Por Dr. Joshua David Stone
"Nas minhas viagens pela vida como ser espiritual, psicólogo espiritualista e discípulo do caminho, tomei consciência de muitas das armadilhas e ciladas que se encontram no caminho espiritual. Considero-me até especialista no assunto, pois tive a experiência de cair na maioria delas.
Recomendo, convicto, a meditação sobre a lista que apresento a seguir. Embora breve em palavras, é profunda em intuições.
O meu propósito ao partilhar estas situações é poupar, ao maior número de pessoas possível, sofrimento desnecessário, carma negativo e os atrasos no caminho da ascensão, provocados pelo desconhecimento e pela ignorância.
O caminho espiritual é bastante fácil num plano e incrivelmente complicado em outro. O ego negativo e as forças das trevas espalham sedução e apegos, imensos complexos e ardilosos desafios em cada passo do Caminho. Cometer erros e cair nessas armadilhas é normal.
“A minha preocupação é evitar que as pessoas que buscam o seu Caminho, fiquem enredadas nas ciladas por longos períodos, ou mesmo vidas inteiras.”
Eis, então, as armadilhas e as ciladas mais comuns:
1. Abrir mão do seu poder pessoal, concedendo-o a outras pessoas, à mente subconsciente, ao ego negativo, aos cinco sentidos, ao corpo físico, ao corpo emocional, ao corpo mental, à criança interior, a um guru, aos mestres ascensionados, a Deus, a tudo o que for externo.
2. Amar os outros, mas não a si mesmo.
3. Não reconhecer o ego negativo como fonte de todos os problemas.
4. Concentrar-se em Deus, mas deixar de integrar e educar de modo correto, a sua criança interior.
5. Comer incorretamente e não fazer exercícios físicos suficientes, o que resulta em doença física e limitação nos outros níveis.
6. Mergulhar profundamente na vida espiritual mas não reconhecer o plano
psicológico, que precisa ser compreendido e dominado.
7. Desejos, desejos e mais desejos materiais.
8. Exercer poder sobre os outros depois de alcançar o sucesso.
9. Desligar-se demais das coisas da Terra, o que prejudica o corpo físico.
10. Tentar escapar da Terra, em vez de criar o Céu na Terra.
11. Ver apenas as aparências, em vez de observar a verdadeira realidade que está por detrás de todas as aparências.
12. Tentar tornar-se Deus, em vez de perceber que você já é o Eu Eterno, como todas as outras pessoas o são.
13. Não perceber que você é a causa de tudo.
14. Servir os outros totalmente, antes de se tornar auto-realizado dentro de si
15. Pensar que existe algo que se possa chamar de raiva justificada. A raiva é uma armadilha perigosa.
16. Tornar-se um extremista, e não ser moderado em todas as coisas.
17. Pensar que precisa ser asceta para tornar-se um ser espiritual.
18. Tornar-se sisudo demais, deixando de ter alegria, felicidade e diversão
suficientes na vida. Não há ascensão sem alegria.
19. Ser indisciplinado e deixar de perseverar incessantemente nas suas práticas espirituais.
20. Abandonar as práticas e estudos espirituais quando se envolve num
21. Dar prioridade a um relacionamento, em detrimento do si e do seu processo interno. Essa é outra armadilha traiçoeira.
22. Deixar que a criança interior governe a sua vida.
23. Ser crítico demais e duro demais para consigo mesmo.
24. Deixar-se enredar pelo glamour e ilusão dos poderes psíquicos.
25. Tomar posse do seu poder pessoal, mas não aprender ao mesmo tempo a submeter-se ao seu Cristo interno.
26. Abrir mão do seu poder pessoal quando estiver fisicamente cansado.
27. Esperar que Deus e os mestres ascensionados resolvam todos os seus
28. Viver no piloto automático e relaxar a vigilância.
29. Entregar o seu poder a entidades que se possam comunicar consigo.
30. Ler demais e não meditar o bastante.
31. Deixar que a sexualidade o domine, em vez de dominá-la.
32. Identificar- se excessivamente com seu corpo mental ou emocional, sem
atingir o equilíbrio.
33. Pensar que precisa ser um canal para outras vozes, ver ou experimentar
toda a espécie de fenômenos mediúnicos a fim de se tornar espiritualizado ou
34. Forçar a elevação da sua kundalini.
35. Forçar a abertura dos seus chacras.
36. Pensar que o seu caminho espiritual é melhor que o dos outros.
37. Julgar as pessoas em função do nível de iniciação que alcançaram.
38. Partilhar o seu nível "avançado" de iniciação com outras pessoas.
39. Contar aos outros o seu "bom trabalho espiritual", em vez de simplesmente centrar-se na sua humildade. "Não saiba a tua mão esquerda o que fez a tua mão direita".
40. Pensar que as emoções negativas são algo imprescindível.
41. Isolar-se dos outros e achar que isso é ser espiritualista.
42. Considerar a Terra um lugar terrível.
43. Entregar o seu poder à astrologia ou à influência dos astros, como fatores externos e incontornáveis.
44. Apegar-se demais às coisas e às pessoas.
45. Viver desapegado demais com relação à vida; não se esforçar rumo ao
desapego envolvido.
46. Viver preocupado demais com o eu; e não se dedicar o suficiente a servir os outros.
47. Enredar-se nas numerosas teorias equivocadas da psicologia tradicional, pois cada uma delas não passa de uma fina fatia da torta inteira.
48. Ser místico demais ou ocultista demais, e não se esforçar para integrar os
dois lados.
49. Desistir no meio das grandes adversidades. Essa é uma das piores armadilhas. Nunca desista! Nunca, jamais deve desistir!
50. Achar que o sofrimento que o incomoda - seja em que nível for - não irá passar.
51. Concentrar-se demais no nível de iniciação que alcançou, ou aguardar com ansiedade exagerada o momento da ascensão, em vez de se preocupar com o trabalho que precisa ser feito.
52. Deixar-se enredar pelos poderes espirituais em vez de reconhecer que o amor é, de entre todos, o maior poder espiritual.
53. Denegrir outros grupos espiritualistas ou metafísicos, em vez de buscar o trabalho conjunto e a unificação, mesmo que esses grupos não estejam
inteiramente sintonizados com todas as suas crenças.
54. Deixar-se enredar no dogma da religião tradicional, ou quaisquer outros dogmas.
55. Pensar que precisa de um sacerdote, que aja como intermediário entre si e Deus.
56. Usar as suas crenças espirituais para gerar divisão, elitismo ou uma condição especial indevida.
57. Tornar-se fanático demais pelas suas próprias crenças.
58. Achar que pode alcançar a iluminação por meio de drogas ou algum tipo de pílula mágica. Essa é uma das piores formas de ilusão!
59. Achar que outras pessoas não precisam trabalhar no seu caminho espiritual.
60. Sobrevalorizar o relacionamento com os filhos em detrimento das relações consigo mesmo e com o seu Cristo interno.
61. Enredar-se em todas as atrações deste mundo material, realmente fascinante.
62. Envolver-se demais no amor a uma só Pessoa, em vez de expandir seu amor para englobar muitas pessoas, e todos os outros, de forma incondicional.
63. Enredar-se na dualidade, em vez de buscar equilíbrio mental, paz interior e equidade em todos os momentos; se você não transcender a dualidade, continuará a sentir-se vítima da sua própria montanha-russa emocional, sacudindo-se de um lado para o outro entre os altos e baixos da vida. A alma e o espírito pensam com uma consciência transcendente, que não tem ligação com essa lufa-lufa quotidiana.
64. Ser pai ou filho, mãe ou filha no relacionamento a dois, em vez de assumir a condição de adulto.
65. Pensar que precisa sofrer na vida. Isto é tremendamente falso!
66. Ser ou querer ser um mártir do caminho espiritual.
67. Precisar de controlar os outros.
68. Ter ambição espiritual.
69. Precisar de simpatia, amor ou aprovação.
70. Ter necessidade de ser um Mestre.
71. Ser hipersensível ou, no outro lado da moeda, duro demais.
72. Assumir responsabilidades no lugar dos outros.
73. Ser ou querer ser um salvador.
74. Servir por motivos egoístas e pensar que está a acumular mérito espiritual.
75. Pensar que é espiritualmente mais avançado do que realmente é; por outro lado, pensar que é menos avançado do que realmente é.
76. Ser famoso e cultivar a dependência da fama.
77. Dar importância indevida à busca da paixão ou da alma gêmea, e não perceber que a sua própria Alma - e a Mônada - são aquelas que, na verdade, o podem complementar e saciar interiormente.
78. Pensar que precisa de um relacionamento romântico para ser feliz.
79. Precisar ver-se no centro do palco; ou, no outro lado da moeda, preferir sempre esconder-se pelos cantos.
80. Trabalhar e esforçar-se demais, exaurindo-se fisicamente, ou, no outro lado da moeda, distrair-se demais e não se ocupar dos assuntos do Pai.
81. Buscar orientação em médiuns e não confiar na própria intuição.
82. Entregar-se, neste plano ou no plano interior, a mestres que não sejam ascensionados e que, logicamente, também têm uma compreensão e concepção limitadas da realidade.
83. Fazer do caminho espiritual um hobby, e não o "fogo devorador".
84. Perder tempo demais em frente da TV, na Internet, com jogos de vídeo, ou lendo romances fúteis, e assistindo a filmes violentos.
85. Gastar quantidades imensas de tempo e energia por falta de organização e administração adequada do tempo.
86. Pensar que discutir com os outros é algo que lhe sirva a si, ou sirva a outras pessoas.
87. Tentar vencer ou estar certo, em vez de se esforçar por amar e compreender.
88. Enfatizar demais a intuição, o intelecto, o sentimento e o instinto, em vez de perceber que tudo isso precisa ser equilibrado e integrado, cada qual na sua devida proporção; a cilada, aqui, é identificar- se excessivamente com um deles.
89. Devotar-se a um guru que o diminui e o divide, em vez de se dedicar ao Eu espiritual que é você mesmo, e cultivar o seu próprio Cristo interno.
90. Tentar permanecer aberto todo o tempo, em vez de saber como abrir e fechar o seu campo energético, de acordo com as necessidades.
91. Não saber dizer não aos outros, à criança interior ou ao ego negativo.
92. Pensar que a violência ou qualquer tipo de agressão contra os outros lhe vai trazer aquilo que você deseja, ou que sirva a Deus de algum modo.
93. Culpar Deus ou irritar-se com Ele ou contra os mestres ascensionados por causa dos próprios problemas.
94. Quando suas orações não forem atendidas, pensar que Deus e os mestres ascensionados não estão respondendo às suas preces.
95. Comparar-se com outras pessoas, em vez de perceber que somos únicos, e que as potencialidades, as circunstâncias e as vivências do outro não são as suas.
96. Pensar que ser pobre é ser espiritualizado. Pensar que é preciso ser rico para ser feliz e espiritualizado.
97. Comparar-se e competir com os outros por causa dos níveis de iniciação e ascensão.
98. Assumir o papel de vítima diante de outras pessoas ou do seu próprio corpo físico, emocional ou mental, desejos, cinco sentidos, ego negativo, eu inferior.
99. Estudar demais e não manifestar os seus conhecimentos no mundo real.
100. Pensar que o seu mau humor é a verdadeira realidade de Deus.
101. Pensar que o valor reside em fazer e alcançar coisas.
102. Pensar que você não precisa de se proteger espiritual, psicológica e fisicamente.
103. Pensar que glamour, ilusão, ego negativo, medo e separação, são a verdadeira realidade.
104. Usar açúcar, café e refrigerantes e outros estimulantes artificiais para obter energia física.
105. Tentar fazer tudo sozinho e não pedir a ajuda a Deus; ou, no outro lado da moeda, pedir a ajuda de Deus e não se ajudar a si mesmo.
106. Deixar de amar as pessoas porque elas o estão a tratar mal ou dando um exemplo negativo de egoísmo; não distinguir a pessoa de seu comportamento.
107. Perder a fé na realidade viva da Alma, da Mônada, de Deus e dos Mestres Ascensionados, e na capacidade que eles têm de ajudá-lo.
108. Pensar que apenas as outras pessoas podem atingir a ascensão, ou ser Luz no mundo, ou pelo menos não nesta vida.
109. Tentar atingir a ascensão para fugir dos problemas quotidianos.
110. Pensar que a Terra é uma prisão, e não reconhecê-la como um Paraíso em evolução.
"Tudo o que existe no universo divino é governado por leis - físicas, emocionais, mentais e espirituais.
Aprendendo a compreender essas leis e tornando-se obediente a elas você rilhará o caminho da ascensão."
Esmeraldas - Vento Lunar Branco - Beijos luminosos!
We are the World
Céu azul 2008
sábado, janeiro 26, 2008
Atraio de acordo com o sentimento
Aqui está a chave para a Criação Deliberada: veja-se como um ímã atraindo sempre a maneira como se sente. Se sua sensação for de clareza e controle, você vai atrair situações da mesma qualidade. Quando se sentir feliz, atrairá situações de felicidade. Qando se sentir saudável, situações de saúde. Quando se sentir próspero, situações de prosperidade. Quando se sentir amado, situações de amor. A maneira com se sente é na verdade seu ponto de atração. O valor do Planejamento dos Segmentos é estimular você a fazer uma pausa várias vezes ao dia para dizer ou pensar: "É isso que quero neste período de minha experiência de vida. Quero isso e espero que aconteça". Com essas palavras poderosas, você passa a ser o que chamamos de escolhedor seletivo e vai atrair para sua experiência de vida o que realmente desejar.
O Universo - o mundo em que você vive - está cheio de todo tipo de coisas. Algumas de que você gosta muito, outras de que não gosta. Mas tudo só chega na sua vida se você convocar com o pensamento. Assim, se durante o dia, em diversas ocasiões, você parar e identificar o que quer, dizendo o que deseja e espera, vai ganhar o controle magnético de sua própria vida. Você não será mais uma "vítima" (isso não existe), nem vai atrair sem desejar ou por inércia. Se você começar a segmentar seu dia, e a identificar em diversos momentos o que deseja, vai passar a ser um Ímã Intencional. É uma experiência muito feliz.
Do livro "A Lei Universal da Atração", de Esther e Jerry Hicks.
O Universo - o mundo em que você vive - está cheio de todo tipo de coisas. Algumas de que você gosta muito, outras de que não gosta. Mas tudo só chega na sua vida se você convocar com o pensamento. Assim, se durante o dia, em diversas ocasiões, você parar e identificar o que quer, dizendo o que deseja e espera, vai ganhar o controle magnético de sua própria vida. Você não será mais uma "vítima" (isso não existe), nem vai atrair sem desejar ou por inércia. Se você começar a segmentar seu dia, e a identificar em diversos momentos o que deseja, vai passar a ser um Ímã Intencional. É uma experiência muito feliz.
Do livro "A Lei Universal da Atração", de Esther e Jerry Hicks.
Ensinamento budista
"Aquele que está influenciado por seus gostos e
desgostos, com a mente impregnada por idéias pré-concebidas,
não pode entender o significado das circunstâncias e tende a se
desesperar-se perante elas.
Aquele que está desapegado, com a mente livre e aberta,
entende perfeitamente as circunstâncias e
para ele todas as coisas são novas e significativas" .
Ensinamento Budista
"A felicidade segue à tristeza.
A tristeza segue à felicidade.
Mas quando a gente já não discrimina
entre a felicidade e a tristeza,
o bom e o mau,
a gente é capaz de libertar-se" .
Ensinamento budista
desgostos, com a mente impregnada por idéias pré-concebidas,
não pode entender o significado das circunstâncias e tende a se
desesperar-se perante elas.
Aquele que está desapegado, com a mente livre e aberta,
entende perfeitamente as circunstâncias e
para ele todas as coisas são novas e significativas" .
Ensinamento Budista
"A felicidade segue à tristeza.
A tristeza segue à felicidade.
Mas quando a gente já não discrimina
entre a felicidade e a tristeza,
o bom e o mau,
a gente é capaz de libertar-se" .
Ensinamento budista
The Walnut Tree: A Vegetative Guardian Angel for Folks in Transition
©2005 by Anja Heij
Nature gave us a wonderful tree that provides strength, stability and protection in a number of ways. The black walnut tree brings healing on the psychological and emotional plane, cures the body and nurtures the nervous system. The Walnut tree speaks to me mostly in its ability of helping humans to go through life transitions like retirement, and to remain on the individual soul path they have chosen. Like a heavenly guardian, this tree promotes inner decisiveness to live your life according to your own standards, the courage to let go of outgrown parts of life and the nerve to step into a new, unknown phase. The tree does so in the form of the Bach flower remedy Walnut, which contains its essence.
The fruits from the tree are important food for the nervous system. The nuts contain manganese, phosphorus, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, B-vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. They serve people who do a lot of intellectual work, and others who need to boost their immunity. Tea from the yellowish-green leaves or the green husks, or walnut oil, purifies and strengthens the digestion. It is helpful in complaints like bloating, stomach inflammation, diarrhea and worms. The cold tea externally applied may heal wounds, ulcers, eczema or other skin problems.
Psychological Implications of the Walnut Tree and Remedy
How can a tree make someone psychologically stronger? The black walnut tree, Juglans nigra in Latin, is firmly rooted in the earth with a deep main tap root, which makes it difficult to remove it once settled at a certain place. The roots form the part of a plant which has its main influence on the mind of a human being. According to this symbolism, the Walnut brings grounding, inner stability and focus on your aims and goals. The roots spread a chemical substance named juglone, making it impossible for a variety of other plants to grow in the neighbourhood, although other species thrive well under a walnut tree.
The tree seems to make a clear decision about whom she does and does not want to have around in her life. Thus she can help us to make our own choices about these issues. The wood is hard, strong and durable, and the nuts are surrounded by a hard shell. This quality hints at power, protection and inner certainty. The message of the Walnut is to move forward in your unique way, unafraid of uncertainties, while firmly grounded in the knowledge that you form part of the whole of the Mother.
Walnut flower remedy by Bach and Healing Herbs is often used in the following situations:
1. Entering a new, important life phase when the person has difficulty with moving onto this new phase and leaving the old situation behind. In adult life, Walnut could be useful in retirement, when getting married, moving to another place or country, getting another job, loss of a loved one, becoming a parent, or changing religions, to name some transitional situations. Here the remedy acts as a bridge or helping hand from one stage into another.
2. Wanting courage and certainty to take an important step, unhindered by others. The Walnut will supply strength to make the choices you want to make and to stick to your decisions. In the uncertainty that accompanies a new phase we are often susceptible to the beliefs and advice of others, although they may not serve us. Or we tend to hold on to the security of what we have right now. In such cases Walnut helps us to remain balanced and follow your own path, free from past and future, and free from outside influences.
3. A variation on the above is the need for psychic defense. In times of personal re-structuring, great spiritual growth, psycho-analysis, working with subtle energies, or fearing the influence of a negative person, we may need the power of the Walnut for grounding and centering in our openness.
I have given Walnut with success to a woman who felt trapped in a rigid religious system, controlled and despised by a neighborhood practicing the same religion, and depressed because her hardworking husband did not pay attention to her. After several months treatment with flower remedies, of which Walnut was a main one, the woman psychologically broke free from her neighborhood, her self-esteem dramatically improved, the family moved to another home, and she started to work with children at a school. She understood that it was useless to try to change her husband, but that she had to give a fresh and fulfilling direction to her own life.
Romans attributed the Walnut with its great harvest of nuts to Jupiter, God of abundance, positivity and (one's own) philosophy. This tree indeed helps one to take chances and realize new possibilities -- an excellent support for one entering the new adventures and turnings of life that retirement presents.
Editors' Note: See an article about how Walnut essence is used by some acupuncturists here.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: ANJA HEIJ is a classical homoeopath, naturopath, Reiki Master and spiritual writer. This article originally appeared in RealMagick.com's excellent library of articles. Neither we nor the site owner can find her current site or email address on the web, though they felt she wouldn't object to our reprinting it. If you have any information about her, we'd like to contact her so we can create a link for her -- and hopefully share more of her valuable work with our readers!
Nature gave us a wonderful tree that provides strength, stability and protection in a number of ways. The black walnut tree brings healing on the psychological and emotional plane, cures the body and nurtures the nervous system. The Walnut tree speaks to me mostly in its ability of helping humans to go through life transitions like retirement, and to remain on the individual soul path they have chosen. Like a heavenly guardian, this tree promotes inner decisiveness to live your life according to your own standards, the courage to let go of outgrown parts of life and the nerve to step into a new, unknown phase. The tree does so in the form of the Bach flower remedy Walnut, which contains its essence.
The fruits from the tree are important food for the nervous system. The nuts contain manganese, phosphorus, copper, potassium, calcium, magnesium, B-vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates and fats. They serve people who do a lot of intellectual work, and others who need to boost their immunity. Tea from the yellowish-green leaves or the green husks, or walnut oil, purifies and strengthens the digestion. It is helpful in complaints like bloating, stomach inflammation, diarrhea and worms. The cold tea externally applied may heal wounds, ulcers, eczema or other skin problems.
Psychological Implications of the Walnut Tree and Remedy
How can a tree make someone psychologically stronger? The black walnut tree, Juglans nigra in Latin, is firmly rooted in the earth with a deep main tap root, which makes it difficult to remove it once settled at a certain place. The roots form the part of a plant which has its main influence on the mind of a human being. According to this symbolism, the Walnut brings grounding, inner stability and focus on your aims and goals. The roots spread a chemical substance named juglone, making it impossible for a variety of other plants to grow in the neighbourhood, although other species thrive well under a walnut tree.
The tree seems to make a clear decision about whom she does and does not want to have around in her life. Thus she can help us to make our own choices about these issues. The wood is hard, strong and durable, and the nuts are surrounded by a hard shell. This quality hints at power, protection and inner certainty. The message of the Walnut is to move forward in your unique way, unafraid of uncertainties, while firmly grounded in the knowledge that you form part of the whole of the Mother.
Walnut flower remedy by Bach and Healing Herbs is often used in the following situations:
1. Entering a new, important life phase when the person has difficulty with moving onto this new phase and leaving the old situation behind. In adult life, Walnut could be useful in retirement, when getting married, moving to another place or country, getting another job, loss of a loved one, becoming a parent, or changing religions, to name some transitional situations. Here the remedy acts as a bridge or helping hand from one stage into another.
2. Wanting courage and certainty to take an important step, unhindered by others. The Walnut will supply strength to make the choices you want to make and to stick to your decisions. In the uncertainty that accompanies a new phase we are often susceptible to the beliefs and advice of others, although they may not serve us. Or we tend to hold on to the security of what we have right now. In such cases Walnut helps us to remain balanced and follow your own path, free from past and future, and free from outside influences.
3. A variation on the above is the need for psychic defense. In times of personal re-structuring, great spiritual growth, psycho-analysis, working with subtle energies, or fearing the influence of a negative person, we may need the power of the Walnut for grounding and centering in our openness.
I have given Walnut with success to a woman who felt trapped in a rigid religious system, controlled and despised by a neighborhood practicing the same religion, and depressed because her hardworking husband did not pay attention to her. After several months treatment with flower remedies, of which Walnut was a main one, the woman psychologically broke free from her neighborhood, her self-esteem dramatically improved, the family moved to another home, and she started to work with children at a school. She understood that it was useless to try to change her husband, but that she had to give a fresh and fulfilling direction to her own life.
