quinta-feira, setembro 27, 2007

Buddhist wisdom

Even in the case of individuals, there is no possibility to feel happiness through anger. If in a difficult situation one becomes disturbed internally, overwhelmed by mental discomfort, then external things will not help at all. However, if despite external difficulties or problems, internally one's attitude is of love, warmth, and kindheartedness, then problems can be faced and accepted.

-His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Aromaterapia - The Effects of Scent on Emotions

Essential oils influence our emotions within seconds of inhalation. For
instance, clary sage stimulates the thalamus to release a hormone called
encephalon, a neurochemical that creates a sense of euphoria and provides
pain relief. Lavender and chamomile fuel the release of serotonin, which has
a calming effect on fear, stress, aggravation, or insomnia

segunda-feira, setembro 24, 2007

Origem a Propagação do Xamanismo

O xamanismo e encontrado em todas as partes do mundo, Sibéria, América do Norte, América do Sul, Austrália, Oceania, África, China, Índia, Tibete, etc. As semelhanças das praticas são notáveis. Segundo estudiosos, o xamanismo esta presente ha pelo menos 20.000 anos, sua origem levanta algumas possibilidades:
- Vindos da Sibéria, os xamãs teriam emigrado durante as grandes glaciações, seguindo rebanhos de renas, passando pelo estreito de Bering, e espalhando-se pelos continentes.
- Surgimento espontâneo em diferentes locais, com a possibilidade de comunicação astral, telepática entre eles.
Seriam os primeiros xamãs seres extra-terrestres?

O Papel Do Xamã
O xamã pode ser homem ou mulher, é o poeta, o mágico, o curandeiro, o conselheiro, o líder espiritual, o contador de histórias, etc. Sua principal especialidade está ligada aos processos de cura. Quando digo cura, não me refiro apenas ao corpo físico, mas também ao mental, emocional e espiritual.
Para atingir seus objetivos o xamã viaja por mundos invisíveis à realidade ordinária, recupera traços perdidos da alma de seus pacientes, conhece o funcionamento da energia universal, altera níveis de consciência sempre que deseja para obter orientação do mundo espiritual, conhece o uso do poder das pedras e das plantas, evoca seres elementais da natureza, utiliza instrumentos que lhe conferem poder, círculos de energia, etc.
Os xamãs são os verdadeiros guardiões da Mãe Terra. Honram a tudo o que tem vida, trabalham com símbolos naturais do seu inconsciente e aprendem a interpretá-los para superar obstáculos.
Nunca estão sozinhos, sempre estão acompanhados do seu espírito guardião animal, e seus espíritos auxiliares.

Estados Alterados de Consciência
O antropólogo norte-americano Michael Harner refere-se ao EAC no xamanismo como Estado Xamânico de Consciência, que não envolve apenas o transe, e sim a capacidade de viajar na realidade incomum com o objetivo de encontrar-se com espíritos animais, plantas, mentores e etc.
Os estados alterados de consciência incluem vários graus de transe; Stanley Kryppner chega a classificar 20 estados de consciência. Mircea Eliade fala do êxtase, Castaneda fala do Nagual. Nirvana, samadhi, alfa, transe, satori, consciência cósmica, supraconsciência, etc. também são nomes para a mesma manifestação.
O importante é que através das práticas xamânicas conseguimos nos conectar com nossos mitos, símbolos, nossa verdade interior. Conseguimos expandir a nossa percepção, para ir aos mistérios que estão guardados em nós mesmos.
Aprendemos a sentir, ver e ouvir a energia. Nos religamos com o sagrado e com a fonte criativa de tudo o que nos acontece.
Através da consciência ordinária, não conseguimos alcançar níveis profundos do nosso ser, seria como tentar sintonizar uma estação de freqüência modulada com um radinho AM.
Existem diversas técnicas ou rituais para se chegar a estados mais profundos de consciência, dentre elas destaco os tambores, danças, jejuns, plantas de poder, respirações, posturas corporais, que estarei explorando nos capítulos posteriores.

O Xamanismo Na Nova Era
O xamanismo é a célula mater de todos os processos atuais da chamada Nova Era, que, na, realidade de novo só tem o nome, pois o que temos feito é buscar respostas nas práticas ancestrais. O respeito pela ecologia e pelas condições ambientais, o reconhecimento do sagrado, a necessidade de expandir a consciência, a importância da vida espiritual, a ajuda ao próximo e a pratica do amor universal é nossa linha filosófica.
Célula-mater porque dá origem a todas as práticas do movimento aquariano, por exemplo: utilização de cristais, ervas medicinais, radiestesia e radiônica, energia das formas, mantras, posturas, técnicas de visualização, bastões, danças, banhos, passes, impostação de mãos, poder da palavra, vestimentas rituais, utilização dos elementos (terra, fogo, ar, água) canalizações espirituais.
Isto não significa, colocar o xamanismo no pedestal das práticas atuais, e sim dar uma referência histórica da prática religiosa mais antiga da humanidade, mesmo porque as práticas oriundas do xamanismo também tiveram seu seguimento e expansão específicos.
O xamanismo vem resgatar a profunda conexão do homem com a Terra, nos ensina a honrar todas as formas de vida, pois onde há vida, está Deus. Compreendemos que todos os seres vivos possuem sua missão no plano universal, desde insetos, plantas, pedras, animais, até nós, seres humanos de duas Pernas.
Fica difícil imaginar, que tipo de missão poderia ter um mosquito, ou uma barata, porém nada está na Terra por acaso, quando termina o tempo de uma espécie, a própria natureza se encarrega de encerrá-la, vide o exemplo dos dinossauros.
É indiscutível também as marcas do xamanismo nas grandes religiões: O ritual do judaísmo na circuncisão, o batismo cristão, a iniciação de Cristo no deserto, a morte e o retorno à vida, as visões de Maomé, a busca da iluminação de Buda, os sete chacras etc.
Por sentirmos Deus nas diferentes formas de energia, consideramos Sagrado cada uma delas. Cada planta, cada pedra pode transmitir-nos ensinamentos de cura, aprendemos a decifrar as mensagens que vem dos ventos, reconhecemos que fazemos parte de uma grande família universal, que a Terra é a nossa mãe, nutrindonos, sustentando- nos, recebendo-nos a cada vida e nos acolhendo a cada morte.
Varias tradições xamânicas esperam por um novo tempo que virá com o retorno dos antigos xamãs que reencarnariam em outros povos, com outra linguagem, com outra cor de pele, transmitindo a Linguagem do Amor Universal, promovendo o reencontro do homem com o Sagrado, para que possamos todos juntos caminhar na Beleza e na harmonia com cada ser vivo, caminhar em equilíbrio em nossa Mãe Terra.
O verdadeiro poder está em cada um de nós, ele provém do desenvolvimento de nossos dons, pode ser chamado de Eu Superior, Cristo Interior, Kundalini, Poder Mental, etc. O mais importante é reconhecer a centelha divina que cada um de nós possui por herança natural e saber como acessa-la. Entender que qualquer que seja o caminho espiritual escolhido, é preciso confiar, ter fé, entregar-se para poder integrar-se. Não temer a desilusão, pois a desilusão vem com a verdade, e, se você desconfia, você não se desilude, mas também não aprende e não conhece a verdade. É preciso acreditar que existe um Poder Superior que governa a lei de causa e efeito, e que aquele que busca a verdade com o coração aberto e a mente limpa, pode até cair, mas jamais ficará no chão.
O reconhecimento do Caminho da Verdade vem da expansão de nossa consciência obtida através da introspecção, de nossas experiências pessoais, do nosso contato com o divino, com o “religare”, pois muitos falam e muitos ouvem pouco, muitos ensinam muito e praticam pouco, muitos recebem muito e quase nada dão.
Na idade de Ouro da Humanidade o homem comunicava-se com seres celestiais, com espíritos da natureza com sua divindade. Com o passar das eras, em nome do progresso, do avanço da ciência, a humanidade foi distanciando- se de sua essência espiritual. Para nós o verdadeiro Religare é a união de todo esse avanço conquistado pelo homem, por inspiração divina, sem nos esquecermos de que somos sagrados.
Respeitando e honrando pontos de vista, porém nunca se desviando do caminho, deixamos o julgamento a quem deve julgar. Com passos lentos observamos e captamos mensagens verdadeiras que só vêm quando temos a nossa mente calma e silenciosa, e o coração cheio de amor. Devagar no caminho com pressa de chegar.
No xamanismo busco minha verdade na Criação Divina, o mapa do caminho está escrito em cada vegetal, nas mudanças de estação, nas portas de cada direção cardeal, no movimento dos ventos, nos hábitos e talentos de cada animal, nas gravações de cada pedra, com a iluminação e calor do Sol, nas fases da Luz, nas trilhas das Estrelas. Procuro harmonizar-me com a Criação, para poder alcançar o Criador.

