal health."
When looked at, clairvoyantly, the underlying issue I see surrounding this disease, is that the sufferer has been the giver or healer, so to speak, throughout their lives. They are the ones to give away the last slice of bread at dinner even though they are still hungry; the one to care for a sick friend or relative even if they are running a fever; the one who will work on a project, even though they do not support it emotionally, doing so only because they were asked. Now while being a giver is a wonderful thing, these individuals are being sent the message in no uncertain terms; "You need to take care of yourself!"
There are a number of things one can do to help curtail the pain associated with Fibromyalgia by reducing the level of toxins in the body.
First is Exercise. Now while adding exercise is not something many of us look forward to, there is one key benefit it can provide. Exercise, no matter what kind, including walking, stretching, or riding a stationary bike causes the muscles to increase the level of oxygen and blood that flow through the muscles. This increase in circulation helps the body to flush the toxins that are trapped within them. One minute of exercise a day is far better than no exercise at all.
Massage, while not as effective as exercise, is another great way to increase the circulation within the muscle groups. Massage is especially good at assisting you to work on the trigger points in the body.
Relaxation, mediation, and energetic healing such as Reiki, are a great way in which you can release unwanted energy from the body by breaking up some of the underlying emotional issues that keep the toxins and trigger points in the body.
Baths. As our society speeds up, and everything needs to be done fast, taking a nice long hot bath is quickly becoming a thing of the past.
Baths, however, are a great way of assisting the body to release energy. Try adding Epsom salt, sea salt or even baking soda to your bath water. When looked at it energetically, the water, especially when combined with the salt or baking soda, assists the body with releasing toxins from the skin, it relaxes the muscles, and helps to draw the "energy," which doesn't belong to you, out of the body. It not only feels good, it's good for you.
Take a look at what you're putting into your bodies. Are you eating a lot of processed foods? Do you drink coffee, tea or soda? Does your diet consist of canned and frozen foods, McDonalds and Taco Bell? Do you smoke? What we want to do is decrease the amount of toxins in the body, not support them.
Drink lots of water to assist in the flushing of the toxins out of the body.
Try writing or journaling what you were eating, feeling, or doing prior to an attack. Look for a pattern in your thoughts, feelings and actions. Try it, I think you will be truly surprised by what you find.
If you suffer from Fibromyalgia, imagine for a moment that your husband, wife, child or close friend were afflicted. What would you do or say to assist them in making these kinds of changes in their lives? Now is your opportunity to turn all of that nurturing inward and take care of yourself. So take care of yourself! Give yourself permission!
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