Romans attributed the Walnut with its great harvest of nuts to Jupiter, God of abundance, positivity and (one's own) philosophy. This tree indeed helps one to take chances and realize new possibilities -- an excellent support for one entering the new adventures and turnings of life that retirement presents.
Editors' Note: See an article about how Walnut essence is used by some acupuncturists here.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: ANJA HEIJ is a classical homoeopath, naturopath, Reiki Master and spiritual writer. This article originally appeared in RealMagick.com's excellent library of articles. Neither we nor the site owner can find her current site or email address on the web, though they felt she wouldn't object to our reprinting it. If you have any information about her, we'd like to contact her so we can create a link for her -- and hopefully share more of her valuable work with our readers!
quinta-feira, janeiro 24, 2008
“Life consists of all that is beautiful -- of the songs of the
mountains and the trees, of the silence of these birds
singing, just out of abundance -- of the flowers, of dances,
of love, of meditation. Life consists of all great treasures;
it is not only breathing and eating and sleeping.”
mountains and the trees, of the silence of these birds
singing, just out of abundance -- of the flowers, of dances,
of love, of meditation. Life consists of all great treasures;
it is not only breathing and eating and sleeping.”
terça-feira, janeiro 22, 2008
Power animals
As humans, we are blessed with a wide selection of essences from our earth. In addition to the specific properties of individual essences, each group of essences offers a special gift. Plant and tree essences embody nature's cycles and the grace of receptivity. Mineral essences imbue a spirit of harmony and teach us to look for beauty in unexpected places.
Animal energies and essences help us to bridge the gap between ourselves and other life forms by enabling us to access the qualities of beings not so different from us. Because we can see these characteristics in action, whether we're watching playful squirrels or appreciating the soaring grace of an eagle, we can feel inspired to seek pleasure and freedom in the physical world.
My biggest spiritual moments come from the sight of a young fawn emerging from the shadows of the forest into my back yard, or that of a wild turkey carefully guiding her tiny chicks through the tall grass. Such scenes help me to be thankful that I, like the animals, am spirit in a physical body.
Choosing a Path
I've been working for several years with Wild Earth Animal Essences. The selection process, whether I use reason or intuition, often identifies and reconnects me with forgotten aspects of myself. I may remember my childhood love for dragonflies or the excitement of seeing the first robin in March.
Many people write to me because they want to discover their animal guides and/or choose the essences most appropriate for them. Here are some of the suggestions I give them:
Think about animals (including birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and insects) that have always attracted you. Did you collect owl images? Live for the sight of horses? Do you dream about certain animals regularly? If you could be an animal, what would you most want to be? What would you least want to be? (Sometimes the animal we resist has the most to teach us.)
Notice when certain animals appear in your life, as these could be signs. Someone sends you a card with a picture of a wolf. That night you turn on the TV to a program about the wolves in Yellowstone National Park on TV. Maybe Wolf is stalking you.
Living in an area where wildlife abounds, I often take my cue from what appears in the back yard. One summer morning, a hummingbird hovered above my head. I took this as a message to create more joy in my life.
This past winter, a great grey owl sat on a tree branch all afternoon. (Owls are more commonly nocturnal.) Among its other aspects, Owl represents seeing through the illusion that masks as truth. Taking the owl essence unraveled some of my well-hidden illusions and sharpened my inner vision.
Going Deeper
You can also choose animal essences, as you would select other essences, on the basis of qualities you would like to have in your life. The Druid Animal Oracle, by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, (a book I highly recommend), has a chart listing the particular gifts of animals of the Celtic tradition. Adder, Boar, Dog, Frog, Ram and Raven, for example, relate to healing.
If you're feeling depressed, think of Hummingbird for joy. When details are slipping through your fingers, call on meticulous Mouse. If you're having a communication difficulty, ask for Dolphin's help. Butterfly helps all those who are going through important life changes.
When I take a particular essence, I like to meditate on deeper meanings for the animal's attributes. Squirrel, a favorite of mine, has the quality of Gathering, meaning gathering only that which is needed. For humans, this refers not only to material possessions but also to the ability to shed old sorrows, fixations and beliefs.
Squirrel is also an amazingly inventive and determined animal. The squirrel-proof bird feeder has not yet been invented, for this being doesn't know the meaning of defeat. When I'm feeling discouraged or hopeless, I often reach for Squirrel essence.
Long-time vs. Temporary Companions
Some animal guides visit us on a temporary basis, especially when taking the related essence releases a blockage. If you take Hawk in order to better hear the messages from your inner being or to better understand external signs, this bird may fly away, once you've resolved that issue.
Sometimes an animal represents powerful themes in your life that you want to develop. If part of your long-term path involves receiving and interpreting subtle messages, Hawk may perch permanently in your life.
This doesn't mean you need to take the Hawk essence forever. You can find other ways to be in communication with this bird. In meditation, you can ask for guidance. You can raise your eyes in appreciation when you hear a hawk cry or see it soaring the thermals. As you deepen your relationship, you may learn to see the world with Hawk's eyes.
Frog has been one of my long-time companions. I first realized a deep connection to frogs when I was expected to dissect one in college biology. Instead, I tucked the frog into my pocket and later released it by a stream.
By the time I discovered that frogs relate to healing (especially in terms of releasing blockages), I had begun my work with crystals and Bach Flower Remedies. I then began to call on Frog consciously as my ally in healing work and continued to do so as I practiced and taught Reiki. When I made a major transformation in my life (another quality related to Frog), moving from Manhattan to the deep woods, I ended up living on land surrounded by streams and abandoned quarries, where frog songs fill the night.
The Sacred Journey
When we open our hearts and our lives to the companionship -- whether actual or symbolic -- of animals our world becomes so much larger and richer. Our senses deepen; as we become aware of how naturally animals enjoy their bodies we become more comfortable with our own.
We find ourselves with access to unsuspected wisdom; we begin to let go of the burden of being "human," i.e. separate from nature. We are no longer the intruders in the world in which we live, and we come to care ever more deeply for its other inhabitants. And as we increasingly rejoice in our physicality we find that like Eagle, we bridge heaven and earth as creatures of flesh and spirit.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Connie Barrett does flower essence counseling for people and pets, including by email. She also teaches by email a course on the chakras, on prosperity, and on love, including the use of crystals and essences for realizing your dreams. She writes and publishes two free monthly email newsletters.
Animal energies and essences help us to bridge the gap between ourselves and other life forms by enabling us to access the qualities of beings not so different from us. Because we can see these characteristics in action, whether we're watching playful squirrels or appreciating the soaring grace of an eagle, we can feel inspired to seek pleasure and freedom in the physical world.
My biggest spiritual moments come from the sight of a young fawn emerging from the shadows of the forest into my back yard, or that of a wild turkey carefully guiding her tiny chicks through the tall grass. Such scenes help me to be thankful that I, like the animals, am spirit in a physical body.
Choosing a Path
I've been working for several years with Wild Earth Animal Essences. The selection process, whether I use reason or intuition, often identifies and reconnects me with forgotten aspects of myself. I may remember my childhood love for dragonflies or the excitement of seeing the first robin in March.
Many people write to me because they want to discover their animal guides and/or choose the essences most appropriate for them. Here are some of the suggestions I give them:
Think about animals (including birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish and insects) that have always attracted you. Did you collect owl images? Live for the sight of horses? Do you dream about certain animals regularly? If you could be an animal, what would you most want to be? What would you least want to be? (Sometimes the animal we resist has the most to teach us.)
Notice when certain animals appear in your life, as these could be signs. Someone sends you a card with a picture of a wolf. That night you turn on the TV to a program about the wolves in Yellowstone National Park on TV. Maybe Wolf is stalking you.
Living in an area where wildlife abounds, I often take my cue from what appears in the back yard. One summer morning, a hummingbird hovered above my head. I took this as a message to create more joy in my life.
This past winter, a great grey owl sat on a tree branch all afternoon. (Owls are more commonly nocturnal.) Among its other aspects, Owl represents seeing through the illusion that masks as truth. Taking the owl essence unraveled some of my well-hidden illusions and sharpened my inner vision.
Going Deeper
You can also choose animal essences, as you would select other essences, on the basis of qualities you would like to have in your life. The Druid Animal Oracle, by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm, (a book I highly recommend), has a chart listing the particular gifts of animals of the Celtic tradition. Adder, Boar, Dog, Frog, Ram and Raven, for example, relate to healing.
If you're feeling depressed, think of Hummingbird for joy. When details are slipping through your fingers, call on meticulous Mouse. If you're having a communication difficulty, ask for Dolphin's help. Butterfly helps all those who are going through important life changes.
When I take a particular essence, I like to meditate on deeper meanings for the animal's attributes. Squirrel, a favorite of mine, has the quality of Gathering, meaning gathering only that which is needed. For humans, this refers not only to material possessions but also to the ability to shed old sorrows, fixations and beliefs.
Squirrel is also an amazingly inventive and determined animal. The squirrel-proof bird feeder has not yet been invented, for this being doesn't know the meaning of defeat. When I'm feeling discouraged or hopeless, I often reach for Squirrel essence.
Long-time vs. Temporary Companions
Some animal guides visit us on a temporary basis, especially when taking the related essence releases a blockage. If you take Hawk in order to better hear the messages from your inner being or to better understand external signs, this bird may fly away, once you've resolved that issue.
Sometimes an animal represents powerful themes in your life that you want to develop. If part of your long-term path involves receiving and interpreting subtle messages, Hawk may perch permanently in your life.
This doesn't mean you need to take the Hawk essence forever. You can find other ways to be in communication with this bird. In meditation, you can ask for guidance. You can raise your eyes in appreciation when you hear a hawk cry or see it soaring the thermals. As you deepen your relationship, you may learn to see the world with Hawk's eyes.
Frog has been one of my long-time companions. I first realized a deep connection to frogs when I was expected to dissect one in college biology. Instead, I tucked the frog into my pocket and later released it by a stream.
By the time I discovered that frogs relate to healing (especially in terms of releasing blockages), I had begun my work with crystals and Bach Flower Remedies. I then began to call on Frog consciously as my ally in healing work and continued to do so as I practiced and taught Reiki. When I made a major transformation in my life (another quality related to Frog), moving from Manhattan to the deep woods, I ended up living on land surrounded by streams and abandoned quarries, where frog songs fill the night.
The Sacred Journey
When we open our hearts and our lives to the companionship -- whether actual or symbolic -- of animals our world becomes so much larger and richer. Our senses deepen; as we become aware of how naturally animals enjoy their bodies we become more comfortable with our own.
We find ourselves with access to unsuspected wisdom; we begin to let go of the burden of being "human," i.e. separate from nature. We are no longer the intruders in the world in which we live, and we come to care ever more deeply for its other inhabitants. And as we increasingly rejoice in our physicality we find that like Eagle, we bridge heaven and earth as creatures of flesh and spirit.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Connie Barrett does flower essence counseling for people and pets, including by email. She also teaches by email a course on the chakras, on prosperity, and on love, including the use of crystals and essences for realizing your dreams. She writes and publishes two free monthly email newsletters.
Flowers in Shamanic Tradition
Flowers in Shamanic Tradition
©2006 by Ross Heaven and Howard G. Charing
The following is an excerpt from Heaven and Charing's Plant Spirit Shamanism: Traditional Techniques for Healing the Soul, published in 2006 by Destiny Books and reprinted with their permission. No further reproduction is permitted without permission of the publisher.
In the West, we know something of soul loss, though we use different terms for it. We talk, for example, of "psychological dissociation" and "stress-related syndromes," which arise as a result of traumatic, abusive, and hurtful experiences and may have a number of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms associated with them. In shamanic cultures, the same symptoms are diagnosed as a fracturing of the soul, or simply as soul loss, where an individual's spirit, faced with pain, has split into many parts, some of which have taken refuge in the otherworld, away from the harshness of everyday life. Another way the soul can be lost is by dishonoring nature or ignoring our need for connection with it. Human beings, as part of nature, need to feel their connection with the great world soul. Our health, and invariably our feelings of well-being, are rooted in this.
The symptoms of soul loss range from feeling "spaced out" (not really present, or a sense that you are observing life as an outsider rather than engaging with it fully) to pervasive life themes, such as fear, inability to trust other people, depression and chronic illness. The soul can be lost, weakened, or damaged through acts of betrayal -- either those we have experienced ourselves (for example, when someone who purports to love us treats us cruelly) or those we have inflicted on others, for instance when we treat someone who loves us cruelly. In the latter circumstance, our shame or guilt becomes acidic, eroding our souls and causing us to lose spiritual integrity until our pent-up feelings are released through confession or action.
When the life force remains lost even when the threat to the self is over, this can be equally debilitating. The person may be disconnected from life and out of balance, so that the emotions, thoughts, memories, bodily reactions, and spiritual ambitions are out of alignment with the person's true nature and that of the wider world and spiritual universe. This is when problems really begin and when the healing intervention of the shaman is most needed.
Soul retrieval is one of the shaman's most effective healing practices for the restoration of the life force. The shaman's perspective on reality is that it is multidimensional and operates beyond the constraints of time and space. From this perspective, anything that has ever happened to anybody, anywhere, is still happening somewhere. Even if a traumatic event occurred ten or twenty years ago, for the person who suffered it, it is still happening NOW because, until it is dealt with, it still influences life. It comes out in behavior that is an adaptation to the effects of that event and the soul loss that accompanied it.
For the shaman, there is no "past," only one vast, awesome, ever-moving now. In the healing approach, the shaman will therefore journey outside time and space to the place where that event is still happening for that individual. The shaman will find and bring back the life force that is held there. Only when this has been done can the healing of the event and its consequences really begin. The concept of soul loss and the ceremonial retrieval of souls in this way is found in many shamanic cultures throughout the world.
Flowers as Part of Soul Retrieval Ceremonies
Flowers are a common element in soul retrieval practices in many indigenous cultures. For instance, in negotiating with the spirit world, the shaman may make an offerenda (offering) in exchange for the soul, or simply leave flowers. If the spirits of nature are satisfied with the offering and reassured that the soul they are protecting will be treated well on its return -- and if the soul feels loved and safe -- it will be returned to the person straight away. We have a vague memory in the West of the connection between spirit and flowers in our practice of laying bouquets and wreaths on graves or at the scene of accidents where someone has died. On a symbolic level, we are also negotiating for the release of the soul and making our offering in lieu to the spirit of the place.
There is another approach to soul retrieval that works with flowers, common in countries as diverse as Mexico, Haiti, and Peru. In these traditions, it is believed that the soul can sometimes be, not lost exactly, but so loosely attached that it is vibrating inside and outside the body at one and the same time. This can happen as a result of shock, when events that shake our worldviews and undermine all that we thought to be true can also set our spirits shaking. It is as if we have nothing left to hold onto and all of our balance is gone. Shocks like these can lead to trauma, but if the soul is caught quickly enough, it can be healed before deeper wounding occurs, by forcing it back into the body and stabilizing it there so that balance is restored.
One common method of doing so is to swaddle the person tightly in sheets or blankets so that the soul is pressed back into the body and held there. Inside the blanket are placed flower petals, and these may also be sprinkled on top of and around the person's recumbent form. As she or he lies in this sweet-smelling cocoon of flowers that soothe the soul, the shaman will sing lullabies and whisper of how beautiful the world is and how much the person is loved and wanted by her people. Flower perfumes and essences may also be sprayed over the person, the aroma anchoring the sweet words and prayers for the person's soul to the spirits of nature. Then the person is left there for a while in the gentle heat of a rising sun, before the shaman unwraps her and welcomes her home into a new possibility of life: a rebirth through flowers.
Plants have an affinity to human beings. They know our pain, and their intention is to love and to heal. Simply being close to them and their energy fields can be enough to call back the soul. One action that every spiritual system advises in order to strengthen and protect the soul is time spent alone in nature. Through the power of our experiences and realizations there, we see how trivial our petty human concerns are and how meaningless the jostling for status and control within our cities has become. And once we see this, we understand how we can make other choices, so we never put our souls at risk. Nature, the real world beyond the shadows, can teach us if we listen.
ABOUT THE MASKS THAT ILLUSTRATE THIS ARTICLE: The images selected to illustrate this article on soul retrieval are by Pacific Northwest Native American artist Lilian Pitt. They depict Steahah or Stick Indians, which traditionally among Columbia River Gorge tribes are the mediators between good and evil. Always present, they are specters who live on high ground and look down on all the activities of the tribe. It is believed that if a child or adult is good and becomes lost in the woods, the Stick Indians will whistle them to safety. If they are bad, however, having lost their balance and strayed too far from normal, prescribed behavior, they will be whistled deeper and deeper into the woods. The Stick Indian reminds us that honoring the traditions of the people protects us and keeps us in a proper relationship with nature.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: ROSS HEAVEN is a therapist and workshop leader specializing in personal development, healing, and shamanism. Founder of The Four Gates foundation, he offers indigenous medicine retreats and workshops world wide. In addition to Plant Spirit Shamanism, from which this excerpt is drawn, his books include The Spiritual Practices of the Ninja, Darkness Visible, and Vodou Shaman.
HOWARD G. CHARING is a director of the Eagle Wing's Centre for Contemporary Shamanism, has taught at Dr. Michael Harner's Foundation for Shamanic Studies, and leads workshops and medicine retreats in the United Kingdom, the Peruvian Amazon basin, and the Andes.
©2006 by Ross Heaven and Howard G. Charing
The following is an excerpt from Heaven and Charing's Plant Spirit Shamanism: Traditional Techniques for Healing the Soul, published in 2006 by Destiny Books and reprinted with their permission. No further reproduction is permitted without permission of the publisher.
In the West, we know something of soul loss, though we use different terms for it. We talk, for example, of "psychological dissociation" and "stress-related syndromes," which arise as a result of traumatic, abusive, and hurtful experiences and may have a number of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms associated with them. In shamanic cultures, the same symptoms are diagnosed as a fracturing of the soul, or simply as soul loss, where an individual's spirit, faced with pain, has split into many parts, some of which have taken refuge in the otherworld, away from the harshness of everyday life. Another way the soul can be lost is by dishonoring nature or ignoring our need for connection with it. Human beings, as part of nature, need to feel their connection with the great world soul. Our health, and invariably our feelings of well-being, are rooted in this.
The symptoms of soul loss range from feeling "spaced out" (not really present, or a sense that you are observing life as an outsider rather than engaging with it fully) to pervasive life themes, such as fear, inability to trust other people, depression and chronic illness. The soul can be lost, weakened, or damaged through acts of betrayal -- either those we have experienced ourselves (for example, when someone who purports to love us treats us cruelly) or those we have inflicted on others, for instance when we treat someone who loves us cruelly. In the latter circumstance, our shame or guilt becomes acidic, eroding our souls and causing us to lose spiritual integrity until our pent-up feelings are released through confession or action.
When the life force remains lost even when the threat to the self is over, this can be equally debilitating. The person may be disconnected from life and out of balance, so that the emotions, thoughts, memories, bodily reactions, and spiritual ambitions are out of alignment with the person's true nature and that of the wider world and spiritual universe. This is when problems really begin and when the healing intervention of the shaman is most needed.
Soul retrieval is one of the shaman's most effective healing practices for the restoration of the life force. The shaman's perspective on reality is that it is multidimensional and operates beyond the constraints of time and space. From this perspective, anything that has ever happened to anybody, anywhere, is still happening somewhere. Even if a traumatic event occurred ten or twenty years ago, for the person who suffered it, it is still happening NOW because, until it is dealt with, it still influences life. It comes out in behavior that is an adaptation to the effects of that event and the soul loss that accompanied it.
For the shaman, there is no "past," only one vast, awesome, ever-moving now. In the healing approach, the shaman will therefore journey outside time and space to the place where that event is still happening for that individual. The shaman will find and bring back the life force that is held there. Only when this has been done can the healing of the event and its consequences really begin. The concept of soul loss and the ceremonial retrieval of souls in this way is found in many shamanic cultures throughout the world.
Flowers as Part of Soul Retrieval Ceremonies
Flowers are a common element in soul retrieval practices in many indigenous cultures. For instance, in negotiating with the spirit world, the shaman may make an offerenda (offering) in exchange for the soul, or simply leave flowers. If the spirits of nature are satisfied with the offering and reassured that the soul they are protecting will be treated well on its return -- and if the soul feels loved and safe -- it will be returned to the person straight away. We have a vague memory in the West of the connection between spirit and flowers in our practice of laying bouquets and wreaths on graves or at the scene of accidents where someone has died. On a symbolic level, we are also negotiating for the release of the soul and making our offering in lieu to the spirit of the place.
There is another approach to soul retrieval that works with flowers, common in countries as diverse as Mexico, Haiti, and Peru. In these traditions, it is believed that the soul can sometimes be, not lost exactly, but so loosely attached that it is vibrating inside and outside the body at one and the same time. This can happen as a result of shock, when events that shake our worldviews and undermine all that we thought to be true can also set our spirits shaking. It is as if we have nothing left to hold onto and all of our balance is gone. Shocks like these can lead to trauma, but if the soul is caught quickly enough, it can be healed before deeper wounding occurs, by forcing it back into the body and stabilizing it there so that balance is restored.
One common method of doing so is to swaddle the person tightly in sheets or blankets so that the soul is pressed back into the body and held there. Inside the blanket are placed flower petals, and these may also be sprinkled on top of and around the person's recumbent form. As she or he lies in this sweet-smelling cocoon of flowers that soothe the soul, the shaman will sing lullabies and whisper of how beautiful the world is and how much the person is loved and wanted by her people. Flower perfumes and essences may also be sprayed over the person, the aroma anchoring the sweet words and prayers for the person's soul to the spirits of nature. Then the person is left there for a while in the gentle heat of a rising sun, before the shaman unwraps her and welcomes her home into a new possibility of life: a rebirth through flowers.
Plants have an affinity to human beings. They know our pain, and their intention is to love and to heal. Simply being close to them and their energy fields can be enough to call back the soul. One action that every spiritual system advises in order to strengthen and protect the soul is time spent alone in nature. Through the power of our experiences and realizations there, we see how trivial our petty human concerns are and how meaningless the jostling for status and control within our cities has become. And once we see this, we understand how we can make other choices, so we never put our souls at risk. Nature, the real world beyond the shadows, can teach us if we listen.
ABOUT THE MASKS THAT ILLUSTRATE THIS ARTICLE: The images selected to illustrate this article on soul retrieval are by Pacific Northwest Native American artist Lilian Pitt. They depict Steahah or Stick Indians, which traditionally among Columbia River Gorge tribes are the mediators between good and evil. Always present, they are specters who live on high ground and look down on all the activities of the tribe. It is believed that if a child or adult is good and becomes lost in the woods, the Stick Indians will whistle them to safety. If they are bad, however, having lost their balance and strayed too far from normal, prescribed behavior, they will be whistled deeper and deeper into the woods. The Stick Indian reminds us that honoring the traditions of the people protects us and keeps us in a proper relationship with nature.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: ROSS HEAVEN is a therapist and workshop leader specializing in personal development, healing, and shamanism. Founder of The Four Gates foundation, he offers indigenous medicine retreats and workshops world wide. In addition to Plant Spirit Shamanism, from which this excerpt is drawn, his books include The Spiritual Practices of the Ninja, Darkness Visible, and Vodou Shaman.