Praticando o xamanismo, encontro a senha para tornar possível o meu caminhar no Sagrado, transformando o meu ser, enxergando com os olhos de uma criança, voando como a Águia acima das nuvens negras da ignorância, protegendo como o Leão, o meu Espaço Sagrado, abrindo o meu coração para o amor incondicional que o Mestre Jesus ensinou.
Nas minhas orações, não espero que nada caia do Céu, espero colher o que plantei. Aprendi que não somos vítimas de conseqüências, que podemos construir nosso futuro a partir de pensamentos, palavras e ações. Nenhuma árvore cresce se a semente não for jogada à Terra; se você planta limão, mão espere colher maçãs; se a terra não estiver boa, prepare-a; se a terra estiver seca, coloque água. Lembre de que não são todas as plantas que crescem em qualquer lugar, você não poderia plantar uma macieira no deserto, a não ser que ache um Oásis. Não podemos nos esquecer, também, de que uma planta pode sofrer de alguma praga, portanto devemos estar sempre atentos. Devemos analisar se realmente queremos uma macieira ou outro tipo de árvore. E, ainda, termos a consciência de que uma árvore leva mais tempo para crescer e maturar do que um arbusto.
Nós, que praticamos o Xamanismo, temos a responsabilidade de zelar pela Mãe Terra e por todas as suas Crianças, temos a missão de cura planetária, tanto no tocante a qualidade ambiental, como energética e espiritual. Jamais poderemos ser absolutamente saudáveis se vivermos num Planeta doente, nunca teremos paz enquanto irmãos estiverem em guerra, não evoluiremos se não fizermos a parte que nos cabe.

Otavio Leal


Aromaterapia - Depression and Loneliness

4 drops Bergamot oil
2 drops Geranium oil
1 drop Petitgrain oil

Add to any aromatherapy lamp or simply add to a tissue and inhale.

Aromaterapia - Sinus Relief

To help prevent sinus trouble use Peppermint and Eucalyptus. For swelling
in the nasal passage area inhale Peppermint to reduce the swelling .

The Practical Power of Shamanism

How the Shaman Brings Harmony to Everyday Life

SHAMANISM IS A VERY practical spirituality. A modern-day shaman could live next door to you and the only clues you might have are that they get along well with people and animals and have a green thumb with plants. Also, shamans have a knack for putting people at ease and for saying and doing the right thing at the right time.

In his book, Urban Shaman, Serge Kahili King defines a shaman as "a healer of relationships, between mind and body, between people, between people and circumstances, between humans and Nature and between matter and spirit."

If you have a taste of divine ecstasy, shamanism can teach you how to ground it, how to bring it into your everyday life through using your natural gifts and talents. Shamanism can support you in translating that experience, that creative energy, into physical form so it can benefit you and everyone around you.

The essence of shamanism is not an esoteric, mysterious, ritualistic tradition that can only be practiced by native peoples in a tribal environment. This ancient spiritual perspective on life is a down-to-earth, pragmatic, realistic way of living that anyone can use anywhere, anytime, including in our modern world. Currently across the planet, the sacred knowledge of the shaman is being translated into everyday street language in order to create more healthy, harmonious and enriching lives for people.

The spirit of shamanism is more of an open, flexible attitude and approach to living than a rigid set of rules, formulas and techniques. By applying the basic principles of shamanism, people open themselves to new possibilities and options for dealing with modern daily challenges.

From Alaska to the Andes, from Tibet to Tanzania, shamanism is a worldwide phenomenon. Virtually every religion has its roots in shamanism, although shamanism is not a religion. It's a perspective- a way of seeing all things as sacred. Shamanism does not preclude any religion. It simply says that anyone can have a direct experience of the divine without an intermediary. By honoring the sacred essence of everyone and everything, one's whole life can truly become a spiritual adventure.

The shaman relates to every form of life as being alive, filled with energy and always communicating something to us. The key is in learning how to receive the communication.

"Omens are a way Spirit communicates with us in the physical world," states shaman Ken Eagle Feather in Traveling with Power. "You can decipher omens from virtually anything, but pay special attention to unusual occurrences, whether it's the strange behavior of birds, or conversations in which someone says something that catches your attention in a special way, or when a book falls off a shelf in front of you. You might find that messages on billboards change right in front of you, so that while others are reading an ordinary advertisement, you end up reading a message from Spirit. Be careful about being too strict in your interpretations, though. Remember, you are looking for guidance, not assurance. An omen might be the same for several people, or it might mean several different things. It's up to you to create your personal omen dictionary. This open-ended response is called nonpatterning, and it provides the space for Spirit to communicate with you."

Using personal experience as the means through which wisdom is gleaned (rather than through reading, thinking or analyzing), the shaman presents opportunities where people begin to sense a real, interactive connection with everything else that exists, even those things believed to be inanimate such as rocks, plastic, glass or metal.

The basis of shamanistic creation, healing and transformation has always been the knowledge that the essential nature of everything is energy. Modern science, specifically quantum physics, has only recently concluded that every living thing is made of energy. The reason that walls and rocks appear solid is because they vibrate at a low, dense rate. We know that pictures travel invisibly through the air and arrive on our TV screens. Is it such a stretch to open to the possibility that everything has an invisible energy within it? And that communication can be transmitted through this energy?