HOWARD G. CHARING is a director of the Eagle Wing's Centre for Contemporary Shamanism, has taught at Dr. Michael Harner's Foundation for Shamanic Studies, and leads workshops and medicine retreats in the United Kingdom, the Peruvian Amazon basin, and the Andes.
©2006 by Ross Heaven and Howard G. Charing
The following is an excerpt from Heaven and Charing's Plant Spirit Shamanism: Traditional Techniques for Healing the Soul, published in 2006 by Destiny Books and reprinted with their permission. No further reproduction is permitted without permission of the publisher.
In the West, we know something of soul loss, though we use different terms for it. We talk, for example, of "psychological dissociation" and "stress-related syndromes," which arise as a result of traumatic, abusive, and hurtful experiences and may have a number of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms associated with them. In shamanic cultures, the same symptoms are diagnosed as a fracturing of the soul, or simply as soul loss, where an individual's spirit, faced with pain, has split into many parts, some of which have taken refuge in the otherworld, away from the harshness of everyday life. Another way the soul can be lost is by dishonoring nature or ignoring our need for connection with it. Human beings, as part of nature, need to feel their connection with the great world soul. Our health, and invariably our feelings of well-being, are rooted in this.
The symptoms of soul loss range from feeling "spaced out" (not really present, or a sense that you are observing life as an outsider rather than engaging with it fully) to pervasive life themes, such as fear, inability to trust other people, depression and chronic illness. The soul can be lost, weakened, or damaged through acts of betrayal -- either those we have experienced ourselves (for example, when someone who purports to love us treats us cruelly) or those we have inflicted on others, for instance when we treat someone who loves us cruelly. In the latter circumstance, our shame or guilt becomes acidic, eroding our souls and causing us to lose spiritual integrity until our pent-up feelings are released through confession or action.
When the life force remains lost even when the threat to the self is over, this can be equally debilitating. The person may be disconnected from life and out of balance, so that the emotions, thoughts, memories, bodily reactions, and spiritual ambitions are out of alignment with the person's true nature and that of the wider world and spiritual universe. This is when problems really begin and when the healing intervention of the shaman is most needed.
Soul retrieval is one of the shaman's most effective healing practices for the restoration of the life force. The shaman's perspective on reality is that it is multidimensional and operates beyond the constraints of time and space. From this perspective, anything that has ever happened to anybody, anywhere, is still happening somewhere. Even if a traumatic event occurred ten or twenty years ago, for the person who suffered it, it is still happening NOW because, until it is dealt with, it still influences life. It comes out in behavior that is an adaptation to the effects of that event and the soul loss that accompanied it.
For the shaman, there is no "past," only one vast, awesome, ever-moving now. In the healing approach, the shaman will therefore journey outside time and space to the place where that event is still happening for that individual. The shaman will find and bring back the life force that is held there. Only when this has been done can the healing of the event and its consequences really begin. The concept of soul loss and the ceremonial retrieval of souls in this way is found in many shamanic cultures throughout the world.
Flowers as Part of Soul Retrieval Ceremonies
Flowers are a common element in soul retrieval practices in many indigenous cultures. For instance, in negotiating with the spirit world, the shaman may make an offerenda (offering) in exchange for the soul, or simply leave flowers. If the spirits of nature are satisfied with the offering and reassured that the soul they are protecting will be treated well on its return -- and if the soul feels loved and safe -- it will be returned to the person straight away. We have a vague memory in the West of the connection between spirit and flowers in our practice of laying bouquets and wreaths on graves or at the scene of accidents where someone has died. On a symbolic level, we are also negotiating for the release of the soul and making our offering in lieu to the spirit of the place.
There is another approach to soul retrieval that works with flowers, common in countries as diverse as Mexico, Haiti, and Peru. In these traditions, it is believed that the soul can sometimes be, not lost exactly, but so loosely attached that it is vibrating inside and outside the body at one and the same time. This can happen as a result of shock, when events that shake our worldviews and undermine all that we thought to be true can also set our spirits shaking. It is as if we have nothing left to hold onto and all of our balance is gone. Shocks like these can lead to trauma, but if the soul is caught quickly enough, it can be healed before deeper wounding occurs, by forcing it back into the body and stabilizing it there so that balance is restored.
One common method of doing so is to swaddle the person tightly in sheets or blankets so that the soul is pressed back into the body and held there. Inside the blanket are placed flower petals, and these may also be sprinkled on top of and around the person's recumbent form. As she or he lies in this sweet-smelling cocoon of flowers that soothe the soul, the shaman will sing lullabies and whisper of how beautiful the world is and how much the person is loved and wanted by her people. Flower perfumes and essences may also be sprayed over the person, the aroma anchoring the sweet words and prayers for the person's soul to the spirits of nature. Then the person is left there for a while in the gentle heat of a rising sun, before the shaman unwraps her and welcomes her home into a new possibility of life: a rebirth through flowers.
Plants have an affinity to human beings. They know our pain, and their intention is to love and to heal. Simply being close to them and their energy fields can be enough to call back the soul. One action that every spiritual system advises in order to strengthen and protect the soul is time spent alone in nature. Through the power of our experiences and realizations there, we see how trivial our petty human concerns are and how meaningless the jostling for status and control within our cities has become. And once we see this, we understand how we can make other choices, so we never put our souls at risk. Nature, the real world beyond the shadows, can teach us if we listen.
ABOUT THE MASKS THAT ILLUSTRATE THIS ARTICLE: The images selected to illustrate this article on soul retrieval are by Pacific Northwest Native American artist Lilian Pitt. They depict Steahah or Stick Indians, which traditionally among Columbia River Gorge tribes are the mediators between good and evil. Always present, they are specters who live on high ground and look down on all the activities of the tribe. It is believed that if a child or adult is good and becomes lost in the woods, the Stick Indians will whistle them to safety. If they are bad, however, having lost their balance and strayed too far from normal, prescribed behavior, they will be whistled deeper and deeper into the woods. The Stick Indian reminds us that honoring the traditions of the people protects us and keeps us in a proper relationship with nature.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: ROSS HEAVEN is a therapist and workshop leader specializing in personal development, healing, and shamanism. Founder of The Four Gates foundation, he offers indigenous medicine retreats and workshops world wide. In addition to Plant Spirit Shamanism, from which this excerpt is drawn, his books include The Spiritual Practices of the Ninja, Darkness Visible, and Vodou Shaman.
HOWARD G. CHARING is a director of the Eagle Wing's Centre for Contemporary Shamanism, has taught at Dr. Michael Harner's Foundation for Shamanic Studies, and leads workshops and medicine retreats in the United Kingdom, the Peruvian Amazon basin, and the Andes.
©2006 by Ross Heaven and Howard G. Charing
The following is an excerpt from Heaven and Charing's Plant Spirit Shamanism: Traditional Techniques for Healing the Soul, published in 2006 by Destiny Books and reprinted with their permission. No further reproduction is permitted without permission of the publisher.
In the West, we know something of soul loss, though we use different terms for it. We talk, for example, of "psychological dissociation" and "stress-related syndromes," which arise as a result of traumatic, abusive, and hurtful experiences and may have a number of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms associated with them. In shamanic cultures, the same symptoms are diagnosed as a fracturing of the soul, or simply as soul loss, where an individual's spirit, faced with pain, has split into many parts, some of which have taken refuge in the otherworld, away from the harshness of everyday life. Another way the soul can be lost is by dishonoring nature or ignoring our need for connection with it. Human beings, as part of nature, need to feel their connection with the great world soul. Our health, and invariably our feelings of well-being, are rooted in this.
The symptoms of soul loss range from feeling "spaced out" (not really present, or a sense that you are observing life as an outsider rather than engaging with it fully) to pervasive life themes, such as fear, inability to trust other people, depression and chronic illness. The soul can be lost, weakened, or damaged through acts of betrayal -- either those we have experienced ourselves (for example, when someone who purports to love us treats us cruelly) or those we have inflicted on others, for instance when we treat someone who loves us cruelly. In the latter circumstance, our shame or guilt becomes acidic, eroding our souls and causing us to lose spiritual integrity until our pent-up feelings are released through confession or action.
When the life force remains lost even when the threat to the self is over, this can be equally debilitating. The person may be disconnected from life and out of balance, so that the emotions, thoughts, memories, bodily reactions, and spiritual ambitions are out of alignment with the person's true nature and that of the wider world and spiritual universe. This is when problems really begin and when the healing intervention of the shaman is most needed.
Soul retrieval is one of the shaman's most effective healing practices for the restoration of the life force. The shaman's perspective on reality is that it is multidimensional and operates beyond the constraints of time and space. From this perspective, anything that has ever happened to anybody, anywhere, is still happening somewhere. Even if a traumatic event occurred ten or twenty years ago, for the person who suffered it, it is still happening NOW because, until it is dealt with, it still influences life. It comes out in behavior that is an adaptation to the effects of that event and the soul loss that accompanied it.
For the shaman, there is no "past," only one vast, awesome, ever-moving now. In the healing approach, the shaman will therefore journey outside time and space to the place where that event is still happening for that individual. The shaman will find and bring back the life force that is held there. Only when this has been done can the healing of the event and its consequences really begin. The concept of soul loss and the ceremonial retrieval of souls in this way is found in many shamanic cultures throughout the world.
Flowers as Part of Soul Retrieval Ceremonies
Flowers are a common element in soul retrieval practices in many indigenous cultures. For instance, in negotiating with the spirit world, the shaman may make an offerenda (offering) in exchange for the soul, or simply leave flowers. If the spirits of nature are satisfied with the offering and reassured that the soul they are protecting will be treated well on its return -- and if the soul feels loved and safe -- it will be returned to the person straight away. We have a vague memory in the West of the connection between spirit and flowers in our practice of laying bouquets and wreaths on graves or at the scene of accidents where someone has died. On a symbolic level, we are also negotiating for the release of the soul and making our offering in lieu to the spirit of the place.
There is another approach to soul retrieval that works with flowers, common in countries as diverse as Mexico, Haiti, and Peru. In these traditions, it is believed that the soul can sometimes be, not lost exactly, but so loosely attached that it is vibrating inside and outside the body at one and the same time. This can happen as a result of shock, when events that shake our worldviews and undermine all that we thought to be true can also set our spirits shaking. It is as if we have nothing left to hold onto and all of our balance is gone. Shocks like these can lead to trauma, but if the soul is caught quickly enough, it can be healed before deeper wounding occurs, by forcing it back into the body and stabilizing it there so that balance is restored.
One common method of doing so is to swaddle the person tightly in sheets or blankets so that the soul is pressed back into the body and held there. Inside the blanket are placed flower petals, and these may also be sprinkled on top of and around the person's recumbent form. As she or he lies in this sweet-smelling cocoon of flowers that soothe the soul, the shaman will sing lullabies and whisper of how beautiful the world is and how much the person is loved and wanted by her people. Flower perfumes and essences may also be sprayed over the person, the aroma anchoring the sweet words and prayers for the person's soul to the spirits of nature. Then the person is left there for a while in the gentle heat of a rising sun, before the shaman unwraps her and welcomes her home into a new possibility of life: a rebirth through flowers.
Plants have an affinity to human beings. They know our pain, and their intention is to love and to heal. Simply being close to them and their energy fields can be enough to call back the soul. One action that every spiritual system advises in order to strengthen and protect the soul is time spent alone in nature. Through the power of our experiences and realizations there, we see how trivial our petty human concerns are and how meaningless the jostling for status and control within our cities has become. And once we see this, we understand how we can make other choices, so we never put our souls at risk. Nature, the real world beyond the shadows, can teach us if we listen.
ABOUT THE MASKS THAT ILLUSTRATE THIS ARTICLE: The images selected to illustrate this article on soul retrieval are by Pacific Northwest Native American artist Lilian Pitt. They depict Steahah or Stick Indians, which traditionally among Columbia River Gorge tribes are the mediators between good and evil. Always present, they are specters who live on high ground and look down on all the activities of the tribe. It is believed that if a child or adult is good and becomes lost in the woods, the Stick Indians will whistle them to safety. If they are bad, however, having lost their balance and strayed too far from normal, prescribed behavior, they will be whistled deeper and deeper into the woods. The Stick Indian reminds us that honoring the traditions of the people protects us and keeps us in a proper relationship with nature.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: ROSS HEAVEN is a therapist and workshop leader specializing in personal development, healing, and shamanism. Founder of The Four Gates foundation, he offers indigenous medicine retreats and workshops world wide. In addition to Plant Spirit Shamanism, from which this excerpt is drawn, his books include The Spiritual Practices of the Ninja, Darkness Visible, and Vodou Shaman.
HOWARD G. CHARING is a director of the Eagle Wing's Centre for Contemporary Shamanism, has taught at Dr. Michael Harner's Foundation for Shamanic Studies, and leads workshops and medicine retreats in the United Kingdom, the Peruvian Amazon basin, and the Andes.
POWER ANIMALS * The Shaman's Path
by Irina H. Corten, Ph.D.
Power animals help us cope with life's challenges.. .The Shaman's Path
A power animal is the spirit of a wild animal species who comes from non-ordinary reality to give us teaching, guidance and protection. Power in this context refers not to large size or physical strength but to the knowledge and wisdom of the universe that the spirit animal represents. There is no hierarchy among these animals. Shamanically, a butterfly is just as powerful as an eagle, only their specific functions are different. Domesticated animals, because of their dependence on humans and remoteness from nature, are not represented in the power animal kingdom as a rule, although there are some exceptions, notably the horse.
It is believed that having a power animal is essential for our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. How many of them we have and what species depends on individual needs. For some people one animal is sufficient, while others are surrounded by a veritable zoo. The more conscious we are of these animals, the better they are able to serve us, so it is important to honor them and cultivate a relationship with them. There are many creative and enjoyable ways of doing that, such as drawing the animal's picture, dedicating a poem or a song to it, impersonating it in a dance, or giving it a physical workout. I, for example, like to invite my spirit menagerie to accompany me whenever I go for a walk in nature.
How does one acquire a power animal? People often say to me: "I've always felt particularly attracted to such and such a species. Is this my power animal?" The answer is possibly, but not necessarily. To meet our spirit animal, we must either have a shamanic practitioner journey to non-ordinary reality to retrieve it for us, or we must undertake a retrieval ritual of our own. There are several ways to go about it. In traditional shamanic cultures, a vision quest entailing a vigil in the wilderness is commonly practiced. Another method is rattling, drumming and dancing for a power animal. It also is possible to ask your power animal to reveal itself to you in a dream. The method most frequently taught to students of "core shamanism" (shamanic practice based on elements common across culture) is that of finding the animal through a visionary journey.
I have several wonderful power animals who made themselves known to me in different ways. One of them appeared in a journey during a shamanic workshop. I would like to share this journey with you, dear readers, for it follows the classic method of going to the Lower World (spirit realm beneath the earth) with the intent of meeting and communicating with a spirit animal. Our workshop instructor, Sandra Ingerman* explained the initial procedure. We were to visualize an opening in the earth through which to enter the Lower World. Once we passed through the tunnel and reached our destination, we were to ask the universe to send us the appropriate animal. After that we were to "go with the flow."
We lay down on our mats in a darkened room, covered our eyes, and Sandra began to beat her drum. I chose to go into an underground spring in a forest glade. Floating rapidly down a watery tunnel, I emerged on the shore of a lake. Telepathically I projected my intent, and almost immediately saw a large, gray wolf running toward me. I greeted him and asked if he would be willing to teach me some wisdom. "Okay, woman," he said rather gruffly, "climb on my back." I happily complied, and he carried me swiftly through a dark forest. At the end of it I saw a chain of hills illumined by a bright full moon, and a pack of wolves sitting on the slopes. My Wolf introduced me to the members of his pack and told me how important it was for them to stick together and rely on each other for survival. We all arranged ourselves in a circle and started howling at the moon.
The mountain air was cold, and when the wolves howled, mist from their breath rose upwards in columns. I felt my soul trying to rise up along these columns toward the sky in an attempt to escape from the burdens of life on our troubled planet. But each time this happened, some force would pull me right back to my place on the ground amidst the wolf pack. At one point my Wolf became so annoyed at me for these escapades that he bared his teeth at me in a most ferocious manner. In this I saw a clear teaching: Do not evade your involvements and responsibilities on earth, however difficult they might be.
Then the whole scene shifted to a frozen wilderness, possibly some place in Alaska or Siberia. The wolves - my brothers and sisters - huddled together around a dying bonfire in bitter cold. The poor animals were starving to death, and I offered my body to them as nourishment. They dismembered and ate it. My essential self remained intact, and I felt happy committing this act of unconditional love and merging with the Whole.
In the final scene of this journey the wolves and I sat in a semi-circle at the foot of a high mountain. Above the peak there loomed a huge, fiery opening that seemed to lead to some celestial cavern or inner sanctum. We sat there warming ourselves and worshipping the divine spirit emanating from this source. My membership in their extended family and the resulting sense of togetherness and mutual support was very gratifying. Symbolically it represented the importance of being a caring and committed member of the human community.
In summary, working with power animals is one of the most rewarding aspects of my shamanic practice. I love receiving their advice and answers to important questions, and sometimes just frolicking and having fun with them in shamanic journeys. I also value their assistance in retrieving power animals for clients. Their strength, energy and wisdom are truly remarkable, and after two years in their company I cannot imagine living without them.
The Shaman's Path
In Siberian lore there is an old legend about the origins of our partnership with animals. When the Great Mother Deity was creating life on earth, human beings were the last to be made. Weary from her labors, the goddess did not work very hard on this task. As a result, humans came out puny and weak, with limited wisdom and poor survival skills. When the non-human animals saw our condition, they took pity on us and decided to bond with us in order to make it easier for us to cope with life. Similar tales exist in shamanic folklore throughout the world.
According to shamanic belief, every human being at birth has one or more animal guardians. If we fail to recognize and honor them as we get older, they are likely to go away and leave us without power. (In shamanism, power means vigor and energy rather than control over others.) It is thought that losing a power animal makes one prone to illness and misfortune, and shamanic practitioners devote much time to retrieving power animals for their clients.
I would like to share with readers some of my own work in this field, but with a word of caution. Power animal retrievals on behalf of other people should not be attempted unless one has some experience with shamanic journeying and an established relationship with one's own power animal. Another important thing to remember is the ethics of this practice. No shamanic healing work, be it animal retrieval, soul retrieval, or divination, should be under-taken without the client's knowledge and consent. If the client is too ill to understand, the care givers should be consulted.
Power animal retrievals may be done in physical proximity to the client or over long distance (space travel is not a problem for spirit animals). If the client is absent, I work with a photo or a strong mental image of him or her. In either case, I usually start with a ritual to summon the helping Spirits. I like to burn some sage, light a candle, and do some rattling, drumming and singing. When my consciousness expands and I begin feeling the Spirits' presence, I turn on my shamanic drum CD, lie down, cover my eyes, and journey into non-ordinary reality. As soon as I am there, I call one of my own power animals and ask it to help me find an animal for the client. When this happens, I ask the animal if it is willing to serve. If the answer is yes, I embrace the animal and return with it to ordinary reality. I then blow this animal into the client's body or toward the absent client's location.
Animal retrieval journeys often contain imagery and messages that are relevant to the client's life, either symbolically or literally. The practitioner' s task is to recount these details as accurately as possible without commentary; interpretations are offered only if the client wishes. All of these proceedings are confidential unless the client does not object to sharing them with others, as in the case described below.
About a year ago I retrieved a power animal for a friend who writes for Star Beacon under the names "Watana" and "Lorraine (Lori) Cordini." Lori is continually coping with the task of balancing the demands of ordinary human life and those of her other, extraterrestrial existence. This is difficult and requires strength and clarity of vision. After discussing this situation, Lori and I decided that she would benefit from the support of a power animal. We had no pre-conceived notions of who that animal might be, and my shamanic journey was an adventure for us both.
Entering non-ordinary reality through a cave, I emerged at the foot of a high mountain where Mother Goat (a mountain goat, my power animal) was waiting for me. After we exchanged affectionate greetings and I told her the purpose of my visit, she led me to a region of very high mountain peaks covered with snow. On one of them I spotted a nest with two hungry and noisy eaglets. Soon their mother arrived, She fed the babies and turned her attention to me. She told me to call her Sister Eagle and agreed to being Lori's power animal.
Sister Eagle communicated to me telepathically that she wished to demonstrate a teaching for Lori. She spread her enormous wings and began to fly. Her feathers were tipped with gold, and her white head glistened in the sun. At first, the flight seemed difficult for her. Pulled down by the force of gravity and by worries about her brood, she started to lose altitude. She struggled but eventually rallied and began to soar. We flew over the Blue Ridge Mountains and circled above Lori's town. I could feel energy vibrations spiraling down from the bird's wings and surrounding the whole town with a powerful field of protection.
Then we rose into Earth's upper atmosphere and beyond. The space around us was dark, but Sister Eagle flew resolutely higher and higher. I asked her if she had a faraway destination in mind for Lori. She said yes, but there was no need to be concerned about it at present. What was important was the flight itself and the overcoming of fear and uncertainty. After a while we returned to the aerie on top of the mountain. Having fed her babies again, Sister Eagle indicated that she was ready to go with me. I cradled her large body securely in my arms, returned to ordinary reality and, with a blessing, sent her off to the direction of Lori's home.
Traveling from Minnesota to North Carolina was easy for the great bird. Later Lori told me that she felt Sister Eagle's presence about her at the time of the retrieval, although I had not informed her in advance exactly when I would be journeying. She also understood the symbolism of the bird's behavior and its relevance to her (Lori's) life. Now Sister Eagle not only guides Lori's journeys in metaphysical realms but sometimes also helps out with mundane tasks. I quote from Lori's letter:
"I don't like night driving on mountain roads . . . My family was coming home from a visit with some friends. The four lane road was under construction, and there were those big yellow marking barrels on it, and I hated that . . . oncoming lights and all. I usually drive very slowly and cautiously at night... Suddenly, the car was whizzing along with great assurance. I knew I wasn't driving! Then I heard a 'wheeeeeeee' and received a message that Sister Eagle was driving. I sensed her enjoyment and her ability to get us home safely. Our family laughed and enjoyed a safe ride home as Sister Eagle put her wings comfortably about me, guiding my hands on the steering wheel . . ."
Power animals, thank you for being there for us!
Irina Corten is a college professor of Russian living in Minnesota. *Sandra Ingerman is the author of one of the best books on contemporary shamanism, titled Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self (1991)
Power animals help us cope with life's challenges.. .The Shaman's Path
A power animal is the spirit of a wild animal species who comes from non-ordinary reality to give us teaching, guidance and protection. Power in this context refers not to large size or physical strength but to the knowledge and wisdom of the universe that the spirit animal represents. There is no hierarchy among these animals. Shamanically, a butterfly is just as powerful as an eagle, only their specific functions are different. Domesticated animals, because of their dependence on humans and remoteness from nature, are not represented in the power animal kingdom as a rule, although there are some exceptions, notably the horse.
It is believed that having a power animal is essential for our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. How many of them we have and what species depends on individual needs. For some people one animal is sufficient, while others are surrounded by a veritable zoo. The more conscious we are of these animals, the better they are able to serve us, so it is important to honor them and cultivate a relationship with them. There are many creative and enjoyable ways of doing that, such as drawing the animal's picture, dedicating a poem or a song to it, impersonating it in a dance, or giving it a physical workout. I, for example, like to invite my spirit menagerie to accompany me whenever I go for a walk in nature.
How does one acquire a power animal? People often say to me: "I've always felt particularly attracted to such and such a species. Is this my power animal?" The answer is possibly, but not necessarily. To meet our spirit animal, we must either have a shamanic practitioner journey to non-ordinary reality to retrieve it for us, or we must undertake a retrieval ritual of our own. There are several ways to go about it. In traditional shamanic cultures, a vision quest entailing a vigil in the wilderness is commonly practiced. Another method is rattling, drumming and dancing for a power animal. It also is possible to ask your power animal to reveal itself to you in a dream. The method most frequently taught to students of "core shamanism" (shamanic practice based on elements common across culture) is that of finding the animal through a visionary journey.
I have several wonderful power animals who made themselves known to me in different ways. One of them appeared in a journey during a shamanic workshop. I would like to share this journey with you, dear readers, for it follows the classic method of going to the Lower World (spirit realm beneath the earth) with the intent of meeting and communicating with a spirit animal. Our workshop instructor, Sandra Ingerman* explained the initial procedure. We were to visualize an opening in the earth through which to enter the Lower World. Once we passed through the tunnel and reached our destination, we were to ask the universe to send us the appropriate animal. After that we were to "go with the flow."
We lay down on our mats in a darkened room, covered our eyes, and Sandra began to beat her drum. I chose to go into an underground spring in a forest glade. Floating rapidly down a watery tunnel, I emerged on the shore of a lake. Telepathically I projected my intent, and almost immediately saw a large, gray wolf running toward me. I greeted him and asked if he would be willing to teach me some wisdom. "Okay, woman," he said rather gruffly, "climb on my back." I happily complied, and he carried me swiftly through a dark forest. At the end of it I saw a chain of hills illumined by a bright full moon, and a pack of wolves sitting on the slopes. My Wolf introduced me to the members of his pack and told me how important it was for them to stick together and rely on each other for survival. We all arranged ourselves in a circle and started howling at the moon.
The mountain air was cold, and when the wolves howled, mist from their breath rose upwards in columns. I felt my soul trying to rise up along these columns toward the sky in an attempt to escape from the burdens of life on our troubled planet. But each time this happened, some force would pull me right back to my place on the ground amidst the wolf pack. At one point my Wolf became so annoyed at me for these escapades that he bared his teeth at me in a most ferocious manner. In this I saw a clear teaching: Do not evade your involvements and responsibilities on earth, however difficult they might be.
Then the whole scene shifted to a frozen wilderness, possibly some place in Alaska or Siberia. The wolves - my brothers and sisters - huddled together around a dying bonfire in bitter cold. The poor animals were starving to death, and I offered my body to them as nourishment. They dismembered and ate it. My essential self remained intact, and I felt happy committing this act of unconditional love and merging with the Whole.
In the final scene of this journey the wolves and I sat in a semi-circle at the foot of a high mountain. Above the peak there loomed a huge, fiery opening that seemed to lead to some celestial cavern or inner sanctum. We sat there warming ourselves and worshipping the divine spirit emanating from this source. My membership in their extended family and the resulting sense of togetherness and mutual support was very gratifying. Symbolically it represented the importance of being a caring and committed member of the human community.
In summary, working with power animals is one of the most rewarding aspects of my shamanic practice. I love receiving their advice and answers to important questions, and sometimes just frolicking and having fun with them in shamanic journeys. I also value their assistance in retrieving power animals for clients. Their strength, energy and wisdom are truly remarkable, and after two years in their company I cannot imagine living without them.
The Shaman's Path
In Siberian lore there is an old legend about the origins of our partnership with animals. When the Great Mother Deity was creating life on earth, human beings were the last to be made. Weary from her labors, the goddess did not work very hard on this task. As a result, humans came out puny and weak, with limited wisdom and poor survival skills. When the non-human animals saw our condition, they took pity on us and decided to bond with us in order to make it easier for us to cope with life. Similar tales exist in shamanic folklore throughout the world.
According to shamanic belief, every human being at birth has one or more animal guardians. If we fail to recognize and honor them as we get older, they are likely to go away and leave us without power. (In shamanism, power means vigor and energy rather than control over others.) It is thought that losing a power animal makes one prone to illness and misfortune, and shamanic practitioners devote much time to retrieving power animals for their clients.
I would like to share with readers some of my own work in this field, but with a word of caution. Power animal retrievals on behalf of other people should not be attempted unless one has some experience with shamanic journeying and an established relationship with one's own power animal. Another important thing to remember is the ethics of this practice. No shamanic healing work, be it animal retrieval, soul retrieval, or divination, should be under-taken without the client's knowledge and consent. If the client is too ill to understand, the care givers should be consulted.
Power animal retrievals may be done in physical proximity to the client or over long distance (space travel is not a problem for spirit animals). If the client is absent, I work with a photo or a strong mental image of him or her. In either case, I usually start with a ritual to summon the helping Spirits. I like to burn some sage, light a candle, and do some rattling, drumming and singing. When my consciousness expands and I begin feeling the Spirits' presence, I turn on my shamanic drum CD, lie down, cover my eyes, and journey into non-ordinary reality. As soon as I am there, I call one of my own power animals and ask it to help me find an animal for the client. When this happens, I ask the animal if it is willing to serve. If the answer is yes, I embrace the animal and return with it to ordinary reality. I then blow this animal into the client's body or toward the absent client's location.
Animal retrieval journeys often contain imagery and messages that are relevant to the client's life, either symbolically or literally. The practitioner' s task is to recount these details as accurately as possible without commentary; interpretations are offered only if the client wishes. All of these proceedings are confidential unless the client does not object to sharing them with others, as in the case described below.
About a year ago I retrieved a power animal for a friend who writes for Star Beacon under the names "Watana" and "Lorraine (Lori) Cordini." Lori is continually coping with the task of balancing the demands of ordinary human life and those of her other, extraterrestrial existence. This is difficult and requires strength and clarity of vision. After discussing this situation, Lori and I decided that she would benefit from the support of a power animal. We had no pre-conceived notions of who that animal might be, and my shamanic journey was an adventure for us both.
Entering non-ordinary reality through a cave, I emerged at the foot of a high mountain where Mother Goat (a mountain goat, my power animal) was waiting for me. After we exchanged affectionate greetings and I told her the purpose of my visit, she led me to a region of very high mountain peaks covered with snow. On one of them I spotted a nest with two hungry and noisy eaglets. Soon their mother arrived, She fed the babies and turned her attention to me. She told me to call her Sister Eagle and agreed to being Lori's power animal.
Sister Eagle communicated to me telepathically that she wished to demonstrate a teaching for Lori. She spread her enormous wings and began to fly. Her feathers were tipped with gold, and her white head glistened in the sun. At first, the flight seemed difficult for her. Pulled down by the force of gravity and by worries about her brood, she started to lose altitude. She struggled but eventually rallied and began to soar. We flew over the Blue Ridge Mountains and circled above Lori's town. I could feel energy vibrations spiraling down from the bird's wings and surrounding the whole town with a powerful field of protection.
Then we rose into Earth's upper atmosphere and beyond. The space around us was dark, but Sister Eagle flew resolutely higher and higher. I asked her if she had a faraway destination in mind for Lori. She said yes, but there was no need to be concerned about it at present. What was important was the flight itself and the overcoming of fear and uncertainty. After a while we returned to the aerie on top of the mountain. Having fed her babies again, Sister Eagle indicated that she was ready to go with me. I cradled her large body securely in my arms, returned to ordinary reality and, with a blessing, sent her off to the direction of Lori's home.
Traveling from Minnesota to North Carolina was easy for the great bird. Later Lori told me that she felt Sister Eagle's presence about her at the time of the retrieval, although I had not informed her in advance exactly when I would be journeying. She also understood the symbolism of the bird's behavior and its relevance to her (Lori's) life. Now Sister Eagle not only guides Lori's journeys in metaphysical realms but sometimes also helps out with mundane tasks. I quote from Lori's letter:
"I don't like night driving on mountain roads . . . My family was coming home from a visit with some friends. The four lane road was under construction, and there were those big yellow marking barrels on it, and I hated that . . . oncoming lights and all. I usually drive very slowly and cautiously at night... Suddenly, the car was whizzing along with great assurance. I knew I wasn't driving! Then I heard a 'wheeeeeeee' and received a message that Sister Eagle was driving. I sensed her enjoyment and her ability to get us home safely. Our family laughed and enjoyed a safe ride home as Sister Eagle put her wings comfortably about me, guiding my hands on the steering wheel . . ."
Power animals, thank you for being there for us!
Irina Corten is a college professor of Russian living in Minnesota. *Sandra Ingerman is the author of one of the best books on contemporary shamanism, titled Soul Retrieval: Mending the Fragmented Self (1991)
The mandrake
©2006 by Ross Heaven and Howard G. Charing
Editors' Note: The following is an excerpt from Heaven and Charing's Plant Spirit Shamanism: Traditional Techniques for Healing the Soul, published in 2006 by Destiny Books and reprinted with their permission.
The mandrake is a powerfully magical -- some say dangerous -- plant that has a root shaped like a human being, complete with arms and legs. Legends tell that when it is pulled from the soil, it emits a scream of pain and rage at its violation and that of the earth. It is said that anyone hearing this scream is sure to die unless ritual precautions are immediately taken to honor the plant and its environment.
Myths and legends like these are often teaching stories, and behind them lies a deeper truth. In the scream of the mandrake, there is a lesson for us about the need to "walk lightly on the earth" -- to treat our world with respect, awaken to its spirit, and take only what we need. The human race and its "measuring mentality" has not been too astute about this in the past, leading to a situation of increasing climate change, which some scientists bluntly state is now irreversible.
We will simply have to get used to and prepare for wilder and more chaotic weather -- ferocious hurricanes, rising sea levels, blistering summers, frozen winters, failing crops, and scarcity of food and drinking water. We can, however, give more respect to the earth by now cutting back on our resource plundering and pollution so that we bequeath a world with some comforts left to our children. Or, they, too may hear the mandrake scream.
Around 125,000 species -- almost half the plants on earth -- are found in tropical rain forests, which covered almost eight billion acres of the world's surface. One in three plant-derived medicines come from these rainforest plants, yet only a fraction has been investigated for medicinal purposes. Estimates vary, but it is well-known that several thousands of these rainforest acres are destroyed each year by Western companies or local farmers under Western sponsorship. They do it so cattle-grazing and mineral exploration can take place, in the interests of food and petroleum companies.
There is no doubt that many of these disappearing plants hold keys to lifesaving new medicines. We know this from the less than one percent that have been studied, and yet every year thousands more are destroyed. Once they are gone, they may never return. But this is only half the story, because traditional ways of working with plants are also dying out, as the West exports not only its technology, but its worldviews and values to these cultures.
It is a frequent lament among Amazonian shamans that fewer young people are coming forward now to learn natural medicine and to meet the spirit of the plants. They are migrating to cities instead, or putting their faith in Western science, which sees their shamans as outdated, misguided, or a throwback to a naïve age. These shamans, who cultivate their successors through apprenticeship, have no more students to teach, and their knowledge is dying as quickly as the forests around them.
This is a tragedy not just for Amazonian culture but for all of humanity, since many of the drugs we use in the West are derived from shamanic knowledge. For decades, pharmaceutical companies have employed anthropologists and ethnobotanists to work with these shamans so they know where to look for medicinal plants and what they are used to cure... It seems dishonest and ungracious for modern medicine to take so much from the old ways and then belittle these traditions for their "primitive beliefs" and "lack of effective medicine." To do so is a revelation of ignorance. As science wins the war against tradition, the old ways die out, leaving fewer folk healers and plant experts whose old knowledge our scientists raid to develop new medicines.
... In the face of growing evidence, the only sane conclusion is that it is time to do things differently. It is time for a return to traditional, compassionate healing methods, to concern for patients instead of profits. And it is time for a new generation of plant spirit healers -- you, the readers -- to step up to the plate to arrest this decline in the well-being of the world.
To do so, it will be necessary to free your minds from the conditioning of scientific rationalism, so you can explore, dream, and meet with your plant spirit allies, the energies of nature that are calling you. If enough of you answer this calling to rediscover the magic of plant spirit healing, together we can preserve the traditions and use them for the good of all, altering the course of this increasingly materialist and dis-spirited world.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: ROSS HEAVEN is a therapist and workshop leader specializing in personal development, healing, and shamanism. He offers indigenous medicine retreats and workshops world wide, which you can read about on his website. In addition to Plant Spirit Shamanism, from which this excerpt is drawn, his books include The Spiritual Practices of the Ninja, Darkness Visible, and Vodou Shaman.
HOWARD G. CHARING is a director of the Eagle Wing's Centre for Contemporary Shamanism, has taught at Dr. Michael Harner's Foundation for Shamanic Studies, and leads workshops and medicine retreats in the United Kingdom, the Peruvian Amazon basin, and the Andes.
Editors' Note: The following is an excerpt from Heaven and Charing's Plant Spirit Shamanism: Traditional Techniques for Healing the Soul, published in 2006 by Destiny Books and reprinted with their permission.
The mandrake is a powerfully magical -- some say dangerous -- plant that has a root shaped like a human being, complete with arms and legs. Legends tell that when it is pulled from the soil, it emits a scream of pain and rage at its violation and that of the earth. It is said that anyone hearing this scream is sure to die unless ritual precautions are immediately taken to honor the plant and its environment.
Myths and legends like these are often teaching stories, and behind them lies a deeper truth. In the scream of the mandrake, there is a lesson for us about the need to "walk lightly on the earth" -- to treat our world with respect, awaken to its spirit, and take only what we need. The human race and its "measuring mentality" has not been too astute about this in the past, leading to a situation of increasing climate change, which some scientists bluntly state is now irreversible.
We will simply have to get used to and prepare for wilder and more chaotic weather -- ferocious hurricanes, rising sea levels, blistering summers, frozen winters, failing crops, and scarcity of food and drinking water. We can, however, give more respect to the earth by now cutting back on our resource plundering and pollution so that we bequeath a world with some comforts left to our children. Or, they, too may hear the mandrake scream.
Around 125,000 species -- almost half the plants on earth -- are found in tropical rain forests, which covered almost eight billion acres of the world's surface. One in three plant-derived medicines come from these rainforest plants, yet only a fraction has been investigated for medicinal purposes. Estimates vary, but it is well-known that several thousands of these rainforest acres are destroyed each year by Western companies or local farmers under Western sponsorship. They do it so cattle-grazing and mineral exploration can take place, in the interests of food and petroleum companies.
There is no doubt that many of these disappearing plants hold keys to lifesaving new medicines. We know this from the less than one percent that have been studied, and yet every year thousands more are destroyed. Once they are gone, they may never return. But this is only half the story, because traditional ways of working with plants are also dying out, as the West exports not only its technology, but its worldviews and values to these cultures.
It is a frequent lament among Amazonian shamans that fewer young people are coming forward now to learn natural medicine and to meet the spirit of the plants. They are migrating to cities instead, or putting their faith in Western science, which sees their shamans as outdated, misguided, or a throwback to a naïve age. These shamans, who cultivate their successors through apprenticeship, have no more students to teach, and their knowledge is dying as quickly as the forests around them.
This is a tragedy not just for Amazonian culture but for all of humanity, since many of the drugs we use in the West are derived from shamanic knowledge. For decades, pharmaceutical companies have employed anthropologists and ethnobotanists to work with these shamans so they know where to look for medicinal plants and what they are used to cure... It seems dishonest and ungracious for modern medicine to take so much from the old ways and then belittle these traditions for their "primitive beliefs" and "lack of effective medicine." To do so is a revelation of ignorance. As science wins the war against tradition, the old ways die out, leaving fewer folk healers and plant experts whose old knowledge our scientists raid to develop new medicines.
... In the face of growing evidence, the only sane conclusion is that it is time to do things differently. It is time for a return to traditional, compassionate healing methods, to concern for patients instead of profits. And it is time for a new generation of plant spirit healers -- you, the readers -- to step up to the plate to arrest this decline in the well-being of the world.
To do so, it will be necessary to free your minds from the conditioning of scientific rationalism, so you can explore, dream, and meet with your plant spirit allies, the energies of nature that are calling you. If enough of you answer this calling to rediscover the magic of plant spirit healing, together we can preserve the traditions and use them for the good of all, altering the course of this increasingly materialist and dis-spirited world.
ABOUT THE AUTHORS: ROSS HEAVEN is a therapist and workshop leader specializing in personal development, healing, and shamanism. He offers indigenous medicine retreats and workshops world wide, which you can read about on his website. In addition to Plant Spirit Shamanism, from which this excerpt is drawn, his books include The Spiritual Practices of the Ninja, Darkness Visible, and Vodou Shaman.
HOWARD G. CHARING is a director of the Eagle Wing's Centre for Contemporary Shamanism, has taught at Dr. Michael Harner's Foundation for Shamanic Studies, and leads workshops and medicine retreats in the United Kingdom, the Peruvian Amazon basin, and the Andes.
Sacred Plants
2007 Wade Davis, Ph.D.
Editors' Note: The following is an excerpt from an exceptional collection of essays on native plants, and is reprinted with permission of the publisher. The book is Visionary Plant Consciousness: The Shamanic Teachings of the Plant World. Edited by J.P. Harpignies. Rochester, VT: Park Street Press, 2007. See here for another Vibration Magazine article from this book.
When you look at the circumstances of indigenous peoples around the world, half of humanity, half the legacy of our species, is disappearing before our eyes. And that's OUR doing. These are not cultures pre-ordained to fade away but are dynamic and vibrant cultures that have some insights we could desperately use. However, they are being driven out of existence by forces beyond their ability to come to terms with. We induce nomads off the land in Kenya, and they find themselves living in the slums of Nairobi where the unemployment rate is 60 percent for those with high school education. Lima, Peru, that had maybe four hundred thousand people in 1940, now is home to nine million people. Whether it's the refugee camps of the Afghan frontier or the barrios of Lima, all these places become breeding grounds for resentment.
As I began pondering the fate of imperiled cultures, I was drawn back to my academic roots. I began as an anthropologist. Working in the field, I often found that botany was an ideal conduit to many cultures, and particularly sacred plants. Where sacred plants are found -- some 120 found in Nature -- their use is firmly rooted in the culture. Ninety percent of them are found in the Western Hemisphere, or to a lesser extent in northeastern Siberia. The Old World is notably lacking in psychotropic plants, which is curious because the forests of equatorial West Africa or southeast Asia are as botanically rich in pharmacologically active compounds as the Amazon.
Sacred plants are one avenue to satisfy a common desire in the human spirit, the desire to periodically change consciousness, which is found in every culture. One of the most interesting aspects of psychoactive plant use in a place like the Amazon is what it reveals about the mysterious genius of the shamans, like the mystery of Ayahuasca's origins. (Editors' Note: See an article about the religious use of this combination of two Amazonian plants here.) How in a flora of eighty thousand species did these shamans figure out how to combine two distinct entities in different and unrelated families of plants? How did they know that when these two entities were combined in a quite sophisticated preparation, there would be this powerful synergistic effect, a biochemical version of the sum being greater than the parts.
If you ask most scientists, they will tell you it must have been trial and error -- a rude euphemism for the fact that we have no idea how the Indians knew how to combine these plants. If you run statistical models, you quickly realize that trial and error is simply not what happened, for there are seventeen distinct species of ayahuasca in the forest. If you ask the Indians themselves, they have, from their point of view, quite mundane explanations. They tell you the plants told them. "Of course, you take each plant on the night of the full moon, and each species sings to you in a different key."
And, of course, we scientists dismiss the idea because we're uncomfortable with metaphor -- and it won't get you a Ph.D. from Harvard. It does give you an idea that in journeying into these distant realms, we journey not simply to find valuable new species. We journey, in part, to return with new visions of life itself. It helps us understand that the world we live in does not exist in some absolute sense, but is just one model of reality. If there's one revelation of anthropology, it's that there are other ways of thinking, other ways of being, other ways of orienting yourself on the earth. And, given our sorry predicament, having access to other ways of understanding may be vital to our survival.
When you think about that and you accept the biological fact that all peoples have the same mental acuity, an interesting question emerges. "What happens when a people don't put that mental acuity into creating cities and electronic technologies, but rather put it into exploring the metaphysical realm or the realm of plants?" The work I did in Haiti showed me, powerfully, that different cultural realities create very different human beings whose capacities are profoundly different. Landscape CAN create culture.
But culture also informs landscape. Indigenous peoples throughout the world have forged through time and ritual a traditional mystique of the Earth. It's not based on an idea of being self-consciously close to it but on a far subtler intuition, the idea that the Earth itself is breathed into being by human consciousness. You can see this in any number of ritual practices. Of course, what's important is not whether the metaphors they invoke are true in some factual sense, but what the practices tell you about a people.
We have to be very careful not to project our own cultural categories and assumptions in attempting to learn from indigenous peoples. Misconceptions abound. For instance, many people in the West seem very confused about what shamanic medicine is all about. In our society, we distinguish between the priest and the physician. The physician treats the body, and, for some, the priest has dominion over the soul. We often read that in the shamanic traditions, the priest and the shaman become one, but that's an oversimplification.
There are two different levels of treatment. On the one hand, these cultures treat many diseases symptomatically, much as we do. In place of medicinal drugs, they use medicinal herbs, many of which are pharmacologically active. But my experience is that it's often the women who actually know more about that type of herbal medicine. It's the realm of women who are responsible for treating their families for all the basic afflictions.
The shaman's notion of healing is that the diseases he or she is called upon to address are always seen to be in some kind of metaphysical realm. So shamanic healing requires that the shaman elevate his or her spirit to soar away on the wings of a trance, to get to those metaphysical realms, often through the use of one of the sacred plants. Those in our culture who focus on sacred plants tend to focus too much on the plants and not enough on the fact that rituals of all kinds and the use of these plants are always specifically rooted in the culture. They are rooted more in a general desire to change consciousness, which can be done in myriad ways.
As fascinating as they are, we shouldn't put too much on the shoulders of these sacred plants. We need to focus more on the wonder of human adaptation to a remarkable planet, and sacred plant use is one aspect of that. Because of our own fascination with psychotropic plants, we sometimes put more weight on them than the indigenous peoples do. Furthermore, taking sacred plant use out of its cultural context can be a risky business. There's a romantic myth that a shaman is always a benign fatherly or motherly figure, but I've never met a shaman who wasn't somewhat crazy. That's their job. They're willing to go into waters that most of us don't even want to know exist. Shamans walk that fine line between enlightenment and psychosis, but they do have a society willing to welcome them back, and validates the esoteric knowledge they seek. So cultural context is tremendously important in the use of ritual in general and sacred plants in particular, and there are real risks in dabbling with them. But that doesn't mean these plants can't be of great use and interest to us.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Wade Davis, Ph.D., one of the world's most renowned anthropologists, studied ethnobotany at Harvard and is the author of many books, including The Serpent and the Rainbow, The Clouded Leopard, One River, and The Light at the Edge of the World. While living with sixteen indigenous groups in eight South American countries, Wade created six thousand botanical collections. He is an activist associated with a wide range of groups including The Endangered Peoples' Project, of which he is the Executive Director.