Shamans utilize the knowledge that everything is energy to create in their world by using their conscious attention to direct the flow of energy within all forms of life. Energy flows where attention goes. Indeed, scientists are now reporting that the beliefs and thoughts of the person conducting the experiments significantly affect the outcome of their experiments.

Since we come to this planet to evolve our soul within the paradox of this world of polarity (light and dark, inside and outside, body and spirit), we must develop the skill to play consciously and creatively with duality. If we are truly perceptive, we can see how the energies of each opposing polarity are serving us. If we see how we are at effect of all these dualistic energies, then we can make a choice of what to keep and what to eliminate. This is an act of magic. True shamans are those who can influence energy, whether it is inside them or in the world outside them. If we have learned how energy moves and behaves, we have opened ourselves up to our true selves. This is what the paradoxes of our world teach us. Shamans know that humans are determiners of spirit, and the choices, decisions and priorities that we set fashion the reality of the world in which we live.

When shamans use their ability to "see" the underlying energy dynamics of situations and relationships, they are able to "see" cause and effect connections and forces that are not visible when viewing the circumstances superficially, i.e., looking only at the outer form. Perceiving the energy dynamics of life events reveals new alternatives and possibilities not previously apparent.

"The art of the (shaman) is to be able to guide, to be able to illuminate the path in such a way that the person hooks on to a greater experience-that of freedom," Eagle Feather shares. This allows people the freedom to move beyond limits of past perceptions into the realm of options, fresh creativity and natural magic.

A shaman would "see," for example, that the anger of a supermarket clerk resulted from the clerk's inability to express their feelings. The shaman could "see" how these emotions were adversely affecting not only the clerk, but also the people in line. Consequently, a shaman may choose to engage the angry clerk in a friendly, relaxing conversation in order to shift the situation into flow and harmony.

Shamans also "see" the cause and effect between what they allow into their energy systems and make practical choices to manage their energy levels. The shaman takes in everything to gain energy and maximize personal power-from sunlight and sound to conversations and food. By consciously selecting everything she ingests, the shaman maximizes health, creativity, enjoyment and life span.

The shaman's intake strategy is to get as much energy as possible from every life encounter with the least amount of energy expended. A person should always have more, not less, energy after every life interaction. The shaman applies this approach to all forms of nourishment from the external environment- mental conversations, social relationships, emotional interactions, spiritual meditations and physical food.

We have many powers within us that we can learn to use for our own benefit and for the benefit of others. From the shamanistic point of view, all power comes from within. Power comes from authorship (authority). Shamans become the authors of the creations in their world by freeing themselves of programmed and conditioned perceptions. In moving beyond customs, manners, rules and techniques, the shaman embraces the practicality of "What works, works." The shaman has little concern for how something works, only that it produces the results that one intends. Shamans are the most flexible, utilitarian and efficient authors of their world. They take the shortest, quickest route to their goals, even if the path tramples on their own concepts or beliefs.

One way people can experience this power is to look for proof in their own lives. Take love, for example. One way to increase the presence and power of love in a person's life is to decrease the presence and power of judgment. Shamans notice that their attention cannot be in both places at the same time, and, therefore choose where they want to spend their energy. To spend energy judging that they harmed someone or that another person caused them harm would be a misdirection and waste of energy for a shaman.

Eagle Feather explains more about the true nature of power, "Anyone looking for power over others or control over material processes is probably going to be disappointed by the teaching, which essentially define power as the ability to free oneself from one's own perceptions and habitual patterns. The message seems to be that once you align with the energy, you're no longer the master. Spirit is."

A shaman is a bridge between this world and the invisible world of the spirit. A shaman is very anchored, very present in this world. Being so centered and grounded, a shaman can assist a person to travel into dimensions and see things from a much bigger perspective. Then people can heal because there is more room for them to expand and open to fresh new realities. This expanded awareness from the shaman creates a strong foundation for people to awaken to their own healing power within. The goal of the shaman is always to support the awakening of the soul. The shaman acts as an anchor so the person can reach their own depth and move through their own cellular transformation.

Shaman Frederick Wolf concurs. "People really know how to heal themselves. It's an illusion to think that someone is going to come and heal them. But what will happen is, when they feel the support and safety that the shaman can hold for them, they will have faith enough to go into that place inside of them that knows how to heal. It's not some magical thing that happens. It's very natural."

Shamanism is a way of living on the altar of Mother Earth. It's a way to live in balance on the earth, a way of finding not only peace with yourself personally, but peace with nature and your environment. Shamanism is bringing the two worlds together: your inner world-your heart-with your outer world. It's important to be balanced, to be grounded in both worlds. We should be able to go anywhere and be at home, whether it's in a cave or a big city.

Shamanism is a pathway that can help us to realize the sacredness and magic within and all around us. Birds that soar into the heavens, trees whose roots reach deep into the earth, everything in nature reflects an aspect of our souls. As the poet Rumi said, "You will see stars and moons mirrored in your being." Shamanism is letting go of our limited ideas and concepts of who we are. As we abandon our illusions of separateness, we open to the beauty and simplicity of our true nature-our connectedness with all of life.


Sulana Stone, personal life coach, vision quest guide and animal communicator, assists people to discover and express their life purpose through private sessions and workshops. Sulana has been a radio show host, editor, columnist, office manager, projects coordinator, public speaker, trainer and facilitator in various modalities of the mind-body-spirit. She provides up-to-date tips and articles that help people get the love, money and body they want in a FREE Prosperity Ezine at www.SedonaVisionQue st.com. Contact sulana@redvetteranc h.com or 602.861.2631.
Empty and calm and devoid of self
Is the nature of all things.
No individual being
In reality exists.

There is no end or beginning,
Nor any middle course.
All is an illusion,
As in a vision or a dream.

All beings in the world
Are beyond the realm of words.
Their ultimate nature, pure and true,
Is like the infinity of space.


Aromaterapia - Create your own spa treatments at home

You don't have to go to a spa to pamper yourself — you can make your own spa
treatments at home!

There are wonderful body scrubs available at spas and beauty stores, but let
me share a secret: Many of these can be made easily at home with just a few
basic ingredients.

Silken skin with a wonderfully scented salt scrub that has only two basic
ingredients, Epsom salts and almond oil or any other aromatherapy oil, such
as lavender or bergamot. To make 1 cup, measure 1 cup of Epsom salts to use
as the base, and slowly mix in the almond or other aromatherapy oil until
the mixture is wet but not watery. Store in a margarine tub or glass
container (clearly marked) in the refrigerator.

When ready to use, jump in a hot shower and swirl a large dollop on your
body and let the silkening magic begin.

This mixture will help exfoliate dead skin, leaving silky, happy skin.

Make Your Own Bath Blend
If you have spent a hard afternoon digging the garden or had a stressful day
at the office, or you've been running around after the kids all day. If your
muscles are aching where you didn't even know you had muscles, then what you
need is a long hot soak in the tub, but with a difference. Neroli and
petitgrain oils make a stress relieving therapeutic bath blend. For a
relaxing, aromatic bath add 4-8 drops of essential oil to 10ml of carrier
oil such as grapeseed oil, wheat germ oil or almond oil, and add to the
running water.

terça-feira, setembro 11, 2007

The Magic and Mystic of Sandalwood

Sandalwood stimulates the base (seventh) Chakra, improving self identity and
trust. In the Ayurvedic healing tradition, it promotes energy and
enthusiasm, increasing your self-esteem and zest for life. Burn sandalwood
during a full moon to increase spiritual vibrations inside your home.
Burning sandalwood near your door welcomes your guests and attunes them to
your home’s positivity, encouraging them to leave their doubts and anger
outside. Write a wish on a sandalwood chip and place it in an incense
burner. Sandalwood’s magical powers will enhance your meditations and
increase the power of your wishes.

Natural Remedies for Anxiety

What is Anxiety?Although it's normal to feel anxious from time to time, if you feel anxious without reason and if these worries persist and affect your day-to-day life, you may have generalized anxiety disorder.

Symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder may include restlessness, feeling tense or on edge, irritability, impatience, or poor concentration.

People may also notice changes in their physical health such as headaches, jaw pain, muscle tension, difficulty falling or staying asleep (insomnia), dry mouth, fatigue, chest tightness, indigestion, bloating, excessive sweating, and headache.

It is important to be evaluated by your doctor for a proper diagnosis and to rule out other medical problems that may resemble anxiety.

Natural Remedies for AnxietyThese are some of the natural remedies that are being explored for anxiety.

1) PassionflowerThe herb passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) was used in folk medicine as a remedy for anxiety, insomnia, and hysteria.

Two studies involving a total of 198 people examined the effectiveness of passionflower for anxiety. One study found passionflower to be comparable to benzodiazepine drugs. There was also an improvement in job performance with passionflower and less drowsiness with passionflower compared with the drug mexazolam, however, neither reached statistical significance.

Side effects of passionflower may include nausea, vomiting, drowsiness, and rapid heartbeat. The safety of passionflower in pregnant or nursing women, children, or people with kidney or liver disease has not been established. There have been five case reports in Norway of people becoming temporarily impaired mentally after using a combination product containing passionflower. It is not known whether the other ingredients in the supplement played a role.

Passionflower should not be taken with sedatives unless under medical supervision. Passionflower may enhance the effect of pentobarbital, a medication used for sleep and seizure disorders.

2) BodyworkMassage therapy, shiatsu, and other forms of bodywork are widely used to diminish muscle tension, relieve stress, and improve sleep.
What is Massage Therapy?

10 Massage Styles

10 Embarassing Massage Questions
3) Mind/Body TechniquesMind/ body breathing exercises, physical exercise, yoga, tai chi, self-hypnosis, meditation, and biofeedback are just some of the stress reduction techniques used for anxiety. Try different techniques and determine which routine you can stick to with a hectic schedule.
Diaphragmatic Breathing, Step-by-Step

The Relaxation Response

Mindfulness Meditation
4) ValerianThe herb valerian (Valeriana officinalis) is best known as a herbal remedy for insomnia. Valerian is also used in patients with mild anxiety, but the research supporting its use for anxiety is limited.

For example, researchers with the Cochrane Collaboration reviewed studies on valerian for anxiety. Only one study met their quality criteria. It was a four-week study comparing valerian, the medication diazepam (Valium), and a placebo in 36 people with generalized anxiety disorder. No statistically signficant differences were found between the groups, perhaps due to the small size of the study.

Valerian is usually taken an hour before bedtime. It takes about two to three weeks to work and shouldn't be used for more than three months at a time. Side effects of valerian may include mild indigestion, headache, palpitations, and dizziness. Although valerian tea and liquid extracts are available, most people don't like the smell of valerian and prefer taking the capsule form.

Valerian shouldn't be taken with many medications, especially those that depress the central nervous system, such as sedatives and antihistamines. Valerian shouldn't be taken with alcohol, before or after surgery, or by people with liver disease. It should not be used before driving or operating machinery. Consultation with a qualified health practitioner is recommended. For more information about valerian, read the Valerian Fact Sheet.

5) KavaNative to Polynesia, the herb kava (Piper methysticum) has been found to have anti-anxiety effects in humans.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA), however, has issued an advisory to consumers about the potential risk of severe liver injury resulting from the use of dietary supplements containing kava. To date, there have been more than 25 reports of serious adverse effects from kava use in other countries, including four patients who required liver transplants. Learn more about kava; What is Kava?

6) Gamma-aminobutyric Acid (GABA) GABA is an amino acid that is known to play a role in the physiology of anxiety. Some prescription drugs for anxiety work by affecting GABA receptors in the brain. The degree to which orally ingested GABA supplements can reach the brain, however, is unknown.

7) AromatherapyPlant essential oils can be added to baths, massage oil, or infusers. Essential oils that are used for anxiety and nervous tension are: bergamot, cypress, geranium, jasmine, lavender, melissa, neroli, rose, sandalwood, ylang-ylang. Lavender is the most common and forms the base of many relaxing blends.

Global Meditations links


"Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better."
"It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not."
"God depends on us. It is through us that God is achieved."

Andre Gide
French critic, essayist, novelist & Nobel Laureate (1869 - 1951)

Aromaterapia - Migraines related with nervous tension

3 drops Roman Chamomile
3 drops Neroli
5 drops Marjoram

Massage the forehead, temples and solar plexus. ( Be sure to add a little
carrier oil ).
Breathe it in deeply. Pour 15 drops of this aromatic blend into the bathtub
and soak for at least 15 minutes.

sexta-feira, setembro 07, 2007


www.ceventura. com.br

Fruta é o mais perfeito alimento, gasta uma quantidade mínima de energia para ser digerida e dá ao seu corpo o máximo em retorno.

O único alimento que faz seu cérebro trabalhar é glicose. A fruta é principalmente frutose (que pode ser transformada com facilidade em glicose), e na maioria das vezes 90-95 por cento de água. Isso significa que ela está limpando e alimentando ao mesmo tempo.
O único problema com as frutas é que a maioria das pessoas não sabe como comê-Ias de forma a permitir que o corpo use efetivamente seus nutrientes.