Editors' Note: The following is an excerpt from an exceptional collection of essays on native plants, and is reprinted with permission of the publisher. The book is Visionary Plant Consciousness: The Shamanic Teachings of the Plant World. Edited by J.P. Harpignies. Rochester, VT: Park Street Press, 2007. See here for another Vibration Magazine article from this book.
When you look at the circumstances of indigenous peoples around the world, half of humanity, half the legacy of our species, is disappearing before our eyes. And that's OUR doing. These are not cultures pre-ordained to fade away but are dynamic and vibrant cultures that have some insights we could desperately use. However, they are being driven out of existence by forces beyond their ability to come to terms with. We induce nomads off the land in Kenya, and they find themselves living in the slums of Nairobi where the unemployment rate is 60 percent for those with high school education. Lima, Peru, that had maybe four hundred thousand people in 1940, now is home to nine million people. Whether it's the refugee camps of the Afghan frontier or the barrios of Lima, all these places become breeding grounds for resentment.
As I began pondering the fate of imperiled cultures, I was drawn back to my academic roots. I began as an anthropologist. Working in the field, I often found that botany was an ideal conduit to many cultures, and particularly sacred plants. Where sacred plants are found -- some 120 found in Nature -- their use is firmly rooted in the culture. Ninety percent of them are found in the Western Hemisphere, or to a lesser extent in northeastern Siberia. The Old World is notably lacking in psychotropic plants, which is curious because the forests of equatorial West Africa or southeast Asia are as botanically rich in pharmacologically active compounds as the Amazon.
Sacred plants are one avenue to satisfy a common desire in the human spirit, the desire to periodically change consciousness, which is found in every culture. One of the most interesting aspects of psychoactive plant use in a place like the Amazon is what it reveals about the mysterious genius of the shamans, like the mystery of Ayahuasca's origins. (Editors' Note: See an article about the religious use of this combination of two Amazonian plants here.) How in a flora of eighty thousand species did these shamans figure out how to combine two distinct entities in different and unrelated families of plants? How did they know that when these two entities were combined in a quite sophisticated preparation, there would be this powerful synergistic effect, a biochemical version of the sum being greater than the parts.
If you ask most scientists, they will tell you it must have been trial and error -- a rude euphemism for the fact that we have no idea how the Indians knew how to combine these plants. If you run statistical models, you quickly realize that trial and error is simply not what happened, for there are seventeen distinct species of ayahuasca in the forest. If you ask the Indians themselves, they have, from their point of view, quite mundane explanations. They tell you the plants told them. "Of course, you take each plant on the night of the full moon, and each species sings to you in a different key."
And, of course, we scientists dismiss the idea because we're uncomfortable with metaphor -- and it won't get you a Ph.D. from Harvard. It does give you an idea that in journeying into these distant realms, we journey not simply to find valuable new species. We journey, in part, to return with new visions of life itself. It helps us understand that the world we live in does not exist in some absolute sense, but is just one model of reality. If there's one revelation of anthropology, it's that there are other ways of thinking, other ways of being, other ways of orienting yourself on the earth. And, given our sorry predicament, having access to other ways of understanding may be vital to our survival.
When you think about that and you accept the biological fact that all peoples have the same mental acuity, an interesting question emerges. "What happens when a people don't put that mental acuity into creating cities and electronic technologies, but rather put it into exploring the metaphysical realm or the realm of plants?" The work I did in Haiti showed me, powerfully, that different cultural realities create very different human beings whose capacities are profoundly different. Landscape CAN create culture.
But culture also informs landscape. Indigenous peoples throughout the world have forged through time and ritual a traditional mystique of the Earth. It's not based on an idea of being self-consciously close to it but on a far subtler intuition, the idea that the Earth itself is breathed into being by human consciousness. You can see this in any number of ritual practices. Of course, what's important is not whether the metaphors they invoke are true in some factual sense, but what the practices tell you about a people.
We have to be very careful not to project our own cultural categories and assumptions in attempting to learn from indigenous peoples. Misconceptions abound. For instance, many people in the West seem very confused about what shamanic medicine is all about. In our society, we distinguish between the priest and the physician. The physician treats the body, and, for some, the priest has dominion over the soul. We often read that in the shamanic traditions, the priest and the shaman become one, but that's an oversimplification.
There are two different levels of treatment. On the one hand, these cultures treat many diseases symptomatically, much as we do. In place of medicinal drugs, they use medicinal herbs, many of which are pharmacologically active. But my experience is that it's often the women who actually know more about that type of herbal medicine. It's the realm of women who are responsible for treating their families for all the basic afflictions.
The shaman's notion of healing is that the diseases he or she is called upon to address are always seen to be in some kind of metaphysical realm. So shamanic healing requires that the shaman elevate his or her spirit to soar away on the wings of a trance, to get to those metaphysical realms, often through the use of one of the sacred plants. Those in our culture who focus on sacred plants tend to focus too much on the plants and not enough on the fact that rituals of all kinds and the use of these plants are always specifically rooted in the culture. They are rooted more in a general desire to change consciousness, which can be done in myriad ways.
As fascinating as they are, we shouldn't put too much on the shoulders of these sacred plants. We need to focus more on the wonder of human adaptation to a remarkable planet, and sacred plant use is one aspect of that. Because of our own fascination with psychotropic plants, we sometimes put more weight on them than the indigenous peoples do. Furthermore, taking sacred plant use out of its cultural context can be a risky business. There's a romantic myth that a shaman is always a benign fatherly or motherly figure, but I've never met a shaman who wasn't somewhat crazy. That's their job. They're willing to go into waters that most of us don't even want to know exist. Shamans walk that fine line between enlightenment and psychosis, but they do have a society willing to welcome them back, and validates the esoteric knowledge they seek. So cultural context is tremendously important in the use of ritual in general and sacred plants in particular, and there are real risks in dabbling with them. But that doesn't mean these plants can't be of great use and interest to us.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Wade Davis, Ph.D., one of the world's most renowned anthropologists, studied ethnobotany at Harvard and is the author of many books, including The Serpent and the Rainbow, The Clouded Leopard, One River, and The Light at the Edge of the World. While living with sixteen indigenous groups in eight South American countries, Wade created six thousand botanical collections. He is an activist associated with a wide range of groups including The Endangered Peoples' Project, of which he is the Executive Director.
The shamanic healing through the flowers essences
The shamanic healing through the flowers essences
By Franchelle Ofsoske-Wyber, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand
You are sitting on mother earth. The sun has long set and the fire nearby is still burning, although the flames are now small dancing fingers of light. You have been waiting to see the medicine woman. There is a problem that has burdened your spirit, and the weight of it is making you feel physically unwell.
Suddenly you feel a shift in the atmosphere. Something powerful yet unseen has entered the space around you. From out of the shadows a drum beat sounds. The reverberation rises and falls. The air around comes alive and pulses with vitality. Quietly at first but quickly gaining in intensity, an ancient chant sounds and weaves a fabric of extraordinary power and magic.
The medicine woman appears before you. You move with her, as if in a trance into another reality. Water is sprinkled on you with a sprig from a powerful medicine plant and you are given a series of potions to drink made from healing herbs and plants. You feel yourself transform like a shape shifter. In some subtle way you are changing. The pressing problem is now no longer an issue. What was weighing you down seems to have gone. Your spirit feels whole and well. The plant spirits have done their work, and the healing powers of the medicine woman/shaman; the healing power of vibration has worked its magic yet again.
The scene I have just described could have taken place anywhere in the world in the last 40-50 thousand years. However times are changing, and the primal ways of the shaman and medicine men and women are no longer the preferred option for healing by most of humanity; yet the vibrational healing power the ancient wisdom keepers have so successfully wielded is still available and is still as potent as ever.
Today the world is waking up to the relevancy and incredible power of vibrational medicine and vibrational healing. Flower essences when they are made by highly skilled practitioners are one of the finest and purest expressions of vibrational or energy medicine.
It is my understanding that flower essence therapy is a modality that is the perfect expression of shamanic healing in the 21st century.
Both sides of my family were healers. Shamans on the Russian side and medicine men and woman on my father's Cherokee side. In this life I have also been fortunate to be trained in the ancient ways of power and healing by Aboriginal and Maori elders.
I was born in New Zealand as a "matakite" and a "matatuhi" -- these Maori words mean "one that sees with the healing eye", "one who links into the 12th plane" and "one who can read what is written on the wind" respectively. I was bo,rn a shaman, just as I was born a wisdom keeper.
The time has come for these ancient wisdoms to be revealed. When I say that flower essence therapy can be a perfect expression of shamanic healing in the 21st century I say this from the vested authority of my lineage and from my personal experience and knowledge of the ancient healing pathways.
My close friend and spiritual patron for First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand, respected Maori elder Dr. Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere, C.B.E., C.M., who is New Zealand's last Tohuna or wisdom keeper, has a very critical point to make. Many times she has stated publicly that anyone can make flower essences by floating flowers on a bowl of water and putting it out in the sun. "Does this mean that the plant will automatically release its full healing capacity?" she asks. The answer is always "no," says Dr. Pere. She points out that very special shamanic skills and protocols are required to facilitate a plant releasing its full healing capacity. This is necessary if one is to heal the spirit and treat the cause of the problem, and to treat the complexity of health issues we will be faced with in the 21st century.
The ancient shamanic ways always dealt with accessing the full healing powers of the specific plant allies that were worked with. The whole person was treated at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
When flower essences are made using the ancient shamanic knowledge and the specialised magical connections, then those flower essences are a 21st century expression of pure shamanic healing. Flower essences made in this sacred manner have a unique level of therapeutic immediacy that is apparent to anyone who works with them.
Flower essences that are pure shamanic essences must be made using the ancient sacred chants and special seed syllables that activate the full healing power of the plant. They must also link directly into the spiritual forces of the land. This then enables the spirit of the plant to work directly with the spirit of the person to bring healing and wholeness.
The sacred salutations or karakias (prayers) are given to each native flower/plant/fern essence. This honours the sacred relationship that has been entered into with the plant deva or "atua" and the spiritual forces of Aotearoa. This formal greeting or necessary spiritual protocol is one of the factors that ensures full therapeutic immediacy is obtained when making a flower essence.
Each individual sacred salutation honours the individual plant as being a spiritual child of the land of Aotearoa -- New Zealand. "The land of the ever shining light." Each plant is understood to be linked to Papatuanuku -- Earth Mother -- and belongs to a specific plant family. The plant has a pair of parents, spiritual protectors or "atua" that energise, protect and look after it.
Sactred salutation in Maori: Ka mihi ki te tamaiti a Haumia me Hine Pukohurangi te mirimiri i te tuara kia uru mai ko te hauora hei tino whakaora.
Translation in English: Salutations to the child of Haumia and Hine Pukohurangi for massaging the standing path (backbone) to enable the breath of the Central Sun, the Divine Spark to enter and give absolute healing.
This is the shamanic way to treat the cause, which in turn heals the spirit. These are the ancient pathways of plant lore and magical knowledge taught to me by Maori, Aboriginal and First Nation elders. This is the way that I make flower essences in New Zealand, Hawaiiki Tautau, the pulse, the heart beat of the planet... the first country in the word to see the light.
Over 12,000 years ago the largest continent existed in the South Pacific -- for the Maori this is sometimes called Mu or Lemuria. New Zealand, or Aotearoa as we know it today, is actually regarded as Hawaiiki Tautau -- the pulse of that huge continent. New Zealand, Aotearoa, "the pulse" has very special energy in terms of that continent.
As Dr. Pere says, "There is no way that we can live without our pulse, that pulsating energy of ancient Hawaiiki that is New Zealand as we know it today. Hawaiiki Tautau is a vital -- in fact a critical -- energy point for the whole of Paptuanuku -- the whole of the earth, the rest of the planet."
In this sacred way of working in relationship with our plant relatives, I see the old earth ways taking on a new life and touching the hearts and minds of people in the 21st century. This age, known in Maoridom as the "Age of Cherishing Floral Waters," is an age where it has been predicted that water, sunlight and plants would be used to work directly on every individual cell, each of which holds the "three baskets of knowledge" for total wellbeing in the body.
This is an age predicted by indigenous wisdom keepers worldwide, when humankind would work intelligently and co-operatively with plant intelligence and nature for a healing outcome. The "Age of the Mother" when we would move into sacred relationship with the earth -- our mother.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Franchelle Ofsoske-Wyber is the co-founder and creator of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand, the first range of essences made from the native flora of New Zealand. Franchelle trained in the Bach system of flower remedies in the late 70s, and she has been making and working with flower essences made from New Zealand's native plants since 1985. She works closely with indigenous elders and wisdom keepers round the world. She was born with the ability to link into the healing song of plants. She teaches the ancient ways in a series of residential workshops and runs courses on the First Light essences and working with the nature power of Aotearoa. She is the author of The New Zealand Native Flower Essence Handbook -- Working with the Nature Power Of Aotearoa.
By Franchelle Ofsoske-Wyber, First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand
You are sitting on mother earth. The sun has long set and the fire nearby is still burning, although the flames are now small dancing fingers of light. You have been waiting to see the medicine woman. There is a problem that has burdened your spirit, and the weight of it is making you feel physically unwell.
Suddenly you feel a shift in the atmosphere. Something powerful yet unseen has entered the space around you. From out of the shadows a drum beat sounds. The reverberation rises and falls. The air around comes alive and pulses with vitality. Quietly at first but quickly gaining in intensity, an ancient chant sounds and weaves a fabric of extraordinary power and magic.
The medicine woman appears before you. You move with her, as if in a trance into another reality. Water is sprinkled on you with a sprig from a powerful medicine plant and you are given a series of potions to drink made from healing herbs and plants. You feel yourself transform like a shape shifter. In some subtle way you are changing. The pressing problem is now no longer an issue. What was weighing you down seems to have gone. Your spirit feels whole and well. The plant spirits have done their work, and the healing powers of the medicine woman/shaman; the healing power of vibration has worked its magic yet again.
The scene I have just described could have taken place anywhere in the world in the last 40-50 thousand years. However times are changing, and the primal ways of the shaman and medicine men and women are no longer the preferred option for healing by most of humanity; yet the vibrational healing power the ancient wisdom keepers have so successfully wielded is still available and is still as potent as ever.
Today the world is waking up to the relevancy and incredible power of vibrational medicine and vibrational healing. Flower essences when they are made by highly skilled practitioners are one of the finest and purest expressions of vibrational or energy medicine.
It is my understanding that flower essence therapy is a modality that is the perfect expression of shamanic healing in the 21st century.
Both sides of my family were healers. Shamans on the Russian side and medicine men and woman on my father's Cherokee side. In this life I have also been fortunate to be trained in the ancient ways of power and healing by Aboriginal and Maori elders.
I was born in New Zealand as a "matakite" and a "matatuhi" -- these Maori words mean "one that sees with the healing eye", "one who links into the 12th plane" and "one who can read what is written on the wind" respectively. I was bo,rn a shaman, just as I was born a wisdom keeper.
The time has come for these ancient wisdoms to be revealed. When I say that flower essence therapy can be a perfect expression of shamanic healing in the 21st century I say this from the vested authority of my lineage and from my personal experience and knowledge of the ancient healing pathways.
My close friend and spiritual patron for First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand, respected Maori elder Dr. Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere, C.B.E., C.M., who is New Zealand's last Tohuna or wisdom keeper, has a very critical point to make. Many times she has stated publicly that anyone can make flower essences by floating flowers on a bowl of water and putting it out in the sun. "Does this mean that the plant will automatically release its full healing capacity?" she asks. The answer is always "no," says Dr. Pere. She points out that very special shamanic skills and protocols are required to facilitate a plant releasing its full healing capacity. This is necessary if one is to heal the spirit and treat the cause of the problem, and to treat the complexity of health issues we will be faced with in the 21st century.
The ancient shamanic ways always dealt with accessing the full healing powers of the specific plant allies that were worked with. The whole person was treated at a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level.
When flower essences are made using the ancient shamanic knowledge and the specialised magical connections, then those flower essences are a 21st century expression of pure shamanic healing. Flower essences made in this sacred manner have a unique level of therapeutic immediacy that is apparent to anyone who works with them.
Flower essences that are pure shamanic essences must be made using the ancient sacred chants and special seed syllables that activate the full healing power of the plant. They must also link directly into the spiritual forces of the land. This then enables the spirit of the plant to work directly with the spirit of the person to bring healing and wholeness.
The sacred salutations or karakias (prayers) are given to each native flower/plant/fern essence. This honours the sacred relationship that has been entered into with the plant deva or "atua" and the spiritual forces of Aotearoa. This formal greeting or necessary spiritual protocol is one of the factors that ensures full therapeutic immediacy is obtained when making a flower essence.
Each individual sacred salutation honours the individual plant as being a spiritual child of the land of Aotearoa -- New Zealand. "The land of the ever shining light." Each plant is understood to be linked to Papatuanuku -- Earth Mother -- and belongs to a specific plant family. The plant has a pair of parents, spiritual protectors or "atua" that energise, protect and look after it.
Sactred salutation in Maori: Ka mihi ki te tamaiti a Haumia me Hine Pukohurangi te mirimiri i te tuara kia uru mai ko te hauora hei tino whakaora.
Translation in English: Salutations to the child of Haumia and Hine Pukohurangi for massaging the standing path (backbone) to enable the breath of the Central Sun, the Divine Spark to enter and give absolute healing.
This is the shamanic way to treat the cause, which in turn heals the spirit. These are the ancient pathways of plant lore and magical knowledge taught to me by Maori, Aboriginal and First Nation elders. This is the way that I make flower essences in New Zealand, Hawaiiki Tautau, the pulse, the heart beat of the planet... the first country in the word to see the light.
Over 12,000 years ago the largest continent existed in the South Pacific -- for the Maori this is sometimes called Mu or Lemuria. New Zealand, or Aotearoa as we know it today, is actually regarded as Hawaiiki Tautau -- the pulse of that huge continent. New Zealand, Aotearoa, "the pulse" has very special energy in terms of that continent.
As Dr. Pere says, "There is no way that we can live without our pulse, that pulsating energy of ancient Hawaiiki that is New Zealand as we know it today. Hawaiiki Tautau is a vital -- in fact a critical -- energy point for the whole of Paptuanuku -- the whole of the earth, the rest of the planet."
In this sacred way of working in relationship with our plant relatives, I see the old earth ways taking on a new life and touching the hearts and minds of people in the 21st century. This age, known in Maoridom as the "Age of Cherishing Floral Waters," is an age where it has been predicted that water, sunlight and plants would be used to work directly on every individual cell, each of which holds the "three baskets of knowledge" for total wellbeing in the body.
This is an age predicted by indigenous wisdom keepers worldwide, when humankind would work intelligently and co-operatively with plant intelligence and nature for a healing outcome. The "Age of the Mother" when we would move into sacred relationship with the earth -- our mother.
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Franchelle Ofsoske-Wyber is the co-founder and creator of First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand, the first range of essences made from the native flora of New Zealand. Franchelle trained in the Bach system of flower remedies in the late 70s, and she has been making and working with flower essences made from New Zealand's native plants since 1985. She works closely with indigenous elders and wisdom keepers round the world. She was born with the ability to link into the healing song of plants. She teaches the ancient ways in a series of residential workshops and runs courses on the First Light essences and working with the nature power of Aotearoa. She is the author of The New Zealand Native Flower Essence Handbook -- Working with the Nature Power Of Aotearoa.
sexta-feira, janeiro 18, 2008
O que desejo desse período de minha experiência de vida?
Como já disse, quando ocorrem muitos pensamentos ao mesmo tempo, você fica sobrecarregado e confuso. Por essa razão é importante planejar os segmentos, porque você se concentrará mais precisamente nos detalhes do momento, permitindo que a Lei da Atração responda de forma mais poderosa. Assim é menos provável que você misture o pensamento ligado àquilo que realmente deseja com pensamentos contraditórios de dúvida, preocupação ou falta.
Por exemplo, o telefone toca, você atende e diz "Bom dia". Ao ouvir quem é, pede "Um momento, por favor". Antes de voltar a falar, você pensa: O que mais desejo dessa conversa? Quero sentir prazer em falar com essa pessoa. Quero ser compreendido e quero que a conversa seja positivamente influenciada na direção do meu desejo, quero que seja estimulada e animada pelas minhas palavras. Quero, realmente, que seja uma boa conversa.
Ao voltar a falar, você já pré-pavimentou. E a pessoa vai responder muito mais de acordo com o seu desejo do que se você não tivesse parado e planejado.
A pessoa que telefona sabe o que quer. Então, pare e identifique o que você quer. Se não fizer, o poder da influência da outra pessoa pode conseguir o que ela quer - e não o que você deseja.
Se quiser muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo, você ficará confuso. Mas, quando se concentrar nos detalhes do que você quer em um determinado momento, trará clareza, poder e rapidez à sua criação. Essa é a importância do Processo de Planejamento dos Segmentos: fazê-lo parar ao entrar em um novo segmento para identificar o que mais deseja, de modo a concentrar sua atenção e levar poder nessa direção.
Não é fácil ou mesmo possível concentrar-se em todos os segmentos do dia. Não importa. Vá praticando, identificando os segmentos mais importantes, e aos poucos você vai se tornar um ímã poderoso, criador intencional da maior parte dos segmentos. Quando isso acontecer, tenha certeza: você vai se achar mais produtivo e feliz por estar intencionalmente planejando, permitindo e recebendo.
Vocês são Seres que procuram evoluir e ficam mais felizes quando evoluem. Estagnados, tornam-se infelizes.
Do livro "A Lei Universal da Atração", de Esther e Jerry Hicks.
Por exemplo, o telefone toca, você atende e diz "Bom dia". Ao ouvir quem é, pede "Um momento, por favor". Antes de voltar a falar, você pensa: O que mais desejo dessa conversa? Quero sentir prazer em falar com essa pessoa. Quero ser compreendido e quero que a conversa seja positivamente influenciada na direção do meu desejo, quero que seja estimulada e animada pelas minhas palavras. Quero, realmente, que seja uma boa conversa.
Ao voltar a falar, você já pré-pavimentou. E a pessoa vai responder muito mais de acordo com o seu desejo do que se você não tivesse parado e planejado.
A pessoa que telefona sabe o que quer. Então, pare e identifique o que você quer. Se não fizer, o poder da influência da outra pessoa pode conseguir o que ela quer - e não o que você deseja.
Se quiser muitas coisas ao mesmo tempo, você ficará confuso. Mas, quando se concentrar nos detalhes do que você quer em um determinado momento, trará clareza, poder e rapidez à sua criação. Essa é a importância do Processo de Planejamento dos Segmentos: fazê-lo parar ao entrar em um novo segmento para identificar o que mais deseja, de modo a concentrar sua atenção e levar poder nessa direção.
Não é fácil ou mesmo possível concentrar-se em todos os segmentos do dia. Não importa. Vá praticando, identificando os segmentos mais importantes, e aos poucos você vai se tornar um ímã poderoso, criador intencional da maior parte dos segmentos. Quando isso acontecer, tenha certeza: você vai se achar mais produtivo e feliz por estar intencionalmente planejando, permitindo e recebendo.