Deve-se comer frutas sempre com o estômago vazio . Por quê? A razão é que as frutas não são, em princípio, digeridas no estômago: são digeridas no intestino delgado.
As frutas passam rapidamente pelo estômago, dali indo para o intestino, onde liberam seus açúcares. Mas se houver carne, batatas ou amidos no estômago, as frutas ficam presas lá e começam a fermentar.
Você já comeu alguma fruta de sobremesa, após uma lauta refeição, e passou o resto da noite arrotando aquele desconfortável sabor restante? É porque você não a comeu da maneira adequada. Deve-se comer frutas sempre com o estômago vazio .
A melhor espécie de fruta é a fresca ou o suco feito na hora.
Você não deve beber suco de lata ou do recipiente de vidro. Por que não? A maioria das vezes o suco foi aquecido no processo de vedação e sua estrutura tornou-se ácida.
Quer fazer a mais valiosa compra que possa? Compre uma centrífuga. Você tem um carro? Venda-o e compre uma centrífuga.
Ela levará você muito mais longe. Ou simplesmente, compre a centrífuga agora! Você pode ingerir o suco extraído na centrífuga como se fosse a fruta, com o estômago vazio. E o suco é digerido tão depressa que você pode comer uma refeição quinze ou vinte minutos mais tarde.
Isso não sou só eu quem diz. O Dr. William Castillo, chefe da famosa clínica cardiológica Framington, de Massachusetts, declarou que fruta é o melhor alimento que podemos comer para nos proteger contra doenças do coração.
Disse que as frutas contêm bioflavinóides, que evitam que o sangue se espesse e obstrua as artérias. Também fortalecem os vasos capilares, e vasos capilares fracos quase sempre provocam sangramentos internos e ataques card íacos.
Há pouco tempo, conversei com um corredor de maratona, num dos seminários de saúde que promovo. Ele era bastante cético quanto à natureza, mas concordou em fazer uso correto de frutas em sua dieta. Sabe o que aconteceu? Diminuiu 9,5 minutos de seu tempo de maratona. Cortou seu tempo de recuperação pela metade, e qualificou-se para a Maratona de Boston, pela primeira vez em sua vida.
Agora, uma coisa final que gostaria que mantivesse em sua mente sobre frutas.
Como se deve começar o dia?
O que se deve comer no café da manhã?
Você acha que é uma boa idéia pular da cama e encher seu sistema com um grande monte de alimentos, que levará o dia inteiro para digerir?
Claro que não.

O que você quer é alguma coisa que seja fácil de digerir, frutas que o corpo pode usar de imediato, e que ajuda a limpar o corpo.
Quando levantar-se, e por tanto tempo durante o dia quanto for confortavelmente possível , coma só frutas frescas e sucos feitos na hora. Mantenha esse esquema até pelo menos o meio - dia, diariamente.
Quanto mais tempo ficar só com frutas em seu corpo, maior oportunidade de ele limpar-se. Se você começar a se afastar do café e dos outros lixos com que costuma encher seu corpo no começo do dia, sentirá uma nova torrente de vitalidade e energia, tão intensa que você mal acreditará.
Tente durante os próximos dez dias e veja por si mesmo.

Da Lei da Atracção à Lei da Abundância

Enquanto seres encarnados todos nós estamos sujeitos a várias Leis. Desde as Leis materiais que tentam regular a vida dentro do universo manifestado, como é o caso da Lei do Carma, até às Leis Espirituais que nos impulsionam para fora deste universo através da sintonia com a Vida que nele se manifesta.

A Lei da Atracção, tão divulgada hoje, é uma Lei que opera dentro do circuito da Mãe e por isso mesmo é uma Lei material, própria do universo planetário aonde nos encontramos encarnados. Essa Mãe, que é a substância lúcida do universo manifestado, e por isso material, reage aos nossos pensamentos e sentimentos, que são matéria, devolvendo-nos aquilo que desejámos, não na forma de um impulso espiritual ou de uma expansão de consciência, já que isso é do domínio do circuito do Filho, mas através das formas por nós desejadas. Essa Lei possibilita, unicamente, pela compreensão do seu funcionamento e dos seus mecanismos de acção e reacção, encontrarmos um equilíbrio de forças dentro deste universo a que chamamos Planeta Terra.

Esse equilíbrio, que não é vertical, mas apenas uma forma de deslocar forças e organiza-las, permitindo-nos aplainar as arestas do caminho. Contudo, embora esse aplainar das arestas possa até ser importante num momento específico do nosso processo evolutivo, buscar essa Lei para constantemente retirar desse caminho todas as arestas será certamente uma armadilha na qual não devemos cair.

Se eu retiro do caminho todos os obstáculos que a Vida me traz, e que estão ali para que eu possa amadurecer como ser espiritual, a possibilidade desse crescimento e desse amadurecimento é cancelada. Eu fico dentro de uma bolha hipnótica criada pelos meus próprios desejos, e ali, na ilusão da felicidade material, estagno todo o meu processo espiritual na liberdade que deixarei de ter.

É como se nós fossemos este cão de rua, que de tão desesperado pelos caminhos da sua vida, emite para essa grande Mãe o desejo de ter todos os dias comida no prato e uma casa limpa para dormir. E essa grande Mãe, como qualquer mãe, vendo a sinceridade do seu pedido, satisfaz-lo enviando alguém que, passando pela rua, o recolhe. A partir de então esse cão irá passar a ter todos os dias comida no prato e uma casa limpa onde morar. Só que junto com a satisfação desse desejo, que aparentemente melhorou a sua vida, vem também uma coleira, uma trela e os limites do muro da casa de alguém que passou a ser o seu dono.

Buscar a Lei da Abundância é sair do circuito viciado da Lei da Atracção, é confiar integralmente na vontade do Pai, sem desejar coisa alguma. É ser este cão de rua, livre, e acreditar que o universo vai trazer tudo aquilo que ele necessita para o seu próprio crescimento, sejam coisas boas ou não. Se eu retiro desta equação as coisas desagradáveis, eu estagno completamente o meu processo espiritual, pois dentro de um plano dual, a evolução faz-se pelo confronto dos opostos. É assim que lapidamos a nossa pedra bruta em cristal polido e reluzente.

É certo que nessa travessia do deserto, nesse caminhar descalço pelas areias escaldantes, de pés pelando com o calor, sequiosos de água, sem forças, é certo que encontrar um pequeno oásis onde possamos pousar os pés em água fresca, beber de um coco e comer algumas tâmaras poderá ser uma pausa agradável e por vezes necessária. Mas atenção, aquele oásis não é a terra prometida, essa encontra-se no fim do deserto. O perigo da Lei da Atracção é ficarmos ali como se este fosse o lugar de chegada e, de pés na água fresca, de coco numa mão e tâmaras na outra, recostados numa palmeira, deixarmos passar ao lado toda a nossa vida e toda a razão de ser de aqui estarmos encarnados.

Que possamos compreender que não estamos encarnados apenas para atrair pessoas agradáveis. Nós estamos aqui para servir e servir o plano evolutivo é aceitar integralmente aquilo que vida nos traz. Se eu retiro do circuito, através da Lei da Atracção, as pessoas que me incomodam, a quem é que eu estarei a ajudar? Sim, porque Jesus poderia ter ficado junto dos apóstolos e ali não haveria crítica nem julgamento. Mas ele foi para o meio dos “pecadores”, dos gentios, daqueles que o criticavam porque isso era servir a Deus. Se ele invocasse a Lei da Atracão para trazer para a sua vida apenas coisas boas e as pessoas agradáveis, hoje nada saberíamos desse Jesus que teria ficado lá num qualquer monte da palestina falando para o seu grupo restrito de eleitos.

Vamos parar de nos iludir com promessas de uma espiritualidade fácil, porque isso é algo que não existe, não porque o caminho espiritual seja difícil, não, ele é muito simples. O problema é que nós estamos atados a tanta tralha civilizacional e reencarnatória, que quando nos é proposto trabalhar tudo isso de forma consciente e frontal nós fugimos. E fugimos porque, soltar aquilo que não queremos largar, implica sofrimento e ninguém quer sofrer. E como ninguém quer sofrer recorre-se à Lei da Atracão como uma fuga a essa transformação.

Se nós não queremos sofrer, e isso é legítimo, então não temos que fugir de coisa alguma, por maior que seja a dor que isso nos traga, mas apenas soltar e desapegarmo-nos de tudo aquilo que tem que ser transformado, colocando tudo isso nas mãos dessa grande Mãe. Sim, porque o processo é exactamente o oposto. Não se trata de pedir coisas ao génio da lâmpada, mas sim entregar-lhe tudo aquilo que tem que ser transformado em nós. É para entregar e não para pedir.

Não entramos no circuito da Abundância fugindo de nós próprios, não entramos no circuito da Abundância pedindo a essa grande Mãe a satisfação dos nossos desejos, não entramos no circuito da Abundância com cursos, palestras, cheques enviados a Deus e coisas que tais.

Nós entramos no circuito da Abundância pela entrega, pela fé, que é esta certeza inquestionável que tudo está ali para o nosso crescimento e amadurecimento e que por isso não temos que fugir de nada, nem buscar o caminho mais cómodo, que embora nos possa trazer água fresca para os nossos pés, nada nos trará para a nossa verdadeira transformação como seres espirituais que somos.

Sim, porque um ser pode dominar por completo a Lei da Atracção, trazendo para a sua vida toda a felicidade material e estar completamente estagnado em termos espirituais, enquanto que um outro, nada sabedor dessa Lei e que até poderá ter a sua vida um tanto caótica do ponto de vista material, poderá estar a dar passos significativos nesse mesmo crescimento.

Ao entrarmos dentro da Lei da Abundância o universo, sem que nós tenhamos que pedir coisa alguma, ou questionar o que quer que seja, porque já nos entregamos incondicionalmente a ele, irá fazer chegar a nós tudo aquilo que necessitamos para cumprirmos a nossa função, que tanto poderá ser coisa alguma do ponto de vista material como mais que tudo aquilo que alguma vez nós pudéssemos ter desejado. É indiferente. E é indiferente porque o foco não está mais naquilo que se recebe, mas sim naquilo que tem que ser realizado.

A escolha será sempre nossa. Podemos recusar continuar a caminhar pelo deserto rumo à verdadeira Abundância, estacionando num qualquer oásis. Mas atenção, a Lei da Atracção é temporária como tudo aquilo que é material. Basta uma tempestade de areia e o deserto avançará sobre o oásis. A Abundância, que é uma Lei Espiritual, é eterna, e depois de alcançada nunca mais se separará de nós, venham as tempestades que vierem.

escrito por Pedro Elias

quarta-feira, setembro 05, 2007


(Correções & Ensinamentos)

Aconteça o que acontecer na sua vida, não perca a sua paz interior, ela é a força que você precisa para manter-se em equilíbrio mesmo durante as piores tempestades.

Nessa época de pessoas atormentadas por pesadelos, por frustrações e sonhos desfeitos, manter a paz é fundamental para não cair nas armadilhas da depressão.

A carga de informação que você recebe durante o seu dia, a pressão do trabalho, dos estudos e dos relacionamentos, acaba deixando seus nervos em pedacinhos.

Se você não estiver com o pensamento voltado para o seu bem estar, você não consegue manter o equilíbrio e ai, o seu fígado começa a sofrer as primeiras conseqüências, daí para as doenças do estômago como a gastrite, a úlcera e outros nomes não muito recomendáveis, é um passo.

É preciso que você coloque filtros em sua vida, e ao receber as notícias, sejam elas quais forem, analisar e rapidamente descartar o que não for realmente importante para sua caminhada.

Manter-se em paz é um exercício diário, porque muitos obstáculos estarão presentes no seu dia a dia, a começar pelo seu lar, onde sob o mesmo teto reúnem-se pessoas que não compartilham as mesmas idéias que você.

No trabalho outros problemas nos aguardam. Manter o emprego esta cada vez mais difícil, devido a enorme competição imposta pelas empresas entre os funcionários, tornando o clima às vezes "infernal e insuportável".

Para complicar tem o seu relacionamento que anda às vezes tão complicado por coisas tão bobas, que você fica pensando, será que vale a pena?

E quando você está a sós, fica imaginando que não nasceu para amar e ser amado, que os anjos te esqueceram e outras besteiras que a solidão causa.

Tudo isso e mais aqueles amigos que acreditam que você é poderoso e usam seu ombro como se fosse um grande muro das lamentações e deixam você mais carregado de energias nada boas.

Cuide-se enquanto é tempo. Para que sua paz continue, use estas regrinhas básicas:

- Use o bom senso ao ler as notícias.

- Pare de ir no embalo dos alarmistas de plantão.

- Ao entrar no local de trabalho, faça uma prece em silêncio e cumprimente a todos com alegria.

- Respeite-se, se não estiver com vontade de falar com ninguém, retire-se e pare de fingir que está tudo bem.

- Peça ajuda. Para ajudar alguém precisamos estar muito bem. Se você não estiver bem, esqueça, você vai prejudicar a você e a quem pediu ajuda. A paz é uma conquista daqueles que se amam.

- Ame-se pelo amor de você mesmo! Ninguém tem o direito de invadir a sua paz e se o estão fazendo é porque você está permitindo.

- Reveja seus atos. Para manter a sua paz vale tudo: banhos relaxantes, orações, terapias, e muito amor. A paz é um exercício diário.

- Sorria mais, relaxe, busque um cantinho dentro de você para ser feliz. Você é responsável pelo seu bem estar. Estando feliz, o outro seguirá o seu exemplo.

- Acredite em você.

- Valorize-se. Você merece muito mais do que tem hoje, e vai conquistar se mantiver seu pensamento voltado para suas conquistas, sonhos e desejos.

Só existem dois dias no ano em que nada pode ser feito. Um se chama ontem e outro amanhã. Portanto, hoje é o dia certo para amar, acreditar, fazer, e principalmente viver.

Palavras Escritas por: Autor Desconhecido

in :http://www.palavrasdocoracao.com.br/

terça-feira, setembro 04, 2007


By Martin Brofman, Ph. D.