Vocês são Seres que procuram evoluir e ficam mais felizes quando evoluem. Estagnados, tornam-se infelizes.
Do livro "A Lei Universal da Atração", de Esther e Jerry Hicks.
In Consistency
Thomas Kern
Dear Group,
I want to discuss a certain type of person whom everyone,
unfortunately, has gotten all too familiar with, and needs to learn
how to address successfully and victoriously. I call
them "Happiness Thieves" or "ENERGY VAMPIRES". They are
characterized by their constant complaining, negative attitude,
snide comments, and attempts to draw others into their emotional and
spiritual Black Hole (because that is what miserable people like...
more miserable people.). These predators actually leave us feeling
physically, emotionally and psychically fatigued as they invade our
energy fields and steal the life force, the ambition, the momentum
and the joy from us. They are parasites, and must be dealt with
before they de-energize us good folks (e.g., swell people like you
and me, and the rest of our Group).
I had a specific incident today where someone tried to rob me of my
good mood and my positive energy with some insults..... made right
to my face. Because of what I've learned in Internal Energy Plus, I
was able to sense this person's Disruptive and Destructive Intention
INSTANTLY. I responded immediately and appropriately, not giving
this person the opportunity to siphon the gasoline out of my tank.
What did I do (you may ask)?
1. I recognized the problem;
2. I identified the problem and (diplomatically, but firmly) stated
to the person that I was aware of his negative mood and intention.
By the way, sometimes this simple process of calling the beast by
his own name causes him to retreat or re-think his/her attitude and
actions. It is like pulling out a club when your adversary is
brandishing a twig. It also automatically creates a "force field" of
protection around you, and "mirrors back" the other person's ill
will. No Vampire likes a victim who is not entranced and defenseless.
3. I chose to recognize that this person was the source of the
negativity, and that his conduct was not in any way attributable to
a failing or fault on my part. It made me feel stronger, and it made
me more resolute in my commitment to remain unaffected. I didn't
volley or run. I simply stood my ground, stated my point of view
assertively and succinctly, and left the encounter as a victor,
without any fang marks evident on any part of my body.
I'm sure that you know of people like this in your workplace or even
in your social circle.
I ask you all: What are your personally- proven, time-tested
strategies for dealing with Energy Vampires? Please share them by
posting them to this Group. If they are as humorous as they are
effective, you'll receive a double score. Make your contribution to
our Group. Don't be shy. Share if you care.
Thomas Kern
Dear Group,
I want to discuss a certain type of person whom everyone,
unfortunately, has gotten all too familiar with, and needs to learn
how to address successfully and victoriously. I call
them "Happiness Thieves" or "ENERGY VAMPIRES". They are
characterized by their constant complaining, negative attitude,
snide comments, and attempts to draw others into their emotional and
spiritual Black Hole (because that is what miserable people like...
more miserable people.). These predators actually leave us feeling
physically, emotionally and psychically fatigued as they invade our
energy fields and steal the life force, the ambition, the momentum
and the joy from us. They are parasites, and must be dealt with
before they de-energize us good folks (e.g., swell people like you
and me, and the rest of our Group).
I had a specific incident today where someone tried to rob me of my
good mood and my positive energy with some insults..... made right
to my face. Because of what I've learned in Internal Energy Plus, I
was able to sense this person's Disruptive and Destructive Intention
INSTANTLY. I responded immediately and appropriately, not giving
this person the opportunity to siphon the gasoline out of my tank.
What did I do (you may ask)?
1. I recognized the problem;
2. I identified the problem and (diplomatically, but firmly) stated
to the person that I was aware of his negative mood and intention.
By the way, sometimes this simple process of calling the beast by
his own name causes him to retreat or re-think his/her attitude and
actions. It is like pulling out a club when your adversary is
brandishing a twig. It also automatically creates a "force field" of
protection around you, and "mirrors back" the other person's ill
will. No Vampire likes a victim who is not entranced and defenseless.
3. I chose to recognize that this person was the source of the
negativity, and that his conduct was not in any way attributable to
a failing or fault on my part. It made me feel stronger, and it made
me more resolute in my commitment to remain unaffected. I didn't
volley or run. I simply stood my ground, stated my point of view
assertively and succinctly, and left the encounter as a victor,
without any fang marks evident on any part of my body.
I'm sure that you know of people like this in your workplace or even
in your social circle.
I ask you all: What are your personally- proven, time-tested
strategies for dealing with Energy Vampires? Please share them by
posting them to this Group. If they are as humorous as they are
effective, you'll receive a double score. Make your contribution to
our Group. Don't be shy. Share if you care.
quarta-feira, janeiro 16, 2008
Ashtar Sheran
Vamos dialogar sobre a história esquecida dos
experimentos genéticos que nos levaram à nossa
situação actual, quando, antes da queda de Atlântida,
nos separaram o corpo do espírito, mediante a
manipulação de nosso DNA, diminuíram nossas
capacidades para nos conectarmos com a Deusa/Deus Tudo
o que É. No processo de nossa auto cura e auto perdão
devemos também perdoar às raças mestras de
geneticistas da galáxia, que são os reptóides, cujos
últimos redutos escuros em nosso planeta estão
ajustados pelas elites secretas que realmente os
governam, mais além de nações ou corporações
multinacionais: os Illuminati, essas confrarias
clandestinas autárquicas, patriarcais e verticais, que
desde a quarta dimensão tudo controlam em associação
com seus pares na terceira dimensão. É hora de
recuperar os poderes que temos deixado há muitos
milênios. Os tempos são chegados.
Que a Luz, o Amor e o Poder restabeleçam o Plano
Divino na Terra.
Selamat Ja" (Sejam em júbilo - idioma siriano)
Esta informação foi preparada especialmente para você,
Trabalhador da Luz no caminho da ascensão. Você foi
divinamente guiado a este material. A experiência de
liberação de implantes é um grande passo em seu
retorno para seu verdadeiro poder.
A liberação dos implantes e dispositivos conduzirá sua
vida a um novo nível de esclarecimento e propósito.
Representa uma liberação colectiva de muitos níveis de
carma ao mesmo tempo. Para ter este tipo de impacto, é
necessário liberar os votos e acordos que mantém os
dispositivos em seu lugar, assim como ter o poder
espiritual para, realmente, dissolver os próprios
Você será guiado através da liberação desses votos e
acordos para todos os períodos de tempo, dimensões e
localizações. Depois de recitar a revogação de votos é
possível que você entre em estado sonolento de
consciência alterado. Apenas relaxe e desfrute. Tocar
música tranquilizante ajuda geralmente a acalmar a
psique neste processo.
Os implantes e dispositivos de limitação espiritual
são barreiras vibratórias no caminho da ascensão que
bloqueiam seu progresso para a plena auto-realização.
Eles bloqueiam seu caminho colocando vendas e criando
falsas realidades em sua consciência e portanto,
limitando o seu acesso para seu Eu Superior. Estes são
mecanismos de controle externo das Forças Escuras que
mantém você numa realidade dual. Ainda que haja muitos
tipos, propósitos e causas, todos actuam como canais
inconscientes de energia negativa em sua vida e
representam laços cármicas e associações necessitam
ser curadas e rectificadas.
Os implantes representam padrões cármicos, alguns
colectivos e outros individuais, que têm sido impostos
externamente pelas Forças Escuras num esforço por
controlar o pensamento e as respostas emocionais da
humanidade. Através da história deste sector do
Universo, as realidades duais (bem e mal) têm sido
muitas. Nós, como Trabalhadores da Luz, temos estado
em muitas dessas diferentes realidades. Nós estamos
nos acercando agora do tempo de cumprimento e ascensão
para este planeta, e por isso há necessidade de sermos
livres novamente, para regressar a nosso estado
completamente sem ilusões, levando o planeta e a seus
habitantes connosco. Cada vez que entramos num novo
sistema planetário para salvá-lo das Forças Escuras, é
necessário que nos associemos com a experiência de
vida deste planeta, para que possamos mudá-lo desde
seu interior. É um ato sagrado o encarnar numa
realidade dual, apropriar-se de suas disfunções,
elevar-se sobre isso e regressar a Deus.
As forças escuras são seres que não honram a Deus /
Pai / Mãe como Criador/Fonte. Eles buscam tomar
energia e poder de outros seres em lugar de recebê-los
de Deus. Mesmo tendo sido criados por Deus, eles
(através de seu próprio livre arbítrio) têm
participado da ilusão da separação de Deus e tem se
oposto às suas Criações no nível de dualidade. Em sua
dor, eles buscam controlar aos outros. Uma forma pela
qual fazem isto é através de implantes.
Os grupos principais com os quais nos defrontamos aqui
são os "Grays", os Reptóides e os Dracos. Os Reptóides
são uma raça de seres que depredam a humanidade e, de
fato, buscaram cultivar a humanidade como uma raça
escrava para seus propósitos. Em consequência, eles se
vêem a si mesmos como participantes na criação da raça
humana e portanto, crêem que tem o direito de
interferir no desenvolvimento humano. Isto significa
que crêem que podem controlar a humanidade através de
qualquer meio necessário. A Lei Universal que é
constante é a não interferência no livre arbítrio de
outro ser. Os Reptóides violam esta lei universal.
Dentro deste Universo existem muitos seres e
civilizações de Luz que tem buscado interceder e
apoiar a Lei Universal e o direito do homem de evoluir
livremente. Como resultado tem havido muitas batalhas
de dualidade entre as Forças Sagradas (da Luz e Amor
de Deus) e as profanas (auto preservação e
parasitismo). Os reptóides têm sido lançados fora de
um sistema planetário atrás de outro e estão sendo
afastados para fora da Terra enquanto ela ascende para
a realidade de quinta dimensão. Também são conhecidos
como as Lagartixas porque tem uma semelhança com estes
répteis. Eles amam mascarar-se como a Luz e são a
fonte de muita desinformação, assim como de sistemas
de energia que podem ser confundidos com sistemas
curativos. Eles misturam só a suficiente verdade com
suas mentiras para confundir os desorientados e são,
de fato, a fonte de muito material canalizado. Sempre
perguntem: "Esta informação vem em nome da vibração de
Cristo?" Insistam em sua própria confirmação interna e
que lhes seja mostrada a verdade. Tenham em mente que
enquanto tenham implantes pode ser difícil fazer a
distinção entre as transmissões de vibração de Cristo
e outras inferiores.(Há também raças reptóides boas e
muitas das pertencentes antigamente à escuridão tem
passado à Federação Galáctica de Luz)
Os Dracos são os sofisticados engenheiros malignos do
controle de massas neste planeta. Eles estão por trás
do controle e limitação de recursos neste mundo. Eles
são originários do planeta Draconis, no Sector de
Órion e foram as oposições no Conflito original de
Os dracos e os reptóides invadiram este planeta em sua
prematura história e tem estado aqui desde então.
Ainda que os dracos estejam por trás de todo o
satânico e magia negra, esses seres nem sempre parecem
malignos. A energia draco pode ser enganosa. Podem
parecer muito formosos e/ou doces e encantadores. Se
puderem perceber por trás da fachada, poderão ver uma
superficialidade e frieza por trás da máscara. Há
neles também uma qualidade vampiresca. Novamente,
sempre perguntem se um ser ou informação é da vibração
de Cristo e insistam na confirmação.
Os Grays são aqueles que a maioria das pessoas
visualiza quando se trata de forças escuras,
sequestrando e colocando implantes nas pessoas. Estes
seres são muito mentais. São avançados
tecnologicamente, mas como raça eles perderam seus
próprios corpos emocionais através da manipulação
genética de sua própria espécie, com a ideia de
"suprimir" o comportamento violento e criminal.
Desafortunadamente, seus experimentos genéticos os
deixaram incapazes de sentir: não sentem nem amor, nem
compaixão, nem empatia. Isso é o que eles buscam agora
dos seres humanos. Eles buscam a energia emocional que
os humanos possuem e, de fato, se alimentam desta como
uma droga. O que eles buscam criar é uma raça híbrida
de Grays e Humanos, que os ajude a recuperar seus
próprios corpos emocionais. A fonte de muita
informação extraterrestre canalizada é em realidade,
propaganda gray, tratando de convencer às pessoas de
que eles nos estão ajudando numa causa digna. Eles tem
mentido e enganado a muitos de seus contactos
sequestrados, para obter seu suposto consentimento.
Saibam a verdade! Qualquer violação em seu ser está
contra a Lei Cósmica! Qualquer acordo feito sob
coação, engano ou manipulação é inválido pela Lei
Cósmica, como é aqui por lei comum.
Os implantes são recebidos de diferentes maneiras, em
muitas épocas diferentes de tempo e em diferentes
localizações e situações. Há muitos tipos diferentes
de implantes e propósitos. Alguns tipos são produto da
história da interacção com as forças escuras durante
nossas numerosas batalhas de dualidade em diversos
sistemas planetários, começando com a Batalha de
Órion. Temos sido capturados muitas vezes nesta ou
noutras vidas e temos sido objectos de implantação de
um tipo ou outro. Esses implantes são carma de alma
que carregamos de uma encarnação a outra. Uma vez que
encarnamos neste planeta, continuarão as batalhas de
Os dracos e os reptóides invadiram este planeta
durante o período da Lemúria e tem estado no controle
deste então. Depois da queda original de Lemúria, a
Atlântida finalmente também caiu. Foi durante a queda
de Atlântida que a implantação se dispersou neste
planeta. O governo prescreveu o uso dos poderes
mágico-espirituais de vocês. Eles usaram implantes
para dar força a seu controle. Algumas vezes, os
processos de implantação matavam o corpo e você só
despertava numa próxima encarnação, sem poder e sem
memória. Isto ocorrendo durante algumas vidas, para
muitos resulta no homem moderno, com muito pouca
consciência de seu verdadeiro poder espiritual.
Uma das formas pelas quais se tem recebido os
implantes é através de associações com diferentes
organizações espirituais de natureza negativa. Isto
inclui qualquer religião ou seita que utilize o
controle mental e o medo para reforçar o controle de
seus membros.
Isto inclui as sociedades de magia negra que tem usado
votos, acordos e mecanismos de controle relacionados
para exercer controle sobre seus membros e à vezes
também ocorre em grandes instituições religiosas.
Esses votos de fidelidade permanecem até serem
revogados. Esta energia necessita ser transmutada.
Os implantes são recebidos através dos corpos subtis e
controlam nosso acesso às frequências superiores.
Quando nossas vibrações caem ao nível de dualidade e
nós cremos na ilusão da separação de Deus, nos
tornamos susceptíveis. Já que a maior parte da
humanidade vive numa realidade dual e comprou a ilusão
da separação de Deus, quase todos estamos vivendo sob
a influência de algum tipo de implante ou dispositivo
de limitação espiritual. E eles ficarão até que sejam
limpos. Recordem, os que nos implantaram querem nos
controlar e fazer crer que não somos um com nosso
Criador. Se nós cremos nisso nos convertemos numa
ameaça para eles.
Já que nós, como Trabalhadores da Luz, temos estado
activamente comprometidos em muitas batalhas de
dualidade em diferentes sistemas planetários, temos
sido capturados muitas vezes e temos sido sujeitados a
implantes de uma ou outra forma. A pergunta não é "Eu
tenho implantes?" mas "Quais implantes tenho e como me
desfaço deles?".
Já que nós, como Trabalhadores da Luz, temos estado
activamente comprometidos em muitas batalhas de
dualidade em diferentes sistemas planetários, temos
sido capturados muitas vezes e temos sido sujeitados a
implantes de uma ou outra forma. A pergunta não é "Eu
tenho implantes?" mas "Quais implantes tenho e como me
desfaço deles?".
Se você está no planeta e não foi limpo seguramente,
você os tem. E ainda se foi limpo por outros métodos
de um ou dois dispositivos, há possibilidades de que
não hajam removido ou inativado todos. Há milhões
deles. Este processo vai limpar todas as variedades
conhecidas e desconhecidas, para todos os períodos de
tempo, dimensões e localizações simultaneamente.
Também existe uma protecção que se constrói com este
processo (quando você recebe a liberação através de
uma transmissão pessoal) para evitar qualquer intento
de qualquer ser que queira colocar implantes em você
Os implantes jogaram uma parte primordial no carma que
necessita ser resolvido de uma vida a outra. Quando se
está implantado, é requerido que se regresse na roda
da reencarnação uma e outra vez para resolver o carma
e ser controlado pelas forças escuras outra vez, uma
maneira muito inteligente para garantir o estado do
planeta para sempre, isto é, até agora. Ao ascender
uma alma de regresso à sua Presença EU SOU, todo o
carma deve ser balanceado, todos os implantes
removidos. Ainda que haja indivíduos que ascenderam
desde o tempo de Jesus, isto tem sido um sucesso raro
até agora. O planeta mesmo tomou a decisão de ascender
para uma realidade de quinta dimensão. A Graça se
estendeu para absolver todo o carma para aqueles que
elejam a ascensão com ele. Parte da Graça é a
liberação dos implantes.
Os implantes jogaram uma parte primordial no carma que
necessita ser resolvido de uma vida a outra. Quando se
está implantado, é requerido que se regresse na roda
da reencarnação uma e outra vez para resolver o carma
e ser controlado pelas forças escuras outra vez, uma
maneira muito inteligente para garantir o estado do
planeta para sempre, isto é, até agora. Ao ascender
uma alma de regresso à sua Presença EU SOU, todo o
carma deve ser balanceado, todos os implantes
removidos. Ainda que haja indivíduos que ascenderam
desde o tempo de Jesus, isto tem sido um sucesso raro
até agora. O planeta mesmo tomou a decisão de ascender
para uma realidade de quinta dimensão. A Graça se
estendeu para absolver todo o carma para aqueles que
elejam a ascensão com ele. Parte da Graça é a
liberação dos implantes.
Este processo limpa todos os implantes e dispositivos
de limitação espiritual, conhecidos e desconhecidos,
armas espirituais, parasitas mentais e do corpo
emocional, entidades grudadas, formas-pensamento de
todos os tipos (incluindo maldições, encantamentos e
feitiços) e os votos e acordos que mantém os
dispositivos dentro de você.
Os implantes de batalhas de dualidade se nomearam com
base nas guerras nas que se deram, tais como: Órion,
Sírius, Maldek, Arturus,Plêiades. Os implantes da
história da Terra foram nomeados com base nos períodos
de tempo ou sociedades, como os lemurianos e os
atlantes. Estes também incluem todas as formas de
limitações auto-impostas, impedimentos mágicos,
implantes de cristais tridimensionais e os códigos 666
de limitação.
Os implantes vivos existem nos corpos mentais e
emocionais de suas vítimas e são chamados parasitas do
corpo mental ou emocional. Eles podem ser a causa
espiritual de muitas enfermidades físicas.
As armas espirituais são um tipo de armamento psíquico
que se manifesta no campo energético como uma espécie
de arma (algumas das quais são muito exóticas). Estes
dispositivos podem representar traumas de vidas
passadas e memórias corporais de haver sido
assassinado com a arma ou dispositivo que lhe é
implantado. Podem representar vibrações negativas
actuais enviadas por outra pessoa até você. Podem ser
as causas de dor crónica no corpo.
As entidades são qualquer espírito desencarnado, com
qualquer laço conectado com você. Essas entidades
podem ser de sua vida actual ou passada.
Formas de pensamento usadas neste contexto são
quaisquer pensamentos negativos enviados a você na
forma de negatividade, maldições, feitiços,
conspirações etc..
Implantes Grays/Reptóides/Dracos são as forças
extraterrestres que seguem activas na Terra e seguem
implantando pessoas na forma de ataque psíquico. Podem
ser sentidos como dores de cabeça, golpes de energia
negativa ou emoções de baixa vibração, movendo-se
através de você.
Os encobrimentos são dispositivos de limitação
espiritual que consistem em votos e/ou contratos com
irmandades espirituais negativas, alianças profanas ou
associações, feitos quando você esteve sem guia ou
separado de Deus. Estes votos e acordos vão afecta-lo
até que sejam renunciados, porque o deixam aberto a
exigências de seres destas organizações. Eles têm
acesso a você no estado de sonho ou nos planos
internos e são as causas principais de interferência
espiritual em sua vida nos níveis físico e psíquico.
Esses votos podem também incluir votos de pobreza,
castidade, obediência etc..
Os acordos ou contratos de implantes são os que
sustentam os implantes em seu lugar e são os que os
faz regressar à terceira dimensão se não foram
completamente renunciados. Esta é a razão principal de
algumas técnicas de liberação não terem êxito. Também
por isso é necessário ter participação consciente no
processo de liberação.
Os laços cármicos são associações de vidas passadas
com certos indivíduos ou lugares que influenciam suas
relações presentes e as afetam de forma negativa.
Quando estiver pronto para remover implantes:
1. Use duas horas para este processo. Ou inicie o
processo uma hora antes de sua hora normal de dormir.
Desconecte o telefone e faça o necessário para se
assegurar de que você não será perturbado;
2. Recolha-se em seu espaço privado. Se você dorme com
alguém, façam-no juntos ou vá dormir antes (como
indicado acima). Esta sessão requer consentimento
consciente para que funcione;
3. Os primeiros 15 minutos da sessão consistem em
escutar (ou ler) e repetir a renúncia de votos. Isto é
muito importante e requer de você participação
consciente. A revogação de votos é um processo sagrado
e será dada pessoalmente a você, mas será impresso ao
final deste documento para referência;
4. Permita-se estar num estado de concessão e
1. Sensações e movimento de energia dentro e ao redor
de seu corpo são normais. Se em algum momento durante
o processo você experimentar tensão em qualquer parte
do corpo, relaxe, respire e pensa: Libera
2. Podem surgir conversações mentais, inquietação,
emoções fortes e ainda, náuseas ou câimbras
estomacais. São normais. Relaxe, respire e pense:
3. Você poderá ter visões de diversas cores girando,
particularmente violeta e azul;
4. Depois de haver terminado com a revogação de votos
e haver aceitado a liberação de implantes, pode
ocorrer um estado sonolento, alterado. Durante este
tempo os Mestres e cirurgiões etéreos estão
trabalhando com você, "fora do corpo";
5. Não espere nada. O que quer que você experimente é
apropriado para você, já que este processo é
profundamente pessoal e diferente para todos; cada um
tem diferentes experiências. Isto está bem e não
significa que você esteja fazendo algo errado.
Bem, pronto? Comecemos! Seu compromisso para seu
crescimento e caminho de serviço ao mundo é louvável!
Recite em voz alta a revogação de votos que segue:
"Eu apelo ao Cristo para acalmar meus medos e para
apagar todo mecanismo de controle externo que possa
interferir com esta cura. Eu peço a meu Eu Superior
que feche minha aura e estabeleça um canal Crístico
para os propósitos de minha cura, para que só as
energias Crísticas possam fluir até mim. Não se poderá
fazer outro uso deste canal que não seja para o fluxo
de energias Crísticas."
(Imagine uma rotação no sentido horário, de uma
energia violeta ao redor de seu corpo e de tudo ao seu
redor imediato. Esta energia rotatória continuará por
toda uma hora e meia ou através da noite se você
utilizar este procedimento antes de dormir).
"Agora apelo ao Arcanjo Miguel, da décima terceira
Dimensão, para que sele e proteja completamente esta
sagrada experiência. Agora apelo ao Círculo de
Segurança da décima terceira dimensão para que sele,
proteja e aumente completamente o escudo de Miguel,
assim como para que remova qualquer coisa que não seja
de natureza Crística e que exista actualmente dentro
deste campo. Agora apelo aos Mestres Ascensionados e a
nossos assistentes Crísticos, para que removam e
dissolvam completamente, todos e cada um dos implantes
e suas energias semeadas, parasitas, armas espirituais
e dispositivos de limitação auto-impostos, tanto
conhecidos como desconhecidos. Uma vez completado
isso, apelo pela completa restauração e reparação do
campo de energia original, infundido com a energia
dourada de Cristo."
Repita o seguinte:
EU SOU livre! EU SOU livre! EU SOU livre! EU SOU
livre! EU SOU livre! EU SOU livre! EU SOU livre!
(Para que esta cura seja permanente, devemos fechar as
portas que a permitiram em primeiro lugar).
Repita o seguinte:
"Eu, o ser conhecido como (declare seu nome) nesta
encarnação particular, por este meio revogo e renuncio
a todos e cada um dos compromissos de fidelidade,
votos, acordos e/ou contratos de associação que já não
servem a meu bem mais elevado, nesta vida, vidas
passadas, vidas simultâneas, em todas as dimensões,
períodos de tempo e localizações. Eu agora ordeno a
todas as entidades (que estão ligadas com esses
contratos, organizações e associações às que agora
renuncio) que cessem e desistam e que abandonem meu
campo de energia agora e para sempre e em forma
retroactiva, levando seus artefactos, dispositivos e
energias semeadas. Para assegurar isto, Eu agora apelo
ao Sagrado Espírito Shekinah para que seja testemunha
da dissolução de todos os contratos, dispositivos e
energias semeadas que não honram a Deus / Pai / Mãe.
Isto inclui todas as alianças e seres que não honram a
Deus / Pai / Mãe como Supremo. Ademais, Eu peço que o
Espírito Santo "testemunhe" essa liberação completa de
tudo que infringe a vontade de Deus / Pai / Mãe. Eu
declaro isto adiante e retroactivamente. E assim
"Eu agora volto a garantir minha aliança com Deus /
Pai / Mãe através do domínio do Cristo e a dedicar meu
ser inteiro, meu ser físico, mental, emocional e
espiritual à vibração de Cristo, desde este momento em
diante e em retroactivo. Mais ainda, dedico minha
vida, meu trabalho, tudo o que penso, digo e faço e
todas as coisas em meu ambiente que ainda me servem, à
vibração de Cristo também. Ademais, dedico meu ser à
minha própria maestria e ao caminho da ascensão, tanto
do planeta como o meu. Havendo declarado tudo isto Eu
agora autorizo ao Cristo e ao meu próprio Eu Superior
para que façam mudanças em minha vida para acomodar
esta nova dedicação e peço ao Espírito Santo que
testemunhe isto também. Eu agora declaro isto a Deus
Pai / Mãe. Que seja escrito no Livro da Vida. Que
assim seja. Graças a Deus."
Agora, permita-nos curar e perdoar colectivamente
todos esses seus aspectos que fizeram os acordos e a
todos os que participaram em sua limitação de qualquer
forma. Por favor, inclua nesta oração de perdão a quem
quer que você necessite perdoar conscientemente, assim
como aqueles desconhecidos de você.
Repita o seguinte:
"Ao Universo e à Mente de Deus inteira e a cada ser
Nela contido, a todos os lugares onde tenha estado,
experiências das quais tenha participado e a todos os
seres que necessitam desta cura, sejam conhecidos ou
desconhecidos de mim: qualquer coisa que se mantenha
entre nós, Eu agora curo e perdoo. Eu agora apelo ao
Santo Espírito Shekinah, ao Senhor Metatron, ao Senhor
Maitreya e a Saint Germain para que ajudem e
testemunhem esta cura. Queridos, Eu os perdoo por tudo
o que necessite ser perdoado entre vocês e eu. Eu lhes
peço que me perdoem, por tudo o que necessite ser
perdoado entre vocês e eu. O mais importante, Eu me
perdoo a mim mesmo, por tudo o que necessite ser
perdoado entre minhas encarnações passadas e meu Eu
"Estamos agora colectivamente curados e perdoados,
curados e perdoados, curados e perdoados. Todos
estamos agora elevados a nossos seres Crísticos. Nós
estamos plenos e rodeados com o amor dourado de
Cristo. Nós estamos plenos e rodeados da dourada Luz
de Cristo. Nós somos livres de todas a vibrações de
terceira e quarta dimensões de medo, dor e ira. Todos
os cordões e laços psíquicos unidos a essas entidades,
dispositivos implantados, contratos ou energias
semeadas, estão agora liberados e curados. Eu agora
apelo a Saint Germain para que transmute e rectifique
com a Chama Violeta todas as minhas energias que me
foram tiradas e as retorne a mim agora em seu estado
"Uma vez que estas energias regressaram a mim, Eu peço
que esses canais através dos quais se drenava minha
energia sejam dissolvidos completamente. Eu peço ao
Senhor Metatron que nos libere das cadeias da
dualidade. Eu peço que o selo do Domínio do Cristo
seja colocado sobre mim. Eu peço ao Espírito Santo que
testemunhe que isto se cumpra. E assim é."
"Eu agora peço ao Cristo que esteja comigo e cure
minhas feridas e cicatrizes. Eu também peço ao Arcanjo
Miguel que me marque com seu selo, que Eu seja
protegido para sempre das influências que me impedem
de fazer a vontade de nosso Criador."
"E assim seja! Eu dou graças a Deus, aos Mestres
Ascensionados, ao Comando Ashtar, aos Anjos e Arcanjos
e a todos os demais que tem participado nesta cura e
elevação contínua de meu ser. Selah. Santo, Santo,
Santo é o Senhor Deus do Universo! "Kodoish, Kodoish,
Kodoish, Adonai Tsebaioth."
Ashtar Sheran
Canal: Greg Mize
Fique em repouso por uma hora e meia. Descanse nos
braços do Radiante enquanto os Cirurgiões Etéreos do
Comando Ashtar começam a tratar de você. Você pode
desejar dormir; descansa seguro de que você está no
caminho da Ascensão.
Esta cura dispara um ciclo de limpeza de 21 dias
que trará novas aberturas à sua vida de muitas formas.
Na primeira ou segunda semana podem ocorrer sonhos
estranhos. Também pode ser que você não tenha sonhos,
fazendo um trabalho de processamento muito profundo.
Em qualquer caso, não se preocupe, ambos são normais.
Coloque particular atenção na forma que suas próprias
percepções do mundo possam mudar.
Certos benefícios deste processo incluem:
1- Sentimentos de calma interna e claridade;
2 - A conversação mental interna está mais tranquila;
3 - A tensão interna se foi;
4 - Se ganha ou se melhora a habilidade de canalizar;
5 - Um sentimento de um novo sentido de propósito e
significado na vida;
6 - Sentimentos de amor, paz e júbilo;
7 - A vida melhora em todas as áreas;
8 - Sentido de Unidade, consciência espiritual
9 - Dissolução de relações não produtivas.
Há protecção construída contra uma nova
implantação, em parte porque uma vez que se faz a
revogação de votos completamente, seu livre arbítrio e
desejo de permanecer livre de implantes e dispositivos
de limitação espiritual o impedirão de ser implantado
novamente. Também você será agregado à rede de
protecção do Comando Ashtar. Etereamente haverá como
um cinturão dourado amplo que se move defensivamente
ao redor de seu campo de energia quando o necessites.
Todavia o livre arbítrio consciente e a
resistência subconsciente podem anular a liberação de
todos os votos. Assegure-se de que sua intenção seja
liberar TODOS os votos e acordos. Se você não está
seguro, repita a revogação de votos. Se você não se
sente absolutamente limpo e com tudo terminado depois,
repita a sessão inteira.
Como canal, este processo será de particular
importância. Os implantes bloqueiam sua clareza e
atuam como discórdia através de seu canal e conexão
com seu Eu Superior.
Enquanto tiver implantes e contratos unidos a
eles, você está sujeito a receber comunicações
misturadas. Insista só em comunicações de Vibração
Crística. Você tem uma responsabilidade para consigo
mesmo e para com aqueles que o escutam, de trazer a
informação mais elevada possível.
Devido ao fato de os implantes terem estado com
você por tanto tempo, os seres que os transmitiram se
sentem familiares.
Se você se encontra numa situação em que um ou
mais de seus guias se tenha ido, saiba que guias de
vibração superior virão substitui-los. Mesmo canais
famosos e experimentados podem ser enganados. Ser um
canal não garante qualidade.
Para curadores:
Quando você estiver actuando como canal de energia
ou cura, seu próprio campo de energia deve ser tão
claro quanto possível. É possível transmitir
implantes, sem sabê-lo, de uma pessoa a outra. Como
curador, você provavelmente tem sido "golpeado" pela
negatividade de seus pacientes de vez em quando. Você
poderá sentir como um golpe negativo, dor de cabeça ou
emoções de baixa vibração, movendo-se através de você.
Para proteger-se e a seus pacientes, faça este
procedimento de revogação de implantes em si mesmo e,
então, quando estiver pronto, ajude seus pacientes ou
ensina-os como remover eles mesmos seus implantes. A
liberação de implantes deve ser parte de qualquer
prática de cura.
Você pode auxiliar uma pessoa, criança ou adulto
incapacitado ou enfermo. Se for adulta, a pessoa deve
dar seu consentimento. Não pode ser feito para pessoas
em coma, inconscientes ou com outra incapacidade que
impeçam a permissão. Tenha em mente a lei Universal do
"livre arbítrio" que declara que você não pode
interferir com a elevação de outro, a menos que eles o
O Comando Ashtar é a divisão aérea da Grande
Fraternidade Branca de Luz sob a direcção do
Comandante Ashtar e Mestra Lady Athena. Composto de
milhões de naves e pessoal de muitas civilizações, nós
somos os Padrões Céu que servimos ao radiante (Cristo)
em sua missão de amor. Nós trabalhamos em conjunção
com os Mestres Ascensionados, as Legiões Angélicas de
Miguel, Rafael, Uriel, Jofiel, Gabriel e as 70
Irmandades de Luz que administram o Plano Divino.
O Comando Ashtar é a divisão aérea da Grande
Fraternidade Branca de Luz sob a direcção do
Comandante Ashtar e Mestra Lady Athena. Composto de
milhões de naves e pessoal de muitas civilizações, nós
somos os Padrões Céu que servimos ao radiante (Cristo)
em sua missão de amor. Nós trabalhamos em conjunção
com os Mestres Ascensionados, as Legiões Angélicas de
Miguel, Rafael, Uriel, Jofiel, Gabriel e as 70
Irmandades de Luz que administram o Plano Divino.
O Comando Ashtar está aqui para ajudar a Terra e a
Humanidade através do ciclo atual de limpeza
planetária e realinhamento polar. Nós trazemos a
unidade, harmonia e a coexistência pacífica. A chave
dourada da salvação espiritual é o amor.
Ao fazer esta limpeza foi importante para mim ter
conhecimento de alguns "sintomas" que poderiam surgir.
Passo a partilhá-los convosco:
"Dores no corpo , especialmente no pescoço, ombros e
costas. Isto é o resultado de intensas mudanças ao
nível do teu DNA, enquanto a "semente Crística" é
despertada interiormente.
Sentimento de profunda tristeza interna sem aparente
Estás a libertar-te do teu passado (desta vida e de
outras) e isto causa o sentimento de tristeza. É
semelhante à mudança de uma casa, na qual viveste por
muitos anos, para uma nova casa. Por muito que queiras
mudar para a nova casa, existe uma tristeza por
deixares as memórias , energias e experiências da
velha casa.
Afastamento das conexões familiares. Estás conectado à
tua família biológica via velho carma. Quando sais do
ciclo cármico, os vínculos das antigas conexões são
soltos. Podes desenvolver uma nova conexão com
eles,Pprém, a nova conexão será baseada numa nova
energia sem elos cármicos.
Desorientação física. Por algum tempo sentir-te-ás
sem chão. Conforme a tua consciência muda para a nova
energia , o teu corpo algumas vezes "atrasa-se" e
"fica para trás", isto é, ele não acompanha. Passa
mais tempo na natureza para ajudar a aterrar a nova
energia interior.
Aumento da "conversa contigo mesmo". Encontrar-te-ás a
falar com o teu "Eu" mais freqüentemente. As conversas
aumentarão, e tornar-se-ão mais fluídas, mais
coerentes e com mais visões interiores.
Padrões de sono pouco comuns. É provável, que acordes
muitas vezes durante a noite. Há muito trabalho a ser
feito em ti, e isso muitas vezes desperta-te para
poderes relaxar.
Sonhos intensos. Nestes podem ser incluídos sonhos de
guerra e batalhas, sonhos de caçadas e sonhos com
monstros. Estás literalmente a soltar a velha energia
interna, estas energias do passado são muitas vezes
simbolizadas como guerras, corridas para escapar do
"bicho papão".
Sentimentos de solidão, mesmo quando em companhia de
outros. Podes sentir-te sozinho e longe dos outros.
Podes sentir desejo de evitar grupos e multidão. Estás
a percorrer um caminho sagrado e solitário.Por mais
que os sentimentos de solidão causem ansiedade, é
difícil, neste tempo, falar sobre isto aos outros.
Perda da paixão. Podes com pouco ou nenhum desejo de
fazer qualquer coisa. Aproveita este tempo para não
fazer nada mesmo.
Não lutes contigo mesmo por isso. É semelhante a
reprogramares um computador. Precisas de te fechar por
um breve período de tempo para poderes carregar um
novo e sofisticado software, ou neste caso, uma nova
energia da semente Crística.
Direitos de cópia 2001 de Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden,CO.
Preparado em colaboração de Tobias do Círculo
Carmesim. Traduzido por Roberto Candeias."
Ashtar Sheran
Vamos dialogar sobre a história esquecida dos
experimentos genéticos que nos levaram à nossa
situação actual, quando, antes da queda de Atlântida,
nos separaram o corpo do espírito, mediante a
manipulação de nosso DNA, diminuíram nossas
capacidades para nos conectarmos com a Deusa/Deus Tudo
o que É. No processo de nossa auto cura e auto perdão
devemos também perdoar às raças mestras de
geneticistas da galáxia, que são os reptóides, cujos
últimos redutos escuros em nosso planeta estão
ajustados pelas elites secretas que realmente os
governam, mais além de nações ou corporações
multinacionais: os Illuminati, essas confrarias
clandestinas autárquicas, patriarcais e verticais, que
desde a quarta dimensão tudo controlam em associação
com seus pares na terceira dimensão. É hora de
recuperar os poderes que temos deixado há muitos
milênios. Os tempos são chegados.
Que a Luz, o Amor e o Poder restabeleçam o Plano
Divino na Terra.
Selamat Ja" (Sejam em júbilo - idioma siriano)
Esta informação foi preparada especialmente para você,
Trabalhador da Luz no caminho da ascensão. Você foi
divinamente guiado a este material. A experiência de
liberação de implantes é um grande passo em seu
retorno para seu verdadeiro poder.
A liberação dos implantes e dispositivos conduzirá sua
vida a um novo nível de esclarecimento e propósito.
Representa uma liberação colectiva de muitos níveis de
carma ao mesmo tempo. Para ter este tipo de impacto, é
necessário liberar os votos e acordos que mantém os
dispositivos em seu lugar, assim como ter o poder
espiritual para, realmente, dissolver os próprios
Você será guiado através da liberação desses votos e
acordos para todos os períodos de tempo, dimensões e
localizações. Depois de recitar a revogação de votos é
possível que você entre em estado sonolento de
consciência alterado. Apenas relaxe e desfrute. Tocar
música tranquilizante ajuda geralmente a acalmar a
psique neste processo.
Os implantes e dispositivos de limitação espiritual
são barreiras vibratórias no caminho da ascensão que
bloqueiam seu progresso para a plena auto-realização.
Eles bloqueiam seu caminho colocando vendas e criando
falsas realidades em sua consciência e portanto,
limitando o seu acesso para seu Eu Superior. Estes são
mecanismos de controle externo das Forças Escuras que
mantém você numa realidade dual. Ainda que haja muitos
tipos, propósitos e causas, todos actuam como canais
inconscientes de energia negativa em sua vida e
representam laços cármicas e associações necessitam
ser curadas e rectificadas.
Os implantes representam padrões cármicos, alguns
colectivos e outros individuais, que têm sido impostos
externamente pelas Forças Escuras num esforço por
controlar o pensamento e as respostas emocionais da
humanidade. Através da história deste sector do
Universo, as realidades duais (bem e mal) têm sido
muitas. Nós, como Trabalhadores da Luz, temos estado
em muitas dessas diferentes realidades. Nós estamos
nos acercando agora do tempo de cumprimento e ascensão
para este planeta, e por isso há necessidade de sermos
livres novamente, para regressar a nosso estado
completamente sem ilusões, levando o planeta e a seus
habitantes connosco. Cada vez que entramos num novo
sistema planetário para salvá-lo das Forças Escuras, é
necessário que nos associemos com a experiência de
vida deste planeta, para que possamos mudá-lo desde
seu interior. É um ato sagrado o encarnar numa
realidade dual, apropriar-se de suas disfunções,
elevar-se sobre isso e regressar a Deus.
As forças escuras são seres que não honram a Deus /
Pai / Mãe como Criador/Fonte. Eles buscam tomar
energia e poder de outros seres em lugar de recebê-los
de Deus. Mesmo tendo sido criados por Deus, eles
(através de seu próprio livre arbítrio) têm
participado da ilusão da separação de Deus e tem se
oposto às suas Criações no nível de dualidade. Em sua
dor, eles buscam controlar aos outros. Uma forma pela
qual fazem isto é através de implantes.
Os grupos principais com os quais nos defrontamos aqui
são os "Grays", os Reptóides e os Dracos. Os Reptóides
são uma raça de seres que depredam a humanidade e, de
fato, buscaram cultivar a humanidade como uma raça
escrava para seus propósitos. Em consequência, eles se
vêem a si mesmos como participantes na criação da raça
humana e portanto, crêem que tem o direito de
interferir no desenvolvimento humano. Isto significa
que crêem que podem controlar a humanidade através de
qualquer meio necessário. A Lei Universal que é
constante é a não interferência no livre arbítrio de
outro ser. Os Reptóides violam esta lei universal.
Dentro deste Universo existem muitos seres e
civilizações de Luz que tem buscado interceder e
apoiar a Lei Universal e o direito do homem de evoluir
livremente. Como resultado tem havido muitas batalhas
de dualidade entre as Forças Sagradas (da Luz e Amor
de Deus) e as profanas (auto preservação e
parasitismo). Os reptóides têm sido lançados fora de
um sistema planetário atrás de outro e estão sendo
afastados para fora da Terra enquanto ela ascende para
a realidade de quinta dimensão. Também são conhecidos
como as Lagartixas porque tem uma semelhança com estes
répteis. Eles amam mascarar-se como a Luz e são a
fonte de muita desinformação, assim como de sistemas
de energia que podem ser confundidos com sistemas
curativos. Eles misturam só a suficiente verdade com
suas mentiras para confundir os desorientados e são,
de fato, a fonte de muito material canalizado. Sempre
perguntem: "Esta informação vem em nome da vibração de
Cristo?" Insistam em sua própria confirmação interna e
que lhes seja mostrada a verdade. Tenham em mente que
enquanto tenham implantes pode ser difícil fazer a
distinção entre as transmissões de vibração de Cristo
e outras inferiores.(Há também raças reptóides boas e
muitas das pertencentes antigamente à escuridão tem
passado à Federação Galáctica de Luz)
Os Dracos são os sofisticados engenheiros malignos do
controle de massas neste planeta. Eles estão por trás
do controle e limitação de recursos neste mundo. Eles
são originários do planeta Draconis, no Sector de
Órion e foram as oposições no Conflito original de
Os dracos e os reptóides invadiram este planeta em sua
prematura história e tem estado aqui desde então.
Ainda que os dracos estejam por trás de todo o
satânico e magia negra, esses seres nem sempre parecem
malignos. A energia draco pode ser enganosa. Podem
parecer muito formosos e/ou doces e encantadores. Se
puderem perceber por trás da fachada, poderão ver uma
superficialidade e frieza por trás da máscara. Há
neles também uma qualidade vampiresca. Novamente,
sempre perguntem se um ser ou informação é da vibração
de Cristo e insistam na confirmação.
Os Grays são aqueles que a maioria das pessoas
visualiza quando se trata de forças escuras,
sequestrando e colocando implantes nas pessoas. Estes
seres são muito mentais. São avançados
tecnologicamente, mas como raça eles perderam seus
próprios corpos emocionais através da manipulação
genética de sua própria espécie, com a ideia de
"suprimir" o comportamento violento e criminal.
Desafortunadamente, seus experimentos genéticos os
deixaram incapazes de sentir: não sentem nem amor, nem
compaixão, nem empatia. Isso é o que eles buscam agora
dos seres humanos. Eles buscam a energia emocional que
os humanos possuem e, de fato, se alimentam desta como
uma droga. O que eles buscam criar é uma raça híbrida
de Grays e Humanos, que os ajude a recuperar seus
próprios corpos emocionais. A fonte de muita
informação extraterrestre canalizada é em realidade,
propaganda gray, tratando de convencer às pessoas de
que eles nos estão ajudando numa causa digna. Eles tem
mentido e enganado a muitos de seus contactos
sequestrados, para obter seu suposto consentimento.
Saibam a verdade! Qualquer violação em seu ser está
contra a Lei Cósmica! Qualquer acordo feito sob
coação, engano ou manipulação é inválido pela Lei
Cósmica, como é aqui por lei comum.
Os implantes são recebidos de diferentes maneiras, em
muitas épocas diferentes de tempo e em diferentes
localizações e situações. Há muitos tipos diferentes
de implantes e propósitos. Alguns tipos são produto da
história da interacção com as forças escuras durante
nossas numerosas batalhas de dualidade em diversos
sistemas planetários, começando com a Batalha de
Órion. Temos sido capturados muitas vezes nesta ou
noutras vidas e temos sido objectos de implantação de
um tipo ou outro. Esses implantes são carma de alma
que carregamos de uma encarnação a outra. Uma vez que
encarnamos neste planeta, continuarão as batalhas de
Os dracos e os reptóides invadiram este planeta
durante o período da Lemúria e tem estado no controle
deste então. Depois da queda original de Lemúria, a
Atlântida finalmente também caiu. Foi durante a queda
de Atlântida que a implantação se dispersou neste
planeta. O governo prescreveu o uso dos poderes
mágico-espirituais de vocês. Eles usaram implantes
para dar força a seu controle. Algumas vezes, os
processos de implantação matavam o corpo e você só
despertava numa próxima encarnação, sem poder e sem
memória. Isto ocorrendo durante algumas vidas, para
muitos resulta no homem moderno, com muito pouca
consciência de seu verdadeiro poder espiritual.
Uma das formas pelas quais se tem recebido os
implantes é através de associações com diferentes
organizações espirituais de natureza negativa. Isto
inclui qualquer religião ou seita que utilize o
controle mental e o medo para reforçar o controle de
seus membros.