Everything begins with your consciousness. Everything that happens in your life, and everything that happens in your body, begins with something happening in your consciousness. Your consciousness is who you are, your experience of Being You decide what ideas to accept and which to reject. You decide what to think, and you decide what to feel. When these decisions leave you with residual stress, you experience the stress as if in your physical body. We know that stress creates symptoms. The interesting question is, "Which stress creates which symptoms?" When we are able to quantify this process, we are then able to see the body as a map of the person's consciousness, relating particular symptoms to particular stresses and particular ways of being, in the same way that Type "A" Behavior has been able to be associated with heart disease. Everything Starts In Your Consciousness To understand this map, we must first orient ourselves to the idea that the causes
of symptoms are within. While it's true that germs cause disease and accidents cause injuries, it is also true that this happens in accord with what is happening in the consciousness of the person involved. Germs are everywhere. Why are some people affected and not others? Something different is happening in their consciousness. Why do some patients in hospitals respond better to treatment than others? They have different attitudes. Something different is happening in their consciousness When someone is injured in an "accident," why is it that a very specific part of the body is affected, and that it is the same part that has had habitual problems? Is that an "accident," or is there a pattern and an order to the way things happen in our bodies? You Are A Being of Energy Your consciousness, your experience of Being, who you really are, is energy. We can call it "Life Energy" for now. This energy does not just live in your brain; it fills your entire body. Your
consciousness is connected to every cell in your body. Through your consciousness, you can communicate with every organ and every tissue, and a number of therapies are based on this communication with the organs which have been affected by some kind of symptom or disorder. This energy which is your consciousness, and which reflects your state of consciousness, can be measured through the process known as Kirlian photography. When you take a Kirlian photograph of your hand, it shows a certain pattern of energy. If you take a second photograph while imagining that you are sending love and energy to someone you know, there will be a different pattern of energy shown on the Kirlian photograph. Thus, we can see that a change in your consciousness creates a change in the energy field that i s being photographed, which we call the aura. This energy field shown in the Kirlian photographs has been quantified, so that when there are "holes" in particular parts of the energy
field, these are said to correspond to particular weaknesses in specific parts of the physical body. The interesting thing about this is that the weakness shows up in the energy field before there is ever any evidence of it on the physical level. Thus, we have an interesting direction of manifestation shown through what we have described. 1. A change of consciousness creates a change in the energy field.
2. A change in the energy field happens before a change in the physical body. The direction of manifestation is from the consciousness, through the energy field, to the physical body. Consciousness- -----1--- ----Energy Field------2- ------Physical Body When we look at things in this way, we see that it is not the physical body creating the energy field, the aura, but rather the aura or energy field that is creating the physical body. What we see as the physical body is the end result of a process that begins with the consciousness. We Each Create Our Reality When someone makes a decision that leaves them with stress, creating a blockage in the energy field with a sufficient degree of intensity, this creates a symptom on the physical level. The symptom speaks a certain language, which reflects the idea that we each create our own reality. When the symptom is described from that point of view, the metaphoric significance of the symptom becomes clear. Thus,
instead of saying, "I can't see," the person would have to say, "I have been keeping myself from seeing something." If they cannot walk, they would have to say, "I have been keeping myself from walking away from something." And so on. We must understand that there are no accidents and no coincidences. Things do happen according to a pattern and order. The Human Directional System We can say that we have an inner guidance system, a connection to our Higher Self, or our Inner Being, or whatever name we choose to give this Higher Intelligence. This inner guidance system functions through what we call our intuition, or our instinct. It speaks a very simple language. Either it feels good, or it doesn't. All the rest is just politics. We are told we should move with what feels good, and do not do what doesn't feel good to us. We are told to trust this inner voice. When we don't follow this inner voice we feel tension. We feel not-good. Then, the voice must get
louder. The next level of communication is through the emotions. As we move more and more in the direction that feels not-good, we experience more and more emotions that feel not-good, and at some point we can say, "I should have listened to myself when I thought to move in the other direction." That meant that we heard the inner voice. Otherwise, we could not have said, "I should have listened." If we make the decision we know is the right one for us, and therefore change direction, there is a release of tension, we feel better, and we know we are again on the right track. If we continue to move in the direction that feels not-good, the communication reaches the physical level. We create a symptom, and the symptom speaks a language which reflects the idea that we each create our own reality. When we describe the symptom from that point of view, we can understand the message. If we change our way of being, we have received the message, and the symptom has no
further reason for being. It is able to be released, according to whatever we allow ourselves to believe is possible. If we created the symptom with a decision, we are also able to release it with a decision. As an hypothesis, we can imagine that someone makes a decision that it is not a good idea to express what they want. From that moment, whenever there is something they want, they keep themselves from expressing it, and therefore from having what they want. That feels not-good. The tension grows. They feel more and more not-good as they keep themselves from expressing what they want and not having it. Eventually, something happens to create a symptom on the physical level, and their right arm is affected. It could have happened through falling from a ladder, or in an automobile accident, or by pinching a nerve in the neck, or by "sleeping in a draft." Something had to happen on the physical level to create the symptom, in order to give the person the
message on the physical level about what they had been doing to themselves. We do to ourselves literally what we have been doing to ourselves figuratively. The effect is that the person cannot move their arm. They are keeping themselves from reaching for something, and since it is the right arm, on the "will" side of the body, they are keeping themselves from reaching for or going for what they want. They have been giving themselves reasons to not believe that they could have what they want. When they begin to do something different in their consciousness, they notice that something different begins to happen with their arm, and the symptom is able to be released. Using The Map When there is tension in a particular part of the body, this represents a tension in a particular part of the consciousness, about a particular part of the person's life. Being aware of these associations helps one to see the importance of resolving the tense issues in their life.
If it were only a question of doing what is necessary for the person to be happy, that would be reason enough to motivate the person to want to change something that doesn't work for them, but here, we see that it is also a matter of health. The issues that are unresolved in a person's life are, in fact, hazardous to their health. When we see the correspondences between the consciousness and the body, we see the degree to which we each create our reality. In fact, those words begin to take on a new meaning. We see how everything begins in our consciousness and we are able to look around us at other aspects of our lives in the same way. When we see how the body carries out the messages and deepest wishes of the Being within the body, we can realize that the process can go in more than one direction. If our consciousness is directing how we develop symptoms, it can also direct how we release these same symptoms. If our consciousness can make our body ill, our
consciousness can make our body well. The logical conclusion of this process is that anything can be healed.

Copyright 1987 Martin Brofman, Ph.D

Aromaterapia - Headache

To relieve a headache, rub a drop of Peppermint oil on the temples, forehead, over the sinuses (stay away from the eyes) and on the back of the neck. Be sure to dilute with a carrier oil.

When using essential oils for a headache,try inhalation from a tissue. This methodoften works faster and better than massage.Oils to try are Lavender, Chamomile, Peppermint,Basil and Rosemary.

Dealing with Grief

There are two aspects to the brain: a logical, reasoning side, and a spontaneous, intuitive side. We need both, but advanced industrial societies tend to emphasize logical functions over those of intuitions, focusing on what can be experienced by the physical senses and on whatever is culturally agreed upon to be "reality."