Isto inclui as sociedades de magia negra que tem usado
votos, acordos e mecanismos de controle relacionados
para exercer controle sobre seus membros e à vezes
também ocorre em grandes instituições religiosas.
Esses votos de fidelidade permanecem até serem
revogados. Esta energia necessita ser transmutada.
Os implantes são recebidos através dos corpos subtis e
controlam nosso acesso às frequências superiores.
Quando nossas vibrações caem ao nível de dualidade e
nós cremos na ilusão da separação de Deus, nos
tornamos susceptíveis. Já que a maior parte da
humanidade vive numa realidade dual e comprou a ilusão
da separação de Deus, quase todos estamos vivendo sob
a influência de algum tipo de implante ou dispositivo
de limitação espiritual. E eles ficarão até que sejam
limpos. Recordem, os que nos implantaram querem nos
controlar e fazer crer que não somos um com nosso
Criador. Se nós cremos nisso nos convertemos numa
ameaça para eles.
Já que nós, como Trabalhadores da Luz, temos estado
activamente comprometidos em muitas batalhas de
dualidade em diferentes sistemas planetários, temos
sido capturados muitas vezes e temos sido sujeitados a
implantes de uma ou outra forma. A pergunta não é "Eu
tenho implantes?" mas "Quais implantes tenho e como me
desfaço deles?".
Já que nós, como Trabalhadores da Luz, temos estado
activamente comprometidos em muitas batalhas de
dualidade em diferentes sistemas planetários, temos
sido capturados muitas vezes e temos sido sujeitados a
implantes de uma ou outra forma. A pergunta não é "Eu
tenho implantes?" mas "Quais implantes tenho e como me
desfaço deles?".
Se você está no planeta e não foi limpo seguramente,
você os tem. E ainda se foi limpo por outros métodos
de um ou dois dispositivos, há possibilidades de que
não hajam removido ou inativado todos. Há milhões
deles. Este processo vai limpar todas as variedades
conhecidas e desconhecidas, para todos os períodos de
tempo, dimensões e localizações simultaneamente.
Também existe uma protecção que se constrói com este
processo (quando você recebe a liberação através de
uma transmissão pessoal) para evitar qualquer intento
de qualquer ser que queira colocar implantes em você
Os implantes jogaram uma parte primordial no carma que
necessita ser resolvido de uma vida a outra. Quando se
está implantado, é requerido que se regresse na roda
da reencarnação uma e outra vez para resolver o carma
e ser controlado pelas forças escuras outra vez, uma
maneira muito inteligente para garantir o estado do
planeta para sempre, isto é, até agora. Ao ascender
uma alma de regresso à sua Presença EU SOU, todo o
carma deve ser balanceado, todos os implantes
removidos. Ainda que haja indivíduos que ascenderam
desde o tempo de Jesus, isto tem sido um sucesso raro
até agora. O planeta mesmo tomou a decisão de ascender
para uma realidade de quinta dimensão. A Graça se
estendeu para absolver todo o carma para aqueles que
elejam a ascensão com ele. Parte da Graça é a
liberação dos implantes.
Os implantes jogaram uma parte primordial no carma que
necessita ser resolvido de uma vida a outra. Quando se
está implantado, é requerido que se regresse na roda
da reencarnação uma e outra vez para resolver o carma
e ser controlado pelas forças escuras outra vez, uma
maneira muito inteligente para garantir o estado do
planeta para sempre, isto é, até agora. Ao ascender
uma alma de regresso à sua Presença EU SOU, todo o
carma deve ser balanceado, todos os implantes
removidos. Ainda que haja indivíduos que ascenderam
desde o tempo de Jesus, isto tem sido um sucesso raro
até agora. O planeta mesmo tomou a decisão de ascender
para uma realidade de quinta dimensão. A Graça se
estendeu para absolver todo o carma para aqueles que
elejam a ascensão com ele. Parte da Graça é a
liberação dos implantes.
Este processo limpa todos os implantes e dispositivos
de limitação espiritual, conhecidos e desconhecidos,
armas espirituais, parasitas mentais e do corpo
emocional, entidades grudadas, formas-pensamento de
todos os tipos (incluindo maldições, encantamentos e
feitiços) e os votos e acordos que mantém os
dispositivos dentro de você.
Os implantes de batalhas de dualidade se nomearam com
base nas guerras nas que se deram, tais como: Órion,
Sírius, Maldek, Arturus,Plêiades. Os implantes da
história da Terra foram nomeados com base nos períodos
de tempo ou sociedades, como os lemurianos e os
atlantes. Estes também incluem todas as formas de
limitações auto-impostas, impedimentos mágicos,
implantes de cristais tridimensionais e os códigos 666
de limitação.
Os implantes vivos existem nos corpos mentais e
emocionais de suas vítimas e são chamados parasitas do
corpo mental ou emocional. Eles podem ser a causa
espiritual de muitas enfermidades físicas.
As armas espirituais são um tipo de armamento psíquico
que se manifesta no campo energético como uma espécie
de arma (algumas das quais são muito exóticas). Estes
dispositivos podem representar traumas de vidas
passadas e memórias corporais de haver sido
assassinado com a arma ou dispositivo que lhe é
implantado. Podem representar vibrações negativas
actuais enviadas por outra pessoa até você. Podem ser
as causas de dor crónica no corpo.
As entidades são qualquer espírito desencarnado, com
qualquer laço conectado com você. Essas entidades
podem ser de sua vida actual ou passada.
Formas de pensamento usadas neste contexto são
quaisquer pensamentos negativos enviados a você na
forma de negatividade, maldições, feitiços,
conspirações etc..
Implantes Grays/Reptóides/Dracos são as forças
extraterrestres que seguem activas na Terra e seguem
implantando pessoas na forma de ataque psíquico. Podem
ser sentidos como dores de cabeça, golpes de energia
negativa ou emoções de baixa vibração, movendo-se
através de você.
Os encobrimentos são dispositivos de limitação
espiritual que consistem em votos e/ou contratos com
irmandades espirituais negativas, alianças profanas ou
associações, feitos quando você esteve sem guia ou
separado de Deus. Estes votos e acordos vão afecta-lo
até que sejam renunciados, porque o deixam aberto a
exigências de seres destas organizações. Eles têm
acesso a você no estado de sonho ou nos planos
internos e são as causas principais de interferência
espiritual em sua vida nos níveis físico e psíquico.
Esses votos podem também incluir votos de pobreza,
castidade, obediência etc..
Os acordos ou contratos de implantes são os que
sustentam os implantes em seu lugar e são os que os
faz regressar à terceira dimensão se não foram
completamente renunciados. Esta é a razão principal de
algumas técnicas de liberação não terem êxito. Também
por isso é necessário ter participação consciente no
processo de liberação.
Os laços cármicos são associações de vidas passadas
com certos indivíduos ou lugares que influenciam suas
relações presentes e as afetam de forma negativa.
Quando estiver pronto para remover implantes:
1. Use duas horas para este processo. Ou inicie o
processo uma hora antes de sua hora normal de dormir.
Desconecte o telefone e faça o necessário para se
assegurar de que você não será perturbado;
2. Recolha-se em seu espaço privado. Se você dorme com
alguém, façam-no juntos ou vá dormir antes (como
indicado acima). Esta sessão requer consentimento
consciente para que funcione;
3. Os primeiros 15 minutos da sessão consistem em
escutar (ou ler) e repetir a renúncia de votos. Isto é
muito importante e requer de você participação
consciente. A revogação de votos é um processo sagrado
e será dada pessoalmente a você, mas será impresso ao
final deste documento para referência;
4. Permita-se estar num estado de concessão e
1. Sensações e movimento de energia dentro e ao redor
de seu corpo são normais. Se em algum momento durante
o processo você experimentar tensão em qualquer parte
do corpo, relaxe, respire e pensa: Libera
2. Podem surgir conversações mentais, inquietação,
emoções fortes e ainda, náuseas ou câimbras
estomacais. São normais. Relaxe, respire e pense:
3. Você poderá ter visões de diversas cores girando,
particularmente violeta e azul;
4. Depois de haver terminado com a revogação de votos
e haver aceitado a liberação de implantes, pode
ocorrer um estado sonolento, alterado. Durante este
tempo os Mestres e cirurgiões etéreos estão
trabalhando com você, "fora do corpo";
5. Não espere nada. O que quer que você experimente é
apropriado para você, já que este processo é
profundamente pessoal e diferente para todos; cada um
tem diferentes experiências. Isto está bem e não
significa que você esteja fazendo algo errado.
Bem, pronto? Comecemos! Seu compromisso para seu
crescimento e caminho de serviço ao mundo é louvável!
Recite em voz alta a revogação de votos que segue:
"Eu apelo ao Cristo para acalmar meus medos e para
apagar todo mecanismo de controle externo que possa
interferir com esta cura. Eu peço a meu Eu Superior
que feche minha aura e estabeleça um canal Crístico
para os propósitos de minha cura, para que só as
energias Crísticas possam fluir até mim. Não se poderá
fazer outro uso deste canal que não seja para o fluxo
de energias Crísticas."
(Imagine uma rotação no sentido horário, de uma
energia violeta ao redor de seu corpo e de tudo ao seu
redor imediato. Esta energia rotatória continuará por
toda uma hora e meia ou através da noite se você
utilizar este procedimento antes de dormir).
"Agora apelo ao Arcanjo Miguel, da décima terceira
Dimensão, para que sele e proteja completamente esta
sagrada experiência. Agora apelo ao Círculo de
Segurança da décima terceira dimensão para que sele,
proteja e aumente completamente o escudo de Miguel,
assim como para que remova qualquer coisa que não seja
de natureza Crística e que exista actualmente dentro
deste campo. Agora apelo aos Mestres Ascensionados e a
nossos assistentes Crísticos, para que removam e
dissolvam completamente, todos e cada um dos implantes
e suas energias semeadas, parasitas, armas espirituais
e dispositivos de limitação auto-impostos, tanto
conhecidos como desconhecidos. Uma vez completado
isso, apelo pela completa restauração e reparação do
campo de energia original, infundido com a energia
dourada de Cristo."
Repita o seguinte:
EU SOU livre! EU SOU livre! EU SOU livre! EU SOU
livre! EU SOU livre! EU SOU livre! EU SOU livre!
(Para que esta cura seja permanente, devemos fechar as
portas que a permitiram em primeiro lugar).
Repita o seguinte:
"Eu, o ser conhecido como (declare seu nome) nesta
encarnação particular, por este meio revogo e renuncio
a todos e cada um dos compromissos de fidelidade,
votos, acordos e/ou contratos de associação que já não
servem a meu bem mais elevado, nesta vida, vidas
passadas, vidas simultâneas, em todas as dimensões,
períodos de tempo e localizações. Eu agora ordeno a
todas as entidades (que estão ligadas com esses
contratos, organizações e associações às que agora
renuncio) que cessem e desistam e que abandonem meu
campo de energia agora e para sempre e em forma
retroactiva, levando seus artefactos, dispositivos e
energias semeadas. Para assegurar isto, Eu agora apelo
ao Sagrado Espírito Shekinah para que seja testemunha
da dissolução de todos os contratos, dispositivos e
energias semeadas que não honram a Deus / Pai / Mãe.
Isto inclui todas as alianças e seres que não honram a
Deus / Pai / Mãe como Supremo. Ademais, Eu peço que o
Espírito Santo "testemunhe" essa liberação completa de
tudo que infringe a vontade de Deus / Pai / Mãe. Eu
declaro isto adiante e retroactivamente. E assim
"Eu agora volto a garantir minha aliança com Deus /
Pai / Mãe através do domínio do Cristo e a dedicar meu
ser inteiro, meu ser físico, mental, emocional e
espiritual à vibração de Cristo, desde este momento em
diante e em retroactivo. Mais ainda, dedico minha
vida, meu trabalho, tudo o que penso, digo e faço e
todas as coisas em meu ambiente que ainda me servem, à
vibração de Cristo também. Ademais, dedico meu ser à
minha própria maestria e ao caminho da ascensão, tanto
do planeta como o meu. Havendo declarado tudo isto Eu
agora autorizo ao Cristo e ao meu próprio Eu Superior
para que façam mudanças em minha vida para acomodar
esta nova dedicação e peço ao Espírito Santo que
testemunhe isto também. Eu agora declaro isto a Deus
Pai / Mãe. Que seja escrito no Livro da Vida. Que
assim seja. Graças a Deus."
Agora, permita-nos curar e perdoar colectivamente
todos esses seus aspectos que fizeram os acordos e a
todos os que participaram em sua limitação de qualquer
forma. Por favor, inclua nesta oração de perdão a quem
quer que você necessite perdoar conscientemente, assim
como aqueles desconhecidos de você.
Repita o seguinte:
"Ao Universo e à Mente de Deus inteira e a cada ser
Nela contido, a todos os lugares onde tenha estado,
experiências das quais tenha participado e a todos os
seres que necessitam desta cura, sejam conhecidos ou
desconhecidos de mim: qualquer coisa que se mantenha
entre nós, Eu agora curo e perdoo. Eu agora apelo ao
Santo Espírito Shekinah, ao Senhor Metatron, ao Senhor
Maitreya e a Saint Germain para que ajudem e
testemunhem esta cura. Queridos, Eu os perdoo por tudo
o que necessite ser perdoado entre vocês e eu. Eu lhes
peço que me perdoem, por tudo o que necessite ser
perdoado entre vocês e eu. O mais importante, Eu me
perdoo a mim mesmo, por tudo o que necessite ser
perdoado entre minhas encarnações passadas e meu Eu
"Estamos agora colectivamente curados e perdoados,
curados e perdoados, curados e perdoados. Todos
estamos agora elevados a nossos seres Crísticos. Nós
estamos plenos e rodeados com o amor dourado de
Cristo. Nós estamos plenos e rodeados da dourada Luz
de Cristo. Nós somos livres de todas a vibrações de
terceira e quarta dimensões de medo, dor e ira. Todos
os cordões e laços psíquicos unidos a essas entidades,
dispositivos implantados, contratos ou energias
semeadas, estão agora liberados e curados. Eu agora
apelo a Saint Germain para que transmute e rectifique
com a Chama Violeta todas as minhas energias que me
foram tiradas e as retorne a mim agora em seu estado
"Uma vez que estas energias regressaram a mim, Eu peço
que esses canais através dos quais se drenava minha
energia sejam dissolvidos completamente. Eu peço ao
Senhor Metatron que nos libere das cadeias da
dualidade. Eu peço que o selo do Domínio do Cristo
seja colocado sobre mim. Eu peço ao Espírito Santo que
testemunhe que isto se cumpra. E assim é."
"Eu agora peço ao Cristo que esteja comigo e cure
minhas feridas e cicatrizes. Eu também peço ao Arcanjo
Miguel que me marque com seu selo, que Eu seja
protegido para sempre das influências que me impedem
de fazer a vontade de nosso Criador."
"E assim seja! Eu dou graças a Deus, aos Mestres
Ascensionados, ao Comando Ashtar, aos Anjos e Arcanjos
e a todos os demais que tem participado nesta cura e
elevação contínua de meu ser. Selah. Santo, Santo,
Santo é o Senhor Deus do Universo! "Kodoish, Kodoish,
Kodoish, Adonai Tsebaioth."
Ashtar Sheran
Canal: Greg Mize
Fique em repouso por uma hora e meia. Descanse nos
braços do Radiante enquanto os Cirurgiões Etéreos do
Comando Ashtar começam a tratar de você. Você pode
desejar dormir; descansa seguro de que você está no
caminho da Ascensão.
Esta cura dispara um ciclo de limpeza de 21 dias
que trará novas aberturas à sua vida de muitas formas.
Na primeira ou segunda semana podem ocorrer sonhos
estranhos. Também pode ser que você não tenha sonhos,
fazendo um trabalho de processamento muito profundo.
Em qualquer caso, não se preocupe, ambos são normais.
Coloque particular atenção na forma que suas próprias
percepções do mundo possam mudar.
Certos benefícios deste processo incluem:
1- Sentimentos de calma interna e claridade;
2 - A conversação mental interna está mais tranquila;
3 - A tensão interna se foi;
4 - Se ganha ou se melhora a habilidade de canalizar;
5 - Um sentimento de um novo sentido de propósito e
significado na vida;
6 - Sentimentos de amor, paz e júbilo;
7 - A vida melhora em todas as áreas;
8 - Sentido de Unidade, consciência espiritual
9 - Dissolução de relações não produtivas.
Há protecção construída contra uma nova
implantação, em parte porque uma vez que se faz a
revogação de votos completamente, seu livre arbítrio e
desejo de permanecer livre de implantes e dispositivos
de limitação espiritual o impedirão de ser implantado
novamente. Também você será agregado à rede de
protecção do Comando Ashtar. Etereamente haverá como
um cinturão dourado amplo que se move defensivamente
ao redor de seu campo de energia quando o necessites.
Todavia o livre arbítrio consciente e a
resistência subconsciente podem anular a liberação de
todos os votos. Assegure-se de que sua intenção seja
liberar TODOS os votos e acordos. Se você não está
seguro, repita a revogação de votos. Se você não se
sente absolutamente limpo e com tudo terminado depois,
repita a sessão inteira.
Como canal, este processo será de particular
importância. Os implantes bloqueiam sua clareza e
atuam como discórdia através de seu canal e conexão
com seu Eu Superior.
Enquanto tiver implantes e contratos unidos a
eles, você está sujeito a receber comunicações
misturadas. Insista só em comunicações de Vibração
Crística. Você tem uma responsabilidade para consigo
mesmo e para com aqueles que o escutam, de trazer a
informação mais elevada possível.
Devido ao fato de os implantes terem estado com
você por tanto tempo, os seres que os transmitiram se
sentem familiares.
Se você se encontra numa situação em que um ou
mais de seus guias se tenha ido, saiba que guias de
vibração superior virão substitui-los. Mesmo canais
famosos e experimentados podem ser enganados. Ser um
canal não garante qualidade.
Para curadores:
Quando você estiver actuando como canal de energia
ou cura, seu próprio campo de energia deve ser tão
claro quanto possível. É possível transmitir
implantes, sem sabê-lo, de uma pessoa a outra. Como
curador, você provavelmente tem sido "golpeado" pela
negatividade de seus pacientes de vez em quando. Você
poderá sentir como um golpe negativo, dor de cabeça ou
emoções de baixa vibração, movendo-se através de você.
Para proteger-se e a seus pacientes, faça este
procedimento de revogação de implantes em si mesmo e,
então, quando estiver pronto, ajude seus pacientes ou
ensina-os como remover eles mesmos seus implantes. A
liberação de implantes deve ser parte de qualquer
prática de cura.
Você pode auxiliar uma pessoa, criança ou adulto
incapacitado ou enfermo. Se for adulta, a pessoa deve
dar seu consentimento. Não pode ser feito para pessoas
em coma, inconscientes ou com outra incapacidade que
impeçam a permissão. Tenha em mente a lei Universal do
"livre arbítrio" que declara que você não pode
interferir com a elevação de outro, a menos que eles o
O Comando Ashtar é a divisão aérea da Grande
Fraternidade Branca de Luz sob a direcção do
Comandante Ashtar e Mestra Lady Athena. Composto de
milhões de naves e pessoal de muitas civilizações, nós
somos os Padrões Céu que servimos ao radiante (Cristo)
em sua missão de amor. Nós trabalhamos em conjunção
com os Mestres Ascensionados, as Legiões Angélicas de
Miguel, Rafael, Uriel, Jofiel, Gabriel e as 70
Irmandades de Luz que administram o Plano Divino.
O Comando Ashtar é a divisão aérea da Grande
Fraternidade Branca de Luz sob a direcção do
Comandante Ashtar e Mestra Lady Athena. Composto de
milhões de naves e pessoal de muitas civilizações, nós
somos os Padrões Céu que servimos ao radiante (Cristo)
em sua missão de amor. Nós trabalhamos em conjunção
com os Mestres Ascensionados, as Legiões Angélicas de
Miguel, Rafael, Uriel, Jofiel, Gabriel e as 70
Irmandades de Luz que administram o Plano Divino.
O Comando Ashtar está aqui para ajudar a Terra e a
Humanidade através do ciclo atual de limpeza
planetária e realinhamento polar. Nós trazemos a
unidade, harmonia e a coexistência pacífica. A chave
dourada da salvação espiritual é o amor.
Ao fazer esta limpeza foi importante para mim ter
conhecimento de alguns "sintomas" que poderiam surgir.
Passo a partilhá-los convosco:
"Dores no corpo , especialmente no pescoço, ombros e
costas. Isto é o resultado de intensas mudanças ao
nível do teu DNA, enquanto a "semente Crística" é
despertada interiormente.
Sentimento de profunda tristeza interna sem aparente
Estás a libertar-te do teu passado (desta vida e de
outras) e isto causa o sentimento de tristeza. É
semelhante à mudança de uma casa, na qual viveste por
muitos anos, para uma nova casa. Por muito que queiras
mudar para a nova casa, existe uma tristeza por
deixares as memórias , energias e experiências da
velha casa.
Afastamento das conexões familiares. Estás conectado à
tua família biológica via velho carma. Quando sais do
ciclo cármico, os vínculos das antigas conexões são
soltos. Podes desenvolver uma nova conexão com
eles,Pprém, a nova conexão será baseada numa nova
energia sem elos cármicos.
Desorientação física. Por algum tempo sentir-te-ás
sem chão. Conforme a tua consciência muda para a nova
energia , o teu corpo algumas vezes "atrasa-se" e
"fica para trás", isto é, ele não acompanha. Passa
mais tempo na natureza para ajudar a aterrar a nova
energia interior.
Aumento da "conversa contigo mesmo". Encontrar-te-ás a
falar com o teu "Eu" mais freqüentemente. As conversas
aumentarão, e tornar-se-ão mais fluídas, mais
coerentes e com mais visões interiores.
Padrões de sono pouco comuns. É provável, que acordes
muitas vezes durante a noite. Há muito trabalho a ser
feito em ti, e isso muitas vezes desperta-te para
poderes relaxar.
Sonhos intensos. Nestes podem ser incluídos sonhos de
guerra e batalhas, sonhos de caçadas e sonhos com
monstros. Estás literalmente a soltar a velha energia
interna, estas energias do passado são muitas vezes
simbolizadas como guerras, corridas para escapar do
"bicho papão".
Sentimentos de solidão, mesmo quando em companhia de
outros. Podes sentir-te sozinho e longe dos outros.
Podes sentir desejo de evitar grupos e multidão. Estás
a percorrer um caminho sagrado e solitário.Por mais
que os sentimentos de solidão causem ansiedade, é
difícil, neste tempo, falar sobre isto aos outros.
Perda da paixão. Podes com pouco ou nenhum desejo de
fazer qualquer coisa. Aproveita este tempo para não
fazer nada mesmo.
Não lutes contigo mesmo por isso. É semelhante a
reprogramares um computador. Precisas de te fechar por
um breve período de tempo para poderes carregar um
novo e sofisticado software, ou neste caso, uma nova
energia da semente Crística.
Direitos de cópia 2001 de Geoffrey Hoppe, Golden,CO.
Preparado em colaboração de Tobias do Círculo
Carmesim. Traduzido por Roberto Candeias."
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