This is particularly important when it comes to the matter of death. There are many beliefs about what happens after death. The response of survivors is rarely logical. Logic would dictate that when someone dies the best thing to do would be to get over it, but there is a logic of the heart which knows that there needs to be a process of mourning and grieving. The heart seems to know that once grieving is complete the way is open to the logic of the soul, which knows that death, too is an illusion.

Heart to Soul

Two stones are especially helpful in handling grief. Rose quartz is very good for the person who may resist grief because it is so painful, and instead bury emotions. If this method worked I would be all for it, but grief which remains unexpressed remains in the heart and can affect one's mood in subtle ways.

Amethyst, which helps the soul who is about to journey to another dimension by guiding it through the twilight realm between life and death, can be helpful to those who remain behind. It helps us travel the road from heart to soul.

Healing for Grief

In my own experience with mourning I've found it most important not to attempt to repress or curtail the grieving experience. Don't say to yourself, "I've cried long enough." Don't judge how long your grieving process should be.

This can be especially important if you're grieving the loss of an animal companion. There are people who don't understand; avoid them for now, and seek out people who realize that the loss of a beloved animal can be as painful as that of a human.

If you're mourning the death of a being dear to you you may find it very comforting to carry and/or wear amethyst. This is also a very good time to meditate with amethyst.

In crystal layouts it's traditionally placed on the third eye center (between and slightly above the eyebrows. A tumbled stone, heart, point, or small cluster will do.

It's also helpful to place rose quartz on the heart center at the same time, in order that the emotions may be opened, and a rhodochrosite on the solar plexus to ensure deep breathing. If you worry about getting lightheaded from meditation you may want to place a hematite or smoky quartz by your feet.
Inhale and exhale deeply. If you feel sorrow or an urge to cry at any point allow those feelings to be expressed.

Focus on the color lavender or violet. Feel that color radiating from the amethyst on your third eye and filling your being. Breathe the color in from your feet through the front of your body up to the top of your head; then exhale it down the back of your body through your feet.

Imagine the being who has gone on. Think of all you have shared. Feel how great a gift they've given you by being in your life. Realize that this gift continues in your memories.

If there is anything unfinished about your relationship: words you never spoke, a misunderstanding which was never cleared up, do the work of completion now. Silently say whatever needs to be said, and know that your words are heard and accepted.

When you are ready to end your meditation (its length is up to you) thank the being again.

Do this meditation as often as you need to.

Additional Grief Helpers

Flower Essences
Star of Bethlehem, which is generally recommended for shock and trauma, is especially helpful in cases of sudden or unexpected death.

Angelica, which can also help you to be in contact with angels, can create or deepen your connection with the one who has passed on.

Sweet Chestnut is the flower remedy recommended for deep grief and anguish which feels as if it will never end.

These are all Bach Flower Remedies.

Essential Oils
Frankincense helps us to release ties to the past. This doesn't mean that pleasant and loving memories will be erased, only that the individual can move forward.

Angelica has an energy similar to that of the flower essence of the same name.

Grief sometimes closes the heart chakra, and Bergamot helps to re-open it.

Article from my files:
Beyond the Rainbow
http://www.rainbowc rystal.com

On Making Mistakes

Daniel H. Johnston

Have you ever made a mistake? Of course you have. We all do. The problem is not making mistakes but what you tell yourself when you make one. What did you say to yourself the last time that you made a mistake?

Whatever you said depends upon your rule about mistakes. We all have "Rules for Living" that we learned early in life and apply to our daily experiences. Because we live in an achievement and success oriented world, a popular rule is, "Whenever you do anything, do it right." Our parents, teachers, coaches, and friends helped us learn this rule. If we adopted it as our own then it may have been translated as, "Be thoroughly adequate and competent in everything you do." With this rule we become perfectionists and don't like mistakes. Mistakes are now "bad" and something to be avoided.

If you are a perfectionist or just like to "do things right" then whenever you make a mistake, the Voice of Conscience (that little voice that talks to you) speaks up. Whether the mistake is big or small the Voice of Conscience is heard and says something like, "Look at that. What is wrong with you? Can't you do anything right? You will never learn. Why don't you just give up?"

Soon, you are feeling bad. You are sad, angry, or frustrated. If someone asks what is wrong, you point out the mistake (whatever it might be) and say, 'Look at this mess. Anyone would be upset." You saying that the mistake has created your mood and behavior.

Now, the reality is that you have created your own mood and actions with your inner dialogue of name-calling and criticism.

The problem is that you are applying a bad rule about mistakes. It may have been a good rule and kept you out of trouble when you were six years old, but it is not a good rule now that you are older. It is time to change the rule. What would be a better one? In reality, what is a mistake?

Just recall how you learned to ride a bike. What is the first step in learning to ride? Falling off. You lean too far to the right and what happens? You fall. Next, you lean too far to the left and you fall again. Fall off and get back up enough times and you will learn to balance and ride the bike. So, a mistake is the first step in learning. Success comes from mistakes. This is good news. With this new rule the inner dialogue of the Voice of Conscience can change.

With your new rule, what should you say to yourself the next time you make a mistake? Something like, "Great! Wonderful! Now I can learn something." You will be energized and feel excited, challenged, and motivated. You will get busy and work harder.

So, check out your rules for mistakes. Listen to what you say to yourself when you make one? If you don't like what you hear - then change the rule.

interview Robert Happe - conciência


Quem é Robert Happé:

The Secrets

1. Realize that the Truth is within you, in your Spirit, not outside.

2. "Know yourself"
To do that, empty your mind and you will listen to your Spirit. It's like opening a little flower. The flower is already beautiful, but when it opens, you discover that is much more. You start to rediscover the Truth and stop the confusion of your mind. Life begins to make sense when you listen to your Spirit instead of your mind. Leads to Wisdom.

3. "Be yourself"
Being yourself you'll not only feel comfortable but will also attract the right people to you, improving syncronicity. Sincronicity is the things that happens that leads to what CREATOR planned to your life.

4. "Accept yourself"
Accepting yourself, you meet with Inner Peace and comfort. You start to deal better with your problems and life make more sense to you.

5. "Trust yourself"
Leads to recognition, success and Inner Peace. You start to "flow" peacefully in your life. Lots of syncronicity. If you have Trust, have Faith, in yourself, nothing can stop or harm you. Faith that moves mountains...

The most important:
6. "Love yourself"
When you Love yourself, people Love you. Love of the others starts with you loving yourself. This leads to Hapiness and Success along with many other things. If everyone loved and accepted themselves, this would be a very peacefull world.

This means that the Truth is within you, in your Heart, your Spirit (which is yourself).

Love is Wisdom, Wisdom is Love.
Wisdom is the knowledge of yourself.


Aromaterapia - Insomnia

10 drops Roman Chamomile
5 drops Clary Sage
5 drops Bergamot

Directions: Blend the oils well in a clean dark-colored glass bottle. Add 1-2 drops to a tissue and place inside your pillow to aid you in falling asleep.

This is another blend that is relaxing but without the usual Lavender